

Album design: part two

It is finished.

My album, that is. It's been uploaded and ordered my friends. And for only $75 total including shipping and taxes. Would you like to see?

Here is the front cover:

Here is the opening page:

Then comes all of the layouts I already posted about here, if you are into the chronological thing like me:)

And now for my new reception layouts [remember to click on them if you want to see bigger images]:

these last two pages should really be laid out together like the rest but I only saved them separately:

Whew. That was a lot of work but I think I'm going to love it. Now I just have to wait on Blurb and hopefully I'm not disappointed with their product. Because I might have a few interested girls in the wings...

And now I have to get out from behind the computer screen and enjoy this weather. It's supposed to be 60 degrees today and I swear people might be laying out because it's so 'hot.' Seriously. I wouldn't be surprised:)


  1. Wow! That looks great! I would definitely like something like that but have no clue how to go about it? How about teaching the rest of us?

  2. The album looks amazing Julia! I'm thoroughly impressed - not that I expected any less from you. ;) I can't wait to see the final product. Do you know how long till you get it? I wish you were closer to me, I'd love to spend a day with you helping me put my album together!

  3. Thanks, girls! I think it will take 6 days to print and then another 5 or so to ship. So maybe when I make my STL trip I'll have it then!

    I think the most important place to start is narrowing down your pictures into 'must have shots.' Not all pictures can go into the album so pick your favorites and think of different categories: getting ready, outdoor shots, formals, family, ceremony, details, etc. Grouping them together always helps when you are making page layouts.

    That's the best advice I can give without actually doing it for you;)

  4. Julia,
    The album looks AMAZING!!!!! You must be so excited to receive it. I would be going crazy waiting for it.
    It makes me want to do another wedding album for myself b/c yours looks so great!

  5. Wow, you did a great job! I can't wait to hear how you like the final product.

  6. Wow, your book looks FANTASTIC! Great job. You should be doing this on the side for people, no doubt about it!

  7. Good job Julia...we are in the process of doing ours...we are still working on narrowing the pictures though, if i wanted to add all of my favorites, we would probably end up with a 100 pages at least!

  8. I love your album! I need to make one for our wedding as well. Hopefully I can make mine look as great as yours does!

  9. J
    Love the album...see I told you that you would make it look outstanding! My aunt (the one that I said was obsessed with your photographers) loves it too, so with Ash, her daughter getting married this fall, you might just have a customer!

  10. So, do you want to do mine??? Seriosuly!

  11. Seriously Julia, I wonder where you find the time! I know you're a busy gal so when I see you doing all this creative stuff, it just makes me even that more motivated to do my own and disappointed that I haven't done it yet! It looks amazing!


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