

Catch up

I feel as though I need to catch you up on the randoms of my life. Meaning, this is a miscellany post.

1. I'm officially attending the St. Louis Komen Race for the Cure! If you are feeling particularly giving and would like to donate to the Komen organization, click here for my webpage. I'm especially excited not only because I get to see my St. Louis girls, but because Keri will be at the race as well. In fact, I'm on the team called 'Wilkie's Warriors' and here are our fabulous shirts:
They say "team Keri" on the back and "Attitude is Everything" on the front. I love them. I can't wait for this experience!!

2. Happy belated 33rd anniversary to Mom and Dad!! I called them on their big day and they said it was officially a 'no cooking weekend' in honor of their celebration. And Dad got Mom a dozen red roses. Aren't they squeezable?

3. We are in week #1 out of 18 weeks of marathon training and it's going well so far. We only have to run 3 miles during the week, but we have to do it for three days in a row [barf!]. And this weekend is a 6 miler so we'll see how that goes. I'm not liking the three consecutive days of running after being on my feet all day long, so maybe I'll try to run before work [I doubt it will happen].

4. I'm still sick from San Diego! I have lots of drainage and coughing fits and it's been a week and a half. Do you think I'm dying?

5. Nate is rocking PT school so far. He's so cute studying each night and telling me about his new little school friends he's made. His first big test is next week already, so wish him luck!

6. Apparently I passed my 200th post without a blip in the radar. I don't know how this happened without me noticing but....whoo hoo for 200 posts!

7. Also, apparently my knot bios committed suicide. Either that or they've expired a year after my wedding. Someone emailed me for hairstyle pictures, since the ones in my bio are whacked out and fuzzy now. Anyone know why this could be? You can see for yourself through my link on the right column. Maybe I should just delete the whole thing anyway. I mean, I haven't even been on The Knot for almost a year....but still, I put a lot of work into those bad boys back in the day.

8. Can I just reiterate how awesome our new computer is right now? Because it's the bomb. Case in point: the new iPhoto 08. Now they store your pictures in groups with a little album cover. When you roll over the album cover you can scroll through all of your pictures, too. It's superfab, you guys, and here is a screen shot for you:

9. I am putting the finishing touches on our San Diego Blurb album. Want to see a few layouts? Click to make bigger and check my website under 'examples' for all of them.

10. I have decided that I need to be more social up here. I mean, I've lived in Milwaukee for a whole year now [gasp!] and I've been too lazy to make friends. I keep saying, "I already have my friends and don't feel like putting forth the effort to make new ones." Well that is all fine and good but my friends are in other states. We keep in touch through phone calls and email but I need some girls here, too.

And so, watch out: next Wednesday I'm meeting a few of the local bloggers for dinner and drinks. Thursday I'm going to a farewell party for a co-worker. Saturday some of us girls at work have organized a 'girls night out and SATC party.' My co-workers and I rarely plan fun activities like this since everyone has such busy schedules with kids and families and what not [ahem, everyone but me:)].

Just call me a social butterfly, I suppose. Not really sure how I'm going to do all of that and train for this marathon, but whatever.

11. Speaking of, after watching The Dog Whisperer I decided that Henry needs to start running with me again. He used to love a good long jog but lately he's been lazy [just like his mommy]. So I took him with me on a 3 mile run and this was the result later that night:

He actually LOVED running with me but later on he pooped out for the whole night. Can't say that I blame him because this is how I usually feel, too:)

And I think that is all the randomness I can remember right now. Enjoy the weekend!


  1. - Yay for the Race for the Cure!

    - I don't think you're dying.

    - I think meeting your blog friends sounds like a fabulous idea. :)

  2. A lot of other bios on the knot were all messed up a while ago...tiny pictures, etc. Maybe it will fix itself? I don't know. Don't delete it! That would be sad.

    good for you for socializing! it really does take effort sometimes.

  3. I saw Keri's post about the race... sounds like an awesome event.
    Those pics of Henry, unable to even hold his head up... so funny!!! :)
    Love the album design! I made a Blurb album for my dad last year... I couldn't figure out how to get a picture to cover both sides???

  4. Those may possibly be the cutest pictures ever of a pooped out dog!

  5. - that is awesome you will be running in the Race for the Cure! Yea!

    - I believe you will be okay from your sickness- i do not believe you are dying :0)

    - I can not wait to meet you all in real life! lol Just ask hubby how excited i am about this! :0)

    - good luck to your hubby on his big test! he will do awesome!


  6. I love! love! love! iPhoto '08 and really the Mac world as a whole. Apple rocks!! :)

  7. Julia-

    I honeslty have no idea how I stumbled upon your blog a month or so ago, but I thought it was finally time to comment. I love your blog!!! Just thought you should know :)

    Have fun with the "making friends" adventure. I've had to do the same now that most of my friends have left the Lou.

  8. 1. The shirts are way cute. You guys are gonna have a lot of fun for a great cause.
    2. Totally squeezable.
    3. Nuts to running. I prefer mall walking. ;)
    4. You're not dying. Maybe take it easy rather than training for a marathon so much and it might go away faster?? I'm just sayin.
    5. Good luck Nate!
    6. w00t!
    7. I have no idea. I'm not even interested in doing a married bio. They take too long.
    8. iPhoto is the bomb diggy yo for organizing pics.
    9. The tentacles in your album creep me out.
    10. Good for you for being social. We've lived in LA for over 3 years and I still have no friends. Sad.
    11. Henry looks exactly like what Charlie looks like after we've spent an hour at the dog park - pooped!

  9. Yay for Race for the Cure. It really is an amazing experience. My company sponsors the Survivor Pavilion, so I'll be working in there. Tell Keri she should check it out.

    Have a great weekend! :-)

  10. I blame everything on Shutterfly today. Stupid shutterfly. The only answer so far is to redo the entire bio. Clearly, they don't know how much time people have spent on these things! :(

    And, in concurrence with halfthefun, meeting your blog friends is a terrific idea!

  11. Henry looks completely cute! Good for you for meeting with blog friends!

  12. Those octopus tenacles are sick!

  13. I will be at the race too!!!

    I LOVE those pictures of you and Henry sleeping. They are so sweet!!!

  14. Hannah and Amanda~you say the tentacles are sick, do you? perhaps I should make my next blog banner one giant picture of the suckers. :) I think they are very cool [but Hannah, I know your issue with dots and holes]

    always here to please!

  15. Are your knot bios made using snapfish? I think they recently changed their rules and made any non-purchased photos fuzzy for viewing. So much for free hosting! I use photobucket and have had no problems...sounds like a rainy day project for you to fix your bios, don't delete them your wedding is hugely inspirational, chica!

    Love how the SD Blurb book is looking!


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