


Can I just steal your attention for a second? I just finished designing a wedding album for a fabulous client and I have to share. I don't plan on blogging about every album but this one excites me too much.

Ingredients for a fantastic album:

1. Images by insanely talented photographers Alisha Clark and Luke Walker
2. A ridiculously gorgeous bride named Sharon,
3. Finally teaching myself to use diminished opacity stripes on my layouts.

Take a look at some of my favorite pages, but check my website under 'Examples' for the whole glorious album. Remember to click the image to make it larger:

Tell me that the second to last page with their first dance ISN'T the cutest shot of a bride and groom ever. They are just so freaking happy it's sickening:)

That is all, you may now resume your regular internet time:)


  1. Wow, wow, wow! Julia! That is fantastic! Gorgeous! I was impressed by your first example, but this one is even better! You should be very proud of yourself.
    A beautiful bride, amazing wedding, adorable couple help... but your layouts are stunning!

  2. Swweeet album, Jules! What an awesome creative talent you have. Have you thought about expanding? You could also start printing canvas gallery wraps, colleges, announcements, thank yous, invites... Oh, the places you could go!! Did you ever get your license?

  3. Love it Julia!!! I love the photo backgrounds and the simple artsy design. It always helps to have great photos though. ; ) With the photo credits be published on every page or is that just for the website?

  4. Thank you ladies!

    Robin~I just added those credits for my website, they won't be printed:) Kind of ruins the design, don't you think?

  5. Julia, you did an amazing job! You captured their day beautifully. BTW, check out my blog...I had my baby about 3 1/2 weeks early, but he is precious. He's almost as yummy as that wedding album you just did. He might even be yummier! :)

  6. Absolutely beautiful work! You're starting to get me think that after 2 years I should do something about getting an album . . .

  7. Tha album looks amazing!! Great job. I swear, one of these days, I will have you design mine!!

    Oh hey, have you gotten business cards yet?

  8. Beautiful. Sharon and her hubby are gorgeous, but I love the layout!

    A friend of mine is getting married next August - your website has been passed on to her :)

  9. Sharon is so beautiful. And you've put together a gorgeous album. I love the way you use pictures as backgrounds - it really makes for some amazing album layouts!

  10. Julia, you did a fantastic job, as always. You really have a great eye for this!!!

  11. Julia, I can't begin to describe how happy I am with what you've done. Amazing!! The layouts are perfect and you so easily captured everything I was looking for. Thank you SO much!

  12. Beautiful! I wish I had your creativity!

  13. It's awesome!

  14. Thank you, ladies. Maybe I WILL start making a habit of posting some layouts. It seems to be a success!


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