

The Big Reveal

The time has come, my friends. I would like to introduce you to my new album design company:

The "J" obviously stands for "Julia" and Lorene is my middle name. It's pronounced lor-EEN {and definitely not lor-AINE.} I eventually concurred that using my name was better than an arbitrary 'pink' selection. But don't worry, my color of choice still makes an appearance.

The domain I purchased is: And I got my fabulous website hosting and template at [after researching my options for about a week]. I have been hard at work and I hope you enjoy! It's still a work in progress for sure so expect frequent updates as needed.

Oh, and my logos? I forced myself to figure out Photoshop even more thoroughly. I still can't believe I made them myself ::::patting self on back:::::.
Okay, now go run off and explore and let me know what you think. I can't believe I'm actually following through with my dream and doing this business thing!


  1. WOW!!! Congratulations!! That website looks totally fantastic. You should be so proud of yourself for making this idea become a reality. How exciting! Also, your blog-lift is so very pretty.

  2. Julia, this is so exciting!!! The web site looks fantastic! Congratulations girl!!!!!

  3. Wow, new blog design, new company w/ fantastic website? You're a woman extraordinare! Congrats, it all looks fabulous.

  4. The website looks fantastic! One thing...under The Process #8 should be "send me your album" not "send my your album". Congrats to you for making your dream a reality!

  5. OMG! Your website is absolutely amazing, SO professional. I recently found out that my photog will make us a digital album (and we're sort of bound to him since he's hubby's friend) otherwise I would SO be having you make ours! GL with the new business, chica!

  6. Congrats Julia! It looks fantastic! Good for you for following through with this. The site looks so professional, and is a great representation of your talent.

  7. WOW!!! Congratulations Julia! The site looks great! :D

  8. I love it! What a great website, and I the logo looks awesome.

  9. Congrats entrepreneur! I'll have to keep you in mind :)

  10. Julia! I couldn't possibly be more excited for you! The site is great, I can't wait to hear how it all goes. Best of luck!

  11. Wow, Julia! It looks great and very well laid out! I am so happy for you, congrats and good luck!

  12. Congratulations Julia! Your website is beautiful!

  13. It looks so awesome! You've done an excellent job so far. I hope the new biz takes off like crazy.

  14. Oh Julia! Congrats! The site is beautiful. And in a few days/weeks/months when you're hugely popular and need an assistant, you just let me know :O)

  15. fantastic! great job...very impressive!

  16. The site looks AWESOME!!!! That is so exciting for you to be doing this.
    WAY TO GO!

  17. WOW!!!!! how exciting julia! it is such a fabulous site- i love it!

    i am talking my hubby into it as we speak lol :0)...seriously!


  18. Wow! Absolutely incredible. I stumbled upon your blog a little over a month ago and have greatly enjoyed reading your posts. (I would be that person in Ecuador that pops up in Google Analytics). Congrats on starting your business. Your album is gorgeous and I'm sure you'll be successful in preserving precious memories for many clients!

  19. I am BLOWN AWAY by your website--its amazing!!!!!

    BTW--I love your new blog layout

  20. love it, love, love, love it!!! Seriously - beautiful!!! Congrats to you!

  21. Wow, thank you my lovelies! I'm glad you likey:) I'm kind of partial myself.

    Sarita~you know you'll need parents albums, right? :)

    Katherine~is that a promise?! :)

    Michelle~Hi in Ecuador! I thought that was a spammer popping up but I'm glad you are a real person.

    and Amanda~thank you for catching that. I'll change it now. I miss spell check on that site for sure.

    Thank you for the luck, ladies!

  22. WOW!!! Your site and company look great! I may be in touch to make some books with Ella pics for my family.

    Good luck!

  23. WOW WOW WOW!! Girl, it looks amazing!!! The site is awesome, and I think the name and logos are perfect.

    We'll be excited to hear how it goes!!


  24. Hmm, let's see?
    Love the name!
    Love the website!
    Love that your dream is coming true!
    Love it!
    Love it!
    Love it!

  25. Where do you find the time?!?!?! The website is AMAZING! I wasn't expecting all of it to be together already. Congrats! You should be so proud of yourself for following your dream. I wish you lots and lots of success.

  26. How cool, Julia! Seriously, amazing!!! Congrats :)

  27. Hi Julia!
    Your new website looks wonderful! I have been quietly following along with your blog and now Keri's. I couldn't resist not posting on this one as I am getting married this fall and would love to send my photos to you for a blurb book! How exciting! Congratulations and best of luck on your new endeavor!

  28. Julia,
    J.Lorene is positively fabulous! I cannot imagine a better way for you to share your creativeness with the rest of us. Congratulations!

  29. The site is awesome! I wish you the best of luck as you start this new endeavor in your life!

  30. I have definitely thought about parent albums! I'll let ya know!

  31. Congrats, Julia!

    What program did you use to make your website?

  32. WOW Julia, the website is amazing!! I love it! How do I lock in the introductory prices for my October wedding album????

  33. amy~sounds good to me! email me when you are a married woman.

    miss bossy~I used portfoliositez for my web template. The link is in my post here. I really like them a lot so far.

    krista~i'd love to do a baby book! i'm sure it will give me The Fever, but I'd love to so email me.

    thank you girls again, for your support! I gotta pack tonight but maybe I'll have a scheduled post for your entertainment during our trip:)


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