

Quotes by Nate

1. "On the day we have to run 20 miles before the marathon, I will be wearing a diaper."

2. "Why can't we have some good chocolate in this mug? I could demolish about four candy bars right now" [he says after devouring pizza for dinner. I told you marathon training sabotages your appetite!]

3. His new nicknames for Henry include: "Boom Boom" and "White Chocolate". The first is because supposedly Henry loves that name (?) and the second is because he's white with a chocolate colored streak down his back. Very creative and weird.

4. "I'm glad you are branching out to make new friends, baby. Now your best friends are me, Henry, and the computer." Isn't that sad? And NOT true, by the way. 

5. "I wish you didn't convince me to throw away all of my tennis shoes. Now I have nothing to wear to school and we are too poor to buy more." [SUCH a lie! I tried to be a good influence by ridding Nate of unneeded articles of clothing. He tossed a few pair of raunchy shoes and now he's dying to have them back? And we aren't poor, just recoiling from the hemorrhaging bank account phase. I don't get my husband sometimes.]


  1. lol! you totally need to do the nates quotes post more- hilarious!

    lol- branching out and making friends- darin says that to me all the time! he was saying how it was funny i was actually meeting my computer friends in real life- it's awesome he says but still funny- he is so weird sometimes! lol

  2. LOL! Those are hilarious! My husband throws out some good ones every now and then. Yours sounds like such a gem!

  3. Ok, I just laughed out loud at "computer friends." I think that's the first I've heard that phrase.

    Love the Nate quotes.

  4. Consider yourself lucky for getting Nate to give up two pairs of shoes! e has had those chuck whatever they're called...I called them Converse...since college. College was more than TEN years ago for him. And he can't let them go. TEN YEARS. The man is unbelievable.

  5. Nate's awesome. He should write a whole post one of these days!!!

  6. Nate's quotes may be one of my favorite blogging topics. Love it!

  7. Ack...I have been trying to get Mike to get rid of some of his old tennis shoes. Why do guys hold onto those?!?! I guess the same reason I have tons of shoes!

  8. The diaper comment is hilarious!!!


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