

Accepting the role

In case you forgot, Nate and I are training for our first full marathon.

We ran a 1/2 marathon back in 2005 and swore we'd never tackle a full 26.2 miles, but's amazing what you forget in a few years. All I know is that towards the end of that 13.1 race we were bickering so loudly that an innocent runner next to us found the energy to zoom ahead, just to escape our harsh words. Yes, running with my then boyfriend certainly brought out the best in me---a cranky, tired, and annoyed runner. Can't wait to do it all over again but TWICE the distance! But I digress...

This post is about one thing: the fact that I am a wanna be long-distance runner. I have not accepted my role as a marathoner just yet, because I am ill equipped. It's not that I don't have the mental stamina or that I'm not physically fit enough for this training. It's because my running wardrobe is pathetic. Shameful, actually.

Do you want to know what I wore yesterday on our run?
1. My favorite good-luck-sports bra.....from my HIGH SCHOOL basketball days.
2. Sultry lace underwear from Vikki's Secret that nearly sliced my inner thigh in half from repetitive chafing. I won't mention what they did to my backside but let's just say my inner thigh was not the worst victim here.
3. Cotton shorts that remind me of cheer leading shorts. I don't know why, but they do. They come complete with an annoying tag that removes the skin on my lower back, and a saggy crotch that wreaks havoc to my thighs [my poor thighs! Attacked by my wardrobe.]
4. A cotton J.Crew tee shirt. One that I wore to work, in fact. Isn't that disgusting?

"Real" runners are surely scoffing at me when I trot along with said attire. I realize that I look the role of a novice runner, especially when I stare at our Garmin like it's an alien life form on my wrist. I admit that I don't feel the part when I throw on these amateur digs. And so, it is time, my friends. Time for me to bite the bullet and spend some money!!

#1 I have a fairly new pair of running shoes, so thankfully I'm not that girl wearing Keds or Crocs on a 7 mile run [I'm not sure if anyone actually does that, but at least I'm more prepared than this imaginary character]. However, I have a feeling that I'll need a new pair before the actual race. I am on my fourth pair of Asic Gel Nimbus shoes, the ninth edition. But looky what I found here!

Asics Gel Nimbus 10 is out! AND they come in pink. I swear it's meant to be. Give me a few more weeks and I could be ready for this step.

#2 To stop my inner thigh chafing, one solution would be tight pants. And I love me some capris. I once tried some of these on and nearly kicked the mirror because my thighs grew about 3 inches once hugged by lycra. But now that I think more about it, I really don't care. My thighs probably WILL grow 3 inches with this marathon training, so I might as well go for it:
#3 My J.Crew favorite tees, and ribbed wife beater tanks need to be reserved for everyday activities.....not running for absurd amounts of time. I am obsessed with some of these racer-back tanks. I could work on my tan while running, and these tops have the proper moisture-repelling material 'real' runners don. I can already feel my wardrobe building...

#4 Although I'm quite fond of the running capris I listed, I know that sometimes my legs need to breathe. And thus, running shorts are a must, especially since they usually have that liner thing on the inside. Doesn't that mean you can forgo the undies altogether? Regardless, I like these a lot:
#5 The mother load. Am I the only 'runner' not to know about this? Running SKORTS? Now normally I hate 'skorts' because they remind me of the 80s horrible creation. But these suckers have compression shorts built into them [ie no undies, no chafing!] AND come with an adorable skirt on top. In the proper 'dry fit' material, none-the-less. Does it make me a total dweeb to lust after these?
Would I look like a total tool running down the road in a skirt? I mean, it's just so ME. A girlie skirt while running an intense athletic race? Definitely up my alley. Let's remember that I was the little 5 year old girl who wore a jean skirt to my tee ball games. It's true, I have picture to prove it.

So there is my wish list. Would you think I was hard-core if you saw me geared up in this stuff? Yeah, me, too. Feel free to comment on my selection and/or make other suggestions of must have items.

P.S. did you know that the really hard core runners wear things like 'nip guards' ? Do you even want to know what those are? I can figure it out because I saw a dude at the half marathon sporting two bloody streams down the front of his shirt. It scarred me for life and it pains me to remember this poor soul. How does this happen? And do I need 'nip guards', too?

