

V-day surprise

I arrived home tonight to what is probably the last package to sit at this doorstep. My loving Mom did it again---she brightened my day with a special Missouri delivery. Of course: HER birthday is on Valentines day and she's the one who sends me a package, and I didn't even get a cute card in the mail yet. Sorry, Mom!

Anyway, want to see our loot? Just when I thought I was through with cardboard boxes, this beauty arrived:

What's this? Oh just items from the gorgeous PaPaYa that I blogged about the other day. A fabulous card and my monogram ready to be hung in our new place!
[Sigh]. The glitter. The ribbon. The beautiful font. It's perfect!

And after digging to the bottom of the box I found this!

It will be perfect in our bedroom! And yes, it has glitter, too. Just fabulous, right?

Mom could never leave Henry out on the fun, so she geared him up for the rest of the winter. Look at this adorable fleece! Doesn't he look like a little man sitting up on his back legs?

Oooooh, but that's the patented 'Ticked Off Henry' face.

He got a Valentines Day ball and he's obsessed.

Did I mention that his fleece has a collar? And Nate just HAD to pop it like a true preppy dog.

Please take a moment to appreciate the cut out around his 'area.' This is supposed to make it 'leg lift friendly' but I think Henry's anatomy is all screwy or something. His stream would totally be blocked by that strap, but it's too cute not to wear.
We also got lots of conversation hearts, soap, Hershey Kisses [in the chocolate cheesecake flavor!], and I got a bunch of fun skin care products. How fun!!

Thank you, Mom, for the great gifts! We all love them and Henry refuses to take off his fleece.


  1. Yay! You have the greatest Mom ever!

  2. The is the cutest fleece on Henry! And your mom is awesome!

  3. Aww! You're mom's so sweet! I love the ticked off Henry look. It looks vaguely familiar...

  4. PaPaYa Rocks!! Seriously, I love everything on that site. As soon as we move, I'm ordering somethings from her. Thanks for turning me on to that site :)

  5. That's awesome! Can your mom adopt me? I saw the cute end tables and I think doffee table you have with the drawers undereath... where did you get those? I like them!


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