


Well, in a little more than three months I've managed to pump out 100 posts on this blog. It's become something I look forward to doing and I thoroughly enjoy hearing from all of my readers. The comments are definitely my most favorite part of blogging, without a doubt.

So for this post, I'm going to make a request. Since you've taken the time to open my site and read this blog, why not take another minute to comment. Some of you are loyal to leaving your thoughts and others are not...but for this post, I'd like to encourage EVERYONE to leave me a few words.

You might ask, "What the heck do you want me to say?"

Well how about:
~Where are you [state? country?]
~What do you like about my blog?
~And a good old fashioned ice breaker question: What would be the FIRST thing you'd do if you won the lottery? Not a list of everything you'd do, but the very first move you'd make?

I'll start:
~I'm in America's Dairyland, good ol' Wisco.
~I like reading comments from real life friends and virtual friends as well. That is why I blog.
~I would pay for all of my student loans, and also all of Nate's past loans and future schooling. That'd be the first thing but I have an internal list of about 100 things I'd do:)

So let's see it ladies. Who are you and what do you have to say for this 100 post birthday? :)


  1. Oooo! Good post! I've been a little slacking lately in the blogging world - I blame it on school. :o)

    1. Missouri, the only place in the world where we can get 8 inches of snow one day and have it all melt in 75 degree weather the next.
    2. I love looking at all of your creations! And, reading quotes from Nate - they make me laugh!
    3. I'd pay off all our debt - house, credit cards, and jumpstart Rob's business endeavor.

  2. Great idea Julia!

    ~I am also in St Louis
    ~I enjoy reading your blog cos i think that you have interesting stuff to say
    ~If I won the lottery, we'd pay our student loans and sell everything that we have to travel the world. I would also buy a cabana on the beach in Mexico, and offer my parents a house. I'd get myself a Louis Vuiton bag too!

  3. 1. I am in Madison, WI

    2. I also like seeing your scrapbook pages, etc. It gives me creative energy. I like hearing about Milwaukee/Wisconsin through a newcomers eye. And finally, I think your personality really comes through in your writing and it makes it fun to read.

    3.I would quit my job immediately and buy a great house.

  4. question: where do you find those embellishments like the ones on the picture above? (i.e. the black border across the top)

  5. Happy 100th birthday from Jefferson City, Missouri.

    I love reading your blog to see what is happening in your part of the world! Your humor always makes me smile and the pictures are so much fun. I love seeing all of the creativity displayed on your blog... Shall I go on? :)

    Of course we would help our daughter & son-in-law pay off student loans if we won the lottery!

  6. ~I'm in missouri as well.
    ~I love all your incredibly crafty and creative ideas, and all the pictures of snow!
    ~If we won the lottery the first thing I'd want to do is buy a big tract of land to build our dream house on.

  7. Hi Julia,
    1.I am in Southern California.
    2.I love reading everything you write. You are so creative and completely hilarious. I love when you write about your family or friends or crazy things you did in college. I also love when you tell funny Nate or Henry stories.
    3. I would pay off our debts and buy a house on the water. I have other ideas too, but that is the first.

    Happy 100 posts.

  8. Hi, Julia. It's Coree (coree730 from STLwed)

    ~I am in Kansas City.
    ~I like reading your blog because I like to see your scrapbook pages and pictures. I read your blog last week and it motivated me to go to Hobby Lobby and buy scrapbook paper and stickers to do my wedding album. I have yet to start, but I have the tools!
    ~I would pay off all my debt and book my ticket to the most exotic city I can think of and become a traveling nomad with my hubby and step foot on every continet!

  9. Hi Julia!

    I'm in STL

    I love reading your blog because you crack me up and the quotes from Nate are always hilarious.

    I'd pay off all our debt - house and car - and then we'd open Chad's restaurant.

    Happy 100!

  10. hahah, we can always count on you for something good!

    -Freeburg, IL (St. Louis Metro, just in a corn field instead of the city)

    -I read your blog because it always has something very entertaining and you have good commentary on whatever topic it is you're discussing. I get very disappointed when I get on your blog and you haven't updated!!! :)

    -I would pay off all our debt so we could have a fresh start which includes credit cards, car payments, personal loan and student loans. That way we could buy a house and have lots and lots of babies :) :) :)

  11. Julia, congrats on 100!

    1. Valley Park, MO specifically
    2. First of all, I think you are awesome. Second, you have a very creative mind and a good eye for design that I totally lack and envy. Third, if I knew you IRL I think we would be good friends. Fourth, Henry is adorable. Fifth, I believe that everything you say on this blog is from your heart and I love the mix of comedy and your own nostaglia. Sixth, the music is good, very "chill".
    3. If I won lottery I would try really hard not to tell anyone about how I now own my home, cars, and have all my student loans paid off and go about my everyday life like nothing ever happened.

  12. J- know where I am. Good old Emporia, KS (yeah!!! can you tell how enthusiastic I am?)

    I am obsessed with your blog and would consider myself to be one of your stalkers. I love your blog because I get little pieces of you! I miss getting to hang out with you dearly, and by visiting the blog, I feel like I still get to interact with you on a daily basis.

