

Good vibes, please.

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 2, Keri will undergo her bilateral mastectomy. I posted about this devastating situation last week but I feel like I need to reiterate now, the night before her surgery.

Keri will find out immediately after waking from her surgery whether or not her lymph nodes are affected. Obviously, this is a pivotal factor in her recovery. I spoke with a co-worker today who went through this surgery and she did not have nodal involvement but they still encouraged her to take chemo. So I suppose clear lymph nodes doesn't necessarily mean she can avoid chemo but who knows? Maybe this surgery could be enough of a treatment and she can begin to move forward with her life without chemo or radiation. One can only hope and pray, right?

She doesn't visit her oncologist until next week, and then she will know more about chemo versus radiation versus nothing at all.....but let's all keep Keri in our thoughts and prayers tomorrow.

Also, she has begun a little website so people can follow her journey. It's not a true blog but it's pretty sweet. If you want to visit or leave her a note on the guestbook [which she's admitted she LOVES] go for it! Her link is here. Keri finally succumbed to the wonderment of the internet for virtual interactions with strangers. I KNEW she'd love to do this type of thing!

Also, I may or may not have shipped a fun little package to our girl this morning. Here is a little sneak peek. I love this store!

So here's to a smooth and successful surgery, Ker. We love you! Good vibes from all of us!
[I apologize for the rather ridiculous picture but this was during my bachelorette party. And Keri looks super cute, it's just the innocent bystanders [ahem, Lindsey, Kristen and Megan] that look intoxicated:) ]


  1. Wow. I'm so sorry about this, but after reading her website and her comments, I have full confidence that she'll get through it! She seems so strong and positive. I'll be thinking about her!

  2. Good Luck Keri!!!!

    You are a true friend to her julia- she has such a support group!

    and i am glad you brought her to the internet world of strangers lol :0)

  3. Julia - thanks for posting this and for sharing Keri's website. PLease keep us updated about her surgery!

    I'm off to sign her guestbook now :)

  4. I'm praying for your friend today and I also wrote some words of encouragement on her website--you can do it Keri!!

  5. I'll be thinking of you Keri!!

  6. Julia,
    I'll certainly be thinking about Keri and you today. I'm sending over all the good vibes my body can muster!!

  7. I will be sending good thoughts Keri's way. She is lucky to have a strong support system and her website is a great idea. We kept one for my dad and no matter how sick he felt, his spirits were always uplifted by the comments people left on there.

  8. I literally woke up this morning thinking about Keri...good thoughts!!!!!!

  9. I put in a little prayer for Keri. I'm headed over to her site to leave a note as well.

  10. Good luck, Keri! Try and keep your spirits up!

  11. I'm glad to hear that Keri's surgery went well. Definitely keep us updated!!

  12. Wow, my thoughts and prayers are with her!! Going to visit her site right now ...


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