

Keri and business

Two very unrelated topics, but I need to share:

1. I spoke to Keri tonight after work. As you probably read on her site she got good news today! The egg retrieval went very well and they froze 8 eggs. That is a fantastic number---can you just imagine 8 little Keris running around? Obviously that just means her chance at having her own children in the future is much higher with multiple eggies.

Whew. What a relief. Now the fertility stuff is over and she can focus on her chemo. Plus one week from tonight I'll be packing my bags for Kansas! So. Freaking. Excited.

Also, on a Keri note, a lot of you are reading my blog to follow her story [which is understandable, as it's a powerful story.] I know this because my Google Analytic numbers have jumped a LOT since I started posting about her. On a typical day I'd get about 200 visits or so, more always on Monday and the least on a Saturday. Well now? Take a look:That big peak was last Thursday, after I posted my "Official Request" post for Keri. It was my most popular post and biggest hit day with 298! This week has also been well above 200 each day, so I guess the pressure is on to stay exciting, huh? :) At least I know I can slack off over the weekend and people won't notice.

2. Business: I'm very serious about this album design business. I have five girls who have officially asked me to make their album and I'm ridiculously excited about it. In fact, I need to wrap this up so I can work on my first client's album.

But I need your help. I want to make a little website with information and pretty pictures to make this a reality. I can't resist the idea of ANOTHER internet site to waste my time:) So it goes without saying that I'm deciding on a name for my little business. I was afraid it was too early, and might jinx my success---but now I really want to do this right and make it a legitimate dream.

For the name I want it to represent me. I want it to be clear that this is an album design company. I love the idea of capturing images from the computer and putting them onto paper. I love the concept of making your previous memories a current reality through an album. Deep, huh?

On the car ride home Monday I started jotting down words that I like hoping the name would form itself. But still, I got nothing but a list of words. So you wanna help? Here is the list of my words:

sparkle [that one is for you, Erin N.]
slice of life
return to the moment

So the idea would be something like: "Tangible Memories [Album Design]", or "Pink Bliss [Album Design]," or "Sparkle by Julia [Album Design]."

Those are dumb but you get my idea, right? I'm hoping for some brilliance here, girls. So put on your thinking caps and help a sister out.

That is all. I apologize for the lack of pictures lately but I have a multi-picture post in the wings:)


  1. Maybe this could help spark a good idea --

    Your Moments in Time
    Albums to be Cherished
    Designed by Julia

  2. Hi Julia,
    Allison gave me the link to your blog earlier this week. I have been catching up on your life over the past few days, basically stalking your blog.

    Your Blurb wedding book was positively fabulous, completely portraying who you are and your chic sense of style. I got married this past year, over Labor Day weekend, and I am having trouble trying to organize pictures into an album. If you're not too overwhelmed with the 5 ladies that are already interested in having you do albums for them, let me know. I would be honored to have you and your creativity design an album of our wedding.
    Katie (Bowles) Vaughan

  3. You know I can't resist leaving a comment about business names :)

    Happily Ever After Album Co.

    Forever Bliss Album Design

    Once Upon a Time by Julia

    Pink Diamond Albums (because I know you love pink and diamonds)

    Can't wait to hear more about your new biz!

  4. Hi,

    I've just been reading until now, but just wanted to say that I really respect for you helping your friend and sharing her story, my dad had cancer and I know how this goes.

    I also love your blog because even though I'm just out of college and still single, it gives a glimpse of the types of transitions I hope I make over the coming years!

    So thank you.

  5. Kate and Erin~love the ideas, keep em coming!

    Katie~I will only make your album if I can put something about "Life is just a chair of Bowlies" in there:) Of COURSE, my dear. Email me! [go to my profile]

    Phipp~thanks for de-lurking! Enjoy your young and single days, because you too will become an anxious, bitter hag sometime like myself:) Kidding of course.

  6. Julia~
    I too have been following your friend's story. You are such a great friend to her and have done a wonderful job of not just telling her story, but spreading the word about the importance of early detection. I will continue to follow this journey.
    Regarding the name of your company..."blissful memories"?

  7. I am glad to hear about Keri. She is truly an inspriation to me.

    As far as albums, how much do you charge. I would LOVE for you to design mine as well.

    I went into Blurb and I just don't have the time for it or the skill to really get the background images that I adored on yours.

    As far as names I like "Return to the Moment Album Designs". Let me know when you get business cards and a site so I can put you on my photography site and get some business cards to hand out to my brides. Got to LOVE networking!!!

  8. I tend to like business names that aren't so straight forward and obvious. That being said, I like Pink Bliss, but I also like the "by Julia" tagline. It could be Pink Bliss: Album Design by Julia. And then when (yeah, when. I said it. I bet you have other tricks up your sleeve.) your business grows and you offer other services, you won't be locked into a name that screams "album design".

  9. meaning, you could drop the "album design by Julia" and it could be Pink Bliss: Potholders by Julia ...or whatever it may be :)

  10. i can't wait till you set something up- i am sooo one of your customers! :0)

    i really like this name post! here are my ideas....
    sweet memories
    pink bliss
    In The Moment- Album Design by Julia

    i am so glad the update on keri is good! i have been reading her blog updates as well as yours! <3 i feel like to have you as a blogger friend! :0)

  11. That is great for Keri! I hope things continue to go well for her.

    Hmmm, I am no help in the name department. I lack any sort of creative gene. I guess that's why I'm a scientist. However, I think it's really cool that you will get to design albums for other girls. Your album turned out so gorgeous!

  12. Lol at 'potholders by Julia'. I love it! :)

    Great thoughts, ladies. It's so fun to come up with 8 million options before narrowing it down. Totally up my alley:)

  13. Hi Julia!

    I have been reading your blog for a few weeks and I love it. I found it through Kristal's blog and I have been following Keri's journey. Thank you for sharing her story, it's really made me more aware of how things we never thought could happen, do. Thank you for that. Keri will be in my prayers and I look forward to more updates.


  14. J- I am kinda thinking "Pink Bliss" as well. That name is appropriate for you and will allow more freedom to expand into decorating as well, if you would like. I don't know, they all sound good. I thought you would be impressed by my 4 AM post. I can't sleep, too painful from this last expansion. So, I am typing to you to help distract myself. Stupid boobs. YEAH...I can't wait to see you in less than a week!

  15. I am absolutely no help with a business name, but, I have to say, congrats to you for making it happen! I think it will be so much fun for you.

  16. J,
    Hi there. You helped me (inspired me) via the wedding planning site to become a two-dress bride when I got married in September. I am forever grateful for that! I came across your blog and Brigid's when I was revisiting that site and I am so glad to be able to catch up. Even though I have never met you girls, you helped me navigate that madness that is wedding planning. I really am going to try to go to Keri's fundraiser b/c I had a friend recently go through a full mastectomy and reconstruction at age 36. She made it to the other side and is doing well. I know she would be happy to share her experiences with Keri if she wants to talk to someone who has been through it. Let me know if I can pass on her email address to you. Can't wait to hear more about your biz. No clever ideas from me on the name but I will think about it!


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