    Lottery...girls trip...take all my friends on a WARM, beach vacation... and of course pay off some of those great student loans

  13. 1. Illinois- Springfield area
    2. I love your style (esp. the scrapbooks!)
    3. I would pay off my student loans, our house, and Scott's car first.

  14. Hi Julia,

    1. I'm in Worcester, England - yes home of Lee & Perrins. Worcestershire sauce
    2. I really like your sense of humour and writing style (and of course all of your wedding-related inspiration).
    3. I'd pay off our student debts, those of our family, and look to actually buy a house over here instead of renting.

  15. Congrats on 100, Julia!

    1. I'm in St. Louis
    2. I like reading your blog, bc I miss you on Stlwed, so your blog keeps me up to date on you. :) Plus, you're just hilarious and sweet.
    3. I'd pay everything off and then play a great celebration trip!

  16. I'm in Waterloo, IL.
    I like reading your blog because you always have good pictures and ideas.
    If I won the lottery I would pay off all of our student loans, buy a house and buy my parents a new house.

  17. ~I am in Sevilla, Spain
    ~I enjoy reading your blog because you're funny and sweet and I think we would be good friends IRL. Sorry if that's scary. ;)
    ~If I won the lottery, I'd pay off student loans and the mortage and then do lots of traveling and shopping!

    Happy blog-birthday, Julia!

  18. 1. I'm in Hagerstown, MD....a moderate sized town in western Maryland about 1 hour from Baltimore and Washington, DC.

    2. I am minorly obsessed with the blog (although, I don't quite consider myself a stalker, as Keri defines herself!). I will agree with her statement about getting little pieces of you----I especially love the pictures, stories, etc... from the SLU days. We definatley had some great memories!!

    3. I'd pay off my house and school loans and make sure that I had enough money for Madelyn's college fund so she won't have school loans (God only knows how much it will cost in 15 years!!)

  19. 1. Mokane, Missouri

    2. I love your creativity and sense of humor. Your blog is original, inspiring, and fun to read.

    3. Buy that new lens!

    HAPPY 100TH JULIA! Keep up the great blog.

  20. Hi Julia!

    -I am in Milwaukee, WI!
    -I came across your blog one day after The Seven Spot mentioned that article you dedicated to your mom! You have hilarious stories and so many fun, creative ideas!
    -If I won the lottery, I would pay off all student loans as well!

  21. 1. Milwaukee, WI
    2. I'm a blog fan - I like reading about real people's lives.
    3. Down payment on a house.

    Congrats on 100!

  22. Hi Julia!
    1. O'Fallon, MO
    2. I love reading your blog are so funny, you have a good eye for all things girly and gorgeous and always post the great places to find it, your posts are always entertaining.
    3. I'd find a good lawyer and financial advisor.

  23. Yay work readers!! That's me.
    Congrats on 100 posts, my blog also juts celebrated 100 posts, but it took us a bit longer then you did.

    1. I'm reading in Ontario, Canada.

    2. I like reading your blog to see all your creative ideas. I loved your recent fabric post. My mom and I are making fabric curtains as well and I loved picking out the fabric. Maybe I'll do a fabric post. (My mom's the genius sewer in my family, she even Sewed my wedding dress!)

    3. If I won the lottery I would pay off what we owe on the farm my husband and I bought and would buy a house.

  24. Hi Julia! Wow, 100 posts, that could keep me busy at work! I found your blog when Kristal posted a link to hers on STLWed and I wanted to see how her kitchen remodel is going. I've had fun reading your posts during the slow hours at work. If we won the lottery, we'd pay off most of the student loans (why pay off Sallie Mae loans when they're at such a low interest rate? You can make more money investing most of that and just making the monthly payments) and paying off the house.

  25. Oh, also, even though DH and I got a puppy, I still check stray rescue's page religiously. I think you guys should make a trip down to StL to get you puppy a pal, how cute would he look with this guy:

  26. I'm in Oklahoma
    the creative do it yourself stuff, and all your decorating ideas
    I'd probably pay off debt then buy a house.

  27. Hey Julia!

    1. Belleville, IL

    2. I <3 your scrapbook pages and just your general creativity! Ohy, and the hilarious stories about Nate crack me up every time!

    3. I'd pay off all of our debt and then buy a house.

  28. First time commenter here.

    1. I'm in St. Louis.
    2. You inspired me to start my own blog last week. It's not as creative as yours (AT ALL!), but it's a work in progress.
    3. I would pay off my/husband's student loans and buy a house. I'm sick of renting!

  29. 1. St. Charles, Missouri

    2. I enjoy your perceptions on life and your funny stories.

    3. I would buy our dream home.

  30. 1. I'm in California....have no idea how I found your blog...but I come back every so often to see the snow pictures and see cute Henry's puppy eyes. :)

    2. I have been married 16 great years - with 3 precious boys - and it is fun to read your newlywed posts...(insert big sigh) it seems so long ago that just me and my husband were taking trips to Trader Joe's to buy it's trips to Costco for 6 gallons of milk and $300 worth of groceries!!! Enjoy the years where it is just the two of you....when babies do come along it is wonderful, but you are never alone again! HA!

