

Some E-cards

Seriously, this e-card site is the funniest thing ever. I just finished laughing so hard that I'm almost crying. Of course, some of the cards are so incredibly inappropriate and R-rated that I would NEVER post them here [some are just PG-13 and made me laugh, but I still won't post them. My Grandma reads this!]. Anyway, enjoy a few faves and go check out their site for a few laughs:

[Sometimes I like to annoy]


[Random, but really funny]

[Ah, anything wedding is fun for me]

[This one is only funny because I love old people. Not disgusting at all, but hilarious]

[What should have been on our Thank You cards]

[Appropriate! But this picture is absolutely not okay]

[My thoughts exactly.]

[Why is this so funny to me?]


  1. Julia-this is random but i saw your wedding albums that you made for you and Nate's mom--my question is where do you come up with ideas for scrapbooking? Is it something you just do yourself or do you look at specific sites for inspiration? I really liked what I saw and was inspired to do something along those lines. Thanks!

  2. Hi Julia! Glad you found my blog - and welcome to Wisconsin! I'll have to do some more reading here when I have a bit more time ...

    I just wanted to say that those ecards are hilarious and I love that site. I sent that tropical vacation one to my husband a few weeks ago. :)

    I'll visit the site during work and then try my best not to laugh like a lunatic while sitting at my desk!

  3. Julia, I just came on your blog because I love the songs that you have on here (I play them in the background when I need to mellow out) and I was happy to find these funny little ecards!

    Your blog really is great! I look forward to reading more of your entries!

    TeresaJ from stlwed


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