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So what did I get for Christmas, you ask?

Well let me show you:

Here we are with my parents showing off our gifts. Mom and Dad with their homemade album and frame, me with my gorgeous Creative Memories album from Mom [more at the bottom of the post], and Nate with our yearly ornament made by Mom. He got more than that, but we made him display this for our picture:)
Henry, Nate, Me and Michael with our loot. Nate got a golfing ski hat [oxy moron, much?], coffee, a coffee cookbook, and a coffee mug. Yes there is a theme here. Me: I got a Mom-made mug, puppies calendar, Creative Memories album, scrapbooking organization supplies, Mizzou tee shirts from my little bro, and earrings. Yes earrings---see below. And Michael got a giant Stewie from the Family Guy. And his guitar hero game, along with other random things. But on to the earrings....
Ta Da!!! The 3 carat babies from QVC. And I was right---3 carats means the total weight, so they aren't TOO obscene. Mom went with the 100 facet round cuts and they are the bomb. Totally bling-tastic. And I think they look very real, even though Nate says I look like a black rapper. Whatever, they are fab.
Oh and did I mention that we received coffee for Christmas? Make that about 8 pounds of the glorious beans! This is a little out of control, don't you think?

And the grande finale: my Creative Memories album made lovingly by my Mother. She is ahead of the scrapbooking game and has converted to online digital albums. So she made me a "Beautiful Lovestory" showcasing me and Nate through the years. She even contacted Lois, my fabulous mother-in-law for some old school pictures of my ILs and Nate. Check out this first page:

So then she went through and used some of the pictures [and bad arse font] from our wedding table numbers. Obviously I'm a bit partial to the entire thing, but this is too cute!

Then she moved on to our dating life, including our half marathon, family meals, and of course...the engagement. She did such a great job!
She only did a FEW pages of wedding pictures but they turned out fabulous. Maybe I should just have Mom do our wedding album, huh?So yeah, it was a successful Christmas. We aren't all about material things during Christmas, considering that spending time with my family was the best gift I could have imagined. But I enjoyed the physical gifts, too!

We are gearing up for part two at my ILs on Saturday. They seem to go all out for Christmas so I can only guess how many pictures I will share afterwards. :)


  1. Wow!! Your mom is amazing. Love the digital scrapbook. How awesome is that? I don't know about those...does she do them online and then print the pages, or does a company have to print the pages for her?

  2. I absolutely LOVE the album your mom did for you - it's one of those gifts you'll hang on to forever. How fun that you did one for her, too!

  3. That album is amazing!! I'm still looking... where did she print hers? And I don't care what Nate says, those earrings are gorgeous!

  4. Love, love, love the albums! The ones you made and the one your mom made you. Do you know what site she uses?

  5. Ronee, Steph, and Amanda~Mom used Creative Memories as a program and their printing services. So you have to use their computer software first, which she is accumulating every possible program right now. I don't know how inexpensive it is but it's an option. Glad you all liked it!

  6. What great comments. This is inspiring me to do more digital scrapbooking! has some free software. I used their Storybook Creator Plus with the Gazebo theme for your book. I like the digital scrapbooking but you can't beat the REAL thing. Your wedding scrapbook that you gave us for Christmas is one of the best gifts I've ever received. How blessed I am to have such a thoughtful daughter. Love you!


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