    3. Buy a bigger house, pay off our debt, and save for 3 college educations!

  31. 1. Live in Omaha, NE
    Work in Council Bluffs, IA
    It's like STL with the East side.

    2. Why? You always have something interesting to read.

    3. put money towards our new sliding, windows and the upcoming wedding.

  32. Wow, 31 posts....that is my new record for sure. I stopped by a few of your blogs to leave a note, but otherwise I'm going to try and address you all here [because I'm just that psycho about blog manners]

    steph~so sweet for you to think of Rob if you won the lotto!

    yara~i'd love to share that mexican cabana with you when you win!

    kelly~i hope i'm not too cynical about milwaukee as a newcomer! I really do like it here but this time of year is just rough!

    mom~love you! I'd hope that you and dad would retire BEFORE helping us out in any way with the lotto win!

    cheryl~hi there! thanks for the visit. glad you appreciate the pics of the snow, too:)

    ronee~being in southern california, aren't you kind of on the water now? is that totally moronic of me to say?

    coree~hi there, stranger! getting the scrapbooking supplies is the first VERY big step. You'll get there sometime!

    kristal~hi dear! you and stephanie both are too cute opening restaurants for your hubbies:)

    amber~i hope to post regularly so I don't disappoint too much! :)

    teresaj~you are seriously the sweetest person ever. we'd totally be buddies IRL. Love that you'd hide the lotto win from everyone:)

    keri~miss you, too! i'm glad you still read, i wasn't sure if i scared you off lately:) I figured some of my Kansas hits on google analytics were from you!

    melissa~i just added your blog to my google reader so i'll be stopping by!

    sarah~wow, an english reader! I love your blog, too. so cool to be in England!

    nikki~you are too kind. I'm right here if you need to hear any of my ramblings:)

    karen&tj~thanks for coming by! hope all is well.

    sarita~not creepy at all! we'd be friends for sure. and your comment made me lol:)

    al~hi there! glad you like the blog, i figured you were a main contender for the MD hits, too:)

    erin~get that lens, girl!

    jenn~thanks for coming by! glad you found me and liked my mom's post. nothing beats the thought of getting rid of S.L's, huh?

    sara~glad you found me, love your blog, too. i have some catching up to do, though.

    amanda~you are very smart to get the financial advisor first. I think you are the only one who said that!

    kate~hello there! I tried to sign onto your blog again and had some difficulties. I will try again later but thanks for coming by!

    jenna~hi stranger! glad you have the time to browse. that puppy you posted is TOO cute. Worth a trip down for sure, but I think Nate would leave me if we got another dog:)

    mrs.a~I didn't know you were in Oklahoma!

    jenn~another nate quote fan! thanks for posting, dear!

    hckelley~you need to leave us your blog link, I'd love to check it out! and thanks for commenting!

    lisa~hi there! I've been keeping tabs on your blog, too. thanks for stopping by.

    Cali-girl~you are so right. We need to take advantage of our wine nights more often and chill out about the "next phase" for awhile. And by "we" I mean me:)

    abi~i just posted on your blog, but your 'east side' comment is too funny.

    and that is it. if anyone else comments i can't promise that i will do this:) my head hurts!

  33. I'm late to this, but hi! (and responding to your question above, I definitely read all the posts that are new to me since last time, not just the top one!)

    Congrats on 100 posts!

    1. I'm in Milwaukee, Wis.
    2. Your blog is colorful and beautiful and your personality comes through in your writing. And you seem really cool. :)
    3. I'd pay off my debt and put the rest down on a house. And go on a big trip, and then hopefully get pregnant! (yes, big plans for winning the lotto over here!)

  34. Southwest WI

    I enjoy your blog. I love seeing how others in WI live.

    I'd pay off my debts and build my kids the sweetest Treehouse ever!

    Congrats on your 100th post!

  35. Thanks for responding to all the comments! So my blog is definitely in the beginning stages and I feel it's kind of blah right now but here is the link:

    Thanks so much in advance for looking at it. :)

  36. WOW Julia...these comments are so fun to read. Great idea!
    1. I am here in St. Louis, Missouri
    2. I think you are hilarious and you have a witty sense of humor.
    3. I would probably take the same route as many...I would love to travel with my future hubby! I would also pay off the house that we are about to buy!!!

  37. Hi Julia,

    I'm a first time commenter but I have been reading your blog for awhile. Without further ado,

    1. I'm reading from Portland, OR.
    2. I enjoy reading your blog because I am also a scrapbooker and I love to see what you come up with next.
    3. If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is set aside two trust accounts for each of my daughters, then fulfill everything else on my list.

    Congratulations on the 100 posts.


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog. Sorry that commenting through Blogger can be a royal pain. I'm glad you are commenting despite that, and please email me if you are having issues.