

Happy New Year!

Last night we celebrated with a very nice dinner at Roots--a fun little restaurant downtown. Here we are:

Here was our bomb dessert platter: The Chocolate Sampler. All kinds of chocolaty goodness on a pretty little plate. Mmmmmm.....

After dinner we tried to get a shot of us with downtown Milwaukee in the background. I like this picture even though we are cold as crap. We pull it off well, don't you think?

Then back to our apt to enjoy Champagne and rental DVDs. Nate had a difficult time popping the bubbly, so of course I took pictures:

Then I tried to get all artistic:

When you don't have a stranger to take your picture, you have to get creative. "Happy New Year, Babe!"

"Let's pretend like we enjoy Champagne for one night."

"Let's try to look creepy for this picture."

"I'm quite tired of all the pictures, already."

"What the heck is going on right now?"
"Just let me play with my toys and leave me alone, please."
All in all, it was a great NYE. We rented The Simpsons Movie and Evan Almighty, but have yet to watch either one. And of course, today will mostly involve football all day long. But I really want to watch those movies!

We watched the ball drop in between snippets of The South Park Movie. Nate hadn't seen it before and I forgot how funny it was, so we put the rentals on hold last night.

You can't beat lazy Tuesdays! Hope everyone enjoyed NYE and brought 2008 in with a bang.


  1. That sounds like a great NYE. You looked gorgeous and what a cute shirt. Happy 2008!

  2. How about those Mizzou Tigers? Happy New Year from Missouri. Love you!

  3. You looked beautiful. Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year! Comfy, cozy NYE's are the best!

  5. RYC: Thank! LOL, since the wedding is over...gotta find something to keep me busy right?

  6. Happy New Year! 2008 is going to be the BEST YEAR YET!

    Haha - the word verification is "djogsht." Say it out loud... I'm laughing. I can't help it I'm trapped in the body of a twelve year old boy! :-)

  7. i just came across your blog and Im looking forward to making it a daily read of mine!! have a great day!

  8. Kim~dogshat? Very appropriate!
    Ronee~It's funny that you noticed my shirt b/c it was quite the ordeal to pick an outfit that night. All I had was Mr.Rodger's like sweaters and so I went all out with a "wild" top instead:)

    Good to see everyone is back among the living !


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