P.P.S. Our training is going quite well, thank you. Running Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night isn't fun but right now we are only running 3-4 miles those nights. Our long weekend runs have been 6 then 7 miles, this weekend is only 5. But let's not forget that we are in week 2 of 18 for this madness:)

P.P.S.S. Nate doesn't need to worry about running attire. That boy has all of the bases covered, of course. He's a stylish runner who looks more hard core than I:(


  1. I love Asics. They are the only running shoes that I can actually "run" in without my feet and/or shins falling off!

  2. I really like the look of the Asics, too, although I am a Brooks girl. :)
    I also like all your selections, except... the skort. Running in a skirt, even an 'athletic' one... eh, save it for tennis.
    As for the nipples, you should be fine since you have a sports bra on, it's the rubbing of the boys' nipples by a loose shirt that gets em!
    I am very proud of you guys for sticking to this! I... am not doing so well... :(

  3. Impressive. I couldn't even run a 5K, let alone a whole marathon! Good luck with training.

    I love Asics, too. The pink ones are very cute! If you want the skirt, I'd say get it.

  4. I don't know if I could do the skort, but I've heard that some people now swear by them. I recently ordered a bunch of running clothes from here:
    They have really good prices.
    And for chafing, Body Glide is your friend :-)

  5. Hey, in case you're looking to save some money, Walmart (evil, I know, whatever) carries their own version of work out clothes in the special material that keeps you dry. They even have the shorts with the liners. My DH wears a lot of their stuff for his wrestling and grappling training because his clothes often get torn during sparing and we can't afford to replace a bunch of $25 underarmor shirts! Anyways, for the girls stuff, everything runs about $10 or less. It's worth a shot.

  6. i'm NOT a runner. but good luck!

    on another note, have you tried Hanky Panky Thongs? OMG! they are a God send and the BEST I've ever tried. they stay in place. someone even commenment that horse riders like them. IDK. i haven't worked out in them to tell you. but it is at least worth a try.

  7. coming out of the wood work for this one - I love to buy athletic clothes (I have about one million pairs of shorts - but I always default to my two favorites). I'm an asics girl too (I rotate a pair of nimbus and keyanos). I say, get the skirt if you like it - comfort needs to be #1 - esp when you start the seriously long runs. And body glide - on the nipples, one swipe and you're A-OK - TMI? I'm an over-sharer, sorry about that. LOVE your blog and have been lurking here for a LONG TIME. Nothing like running and clothes to get me to de-lurk! Good luck and keep us posted on your training! I start training for Philly MArathon at the end of July and (almost) can't wait!

  8. First of all, kudos for you for your running dedication! Hopefully the heat isn't too bad WAY up North where you're training!

    Secondly, a work-out wardrobe DEFINITELY is a huge motivator to work even harder. I know for me it is a lot easier to get my butt to the gym when I have something comfortable and stylish to wear! As silly as that sounds it makes sense... when wearing something frumpy you just grow to loathe the acivity even more!

    Lastly, I have 2 words for you: TJ Maxx! Seriously, they have all the awesome name brand workout stuff (Puma, Nike, Adidas... EVERYTHING) and most of it is $9.99-$14.99. That is wear I buy all of my gear, especially sports bras and the like. Marshalls and Gordmans are equally good for these finds but for some reason TJ NEVER lets me down!

    Oh, and now I'm dying for some Asics. Thanks lady!

  9. Looking and feeling stylish are such good motivators for working out.

    I suffer from thigh-chafe on occasion since my thighs TOUCH. When I went to Thailand (hot, humid), I wore a lot of long skirts with those thin, moisture-wicking capris underneath. They kept me cool, dry, and chafe free.

    I don't know what to tell you about underwear, as I am not a runner, but the the thought of running in lacy underthings makes me wiggle in my chair. Ouch!

  10. I've wondered about the skort. I'd feel really stupid in one, I think.
    Ditto other posters about the Body Glide. Sounds better than "nip guards."
    Right now I'm loving the line by Under Armor that looks and feels like cotton, but is synthetic and wicking.
    How do you like your Garmin? I'm thinking about getting one so that I can run somewhere besides Forest Park and be able to track my mileage.
    And don't forget about the socks! As they told us Team in Training, "cotton is rotten!"

    Keep up the good work!

  11. Looks like you have your bases covered. And I love those pink/black shoes!

    I upgraded a few years ago to "real" running clothes and I can tell you it does make a difference. Especially the shorts with built in mesh undies (I still wear underwear though) and the tanks. The thoughts of wearing a cotton wife beater actually puts me in pain. I have to feel comfortable when I'm putting my body through absoulute torture :-D

    I've never run a marathon (want to though!) so I'm in awe of your progress right now. Can't wait to hear about those beastly weekend runs as the event draws near!

  12. The bleeding nipples would freak me out too. I shudder just thinking of it. Sounds like you guys are doing great with your training. Yay!

