

Celebrity look-alikes

If one more person tells me that Henry looks like Falkor from The Neverending Story....

Actually, I sort of agree with them. Only a Falkor could flex his body into that position, while toting Atreyu around on his back.
Yeah, Falkor was a pimp [and so is Henry]. I even liked his full name: Falkor the luckdragon. Not too many luckdragons running around these days:)

Also, I wanted to BE the princess from The Neverending story. She lived in a freaking ivory tower, people. She was gorgeous and she was very dramatic in her role. I believe her killer line was, "Please Atreyu, you're our only hope." I smell an Oscar! Her only downfall was her full name: The Childlike Princess. Can someone please explain this nonsense to me?

I think I looked like her back in the day, don't you? In my mind we were twins....kindred souls, in fact. [Ignore the fact that this was pre-braces]:
Wasn't that the best movie of all times? And the second one was nothing compared to the original.

Did anyone obsess over this movie like me?


  1. Henry DOES look like Falkor!!

    Yes, my sister and I were obsessed with that movie. We made up a song about it that I still kind of remember. We were really good at entertaining ourselves as children obviously.

    So sad when the white horse sinks in the swamp of sadness.

    what a strange movie!

  2. OH, I lovedddddd that movie!!! It always kind of scared me in a strange way but it was the best! And sorry to say, Henry is a celeb look-alike! Henry+Falkor=twin brothers!!!

  3. Ohhhh great movie! At least it was the last time I years ago. Sorry to say Henry does look like Falkor. But I loved Falkor so I think it is a good thing! The princess made me swear I wanted a headband thing like that when I got married. Good thing I didn't get married as a child!

  4. that is really funny! i loved that movie. who didn't cry when that one kid (what was his name, atrayiou--sp?) and his horse disapeared....that movie kicks some ass.

    falkor. lol.

  5. Um my sister and I used to put necklaces on our head, prance around like The Childlike