  13. I wear the Asics Gel Kayano and have for YEARS... meaning probably 10. I get a new pair every year. I would definitely break in a new pair more than a month in advance b/c you will shoot yourself (in the foot) if you don't! I just ran the local 1/2 marathon earlier this month for the 6th time and wore a pink *yes, pink* Nike skirt w/ built-in bike shorts... I find them more comfortable than the looser shorts under some skorts b/c those end up chafing too. I also wear a tank w/out a built-in bra b/c they don't tend to fit properly and will rub. And finally, in response to your "nip guards"... I have big ta-tas (32 DD) and always put either KY *that's right* or Vaseline on them and underneath them as well, to avoid skin breakage. Yes, it does happen, and it's not pretty. Hope my comment helps! And good luck!

  14. I LOVE the skort. I often wear my tennis skirts to the gym. In the beginning, I felt awfully ridiculous, but at this point I don't care. If I want to look cute and wear a skirt to the gym, I'm going to do it!! Whatever helps get me there!

  15. I really have nothing to contribute to this. Except to say that the nip guards remind me of one of the only episodes of the Office that I've seen--they were running some race and dude was all bloody on his chest. Gross!

  16. I'm loving the skort and may just have to get myself one. Your post also reminded me of when Lee and I go running. I look like the poor relation while he is always completely 'kitted out'.

    Good luck with the training!

  17. OMG, I LOVE Asics to. They are my fav.. I don't run, but I love the way they feel, even just walking in them. I saw someone wearing the skort the other day, and I thought she might be a tennis player, but then I thought more, and I think she just worked at a sports store and was on her way to work. I think you will look much better in them, with your long skinny legs (nice try with the ode on how your legs grew in the lycra...I don't believe you for a second).
    You might be too hot running in the capris, especially if they are black. If the shorts alone still cause chaffing, maybe try some shorter bike-type shorts underneath. May not be pretty, but might be more comfy.
    The nipple thing sounds awful...I don't think you have to worry about that, thank God.
    I am so proud of your running prowess. That is a serious feat! Great job...keep up the good work. I wish you could tape record yours and nate's rantings while you run long distances...that would be awesome to listen to. j/k, sort of.

  18. Hi everyone! This post really struck a chord, huh?

    Carrie~Welcome back to the blogging world! And I agree, Asics are the bomb.

    Nikki~would you hate me if I buy a skort then? :) Because I'm into it! And you can get back on the marathon wagon if you really want to, but I know it's hotter than Hades down maybe not.

    Aimee~ You could definitely train for a marathon but it's a PITA:)

    lwxyz~I'm going to check out that website now. And it makes me happy to know SOME people swear by the skort. I would be their friend.

    Jenna~I actually thought of Walmart last night, because I knew they'd have SOMETHING like this high end stuff. Maybe it's worth a trip to the death valley Wally World.

    Abi~It's funny you mentioned Hanky Panky thongs. I have a pair of their lacey boy shorts and LOVE them. In fact, I ran in them last night:)

    RED~Hi de-lurker! I tried to find your blog but had no luck:( Thank you for the tips...I wasn't sure if girls still had to swipe some lube on the nips or not. Maybe for race day I'll go all out and get greased up:)

    Nicole~I used to have attractive work out attire, but I don't know what happened. I never thought about TJ Maxx, but that is an excellent idea. Go for the Asics, they rule. And no, it is NOT too hot up here. In fact it's barely in the 70s for a high. Don't be jealous:)

    Tasha~My thighs totally touch, too. I don't think I'd be friends with anyone who DIDN'T have touching thighs:)

    Mary~Get the Garmin!!! I was very skeptical at first but now I'm addicted and can't run without it. Although Forest Park is a fabulous place to run, you'd love to get out and explore without getting lost.

    Andrea~you should train for the Lakefront, too! You have 16 weeks to get there:)

    Maria~I wish I had a picture of that dude. It was frightening.

    Abbie~I LOVE the fact that you wore a *pink* skirt. Love it. And now I want one even more. As far as the tanks, I was wondering if they would rub....not that I need an extra bra, because I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum with Ta Tas. But thank you for the advice!

    Jamie~I'm so glad you own a skort! I'm going to be your twin soon!

    Sierra~I just LOL'd thinking about that episode. And WHY is that the only Office you've seen?!

    Sarah~If you get one please post pictures, okay? That way I will feel better about mine.

    Ronee~you are too funny. I was planning on taking my camera to the Marathon but maybe now I'll bring a tape recorder, too? :)

  19. ha! You think Nate would want to run with two cranky females?!?! LOL!

  20. Love the Asics!

    Also, as a thunderthigh girl, I will say that I loooove my running tights. I honestly do not care what terrible image I am giving people, because all of my junk stays relatively in place.

    Shopping is a great motivator. :)

  21. Oh I love running skirts. Would never wear a skort otherwise but love them for running/walking. They do what they need to do AND look rather cute at the same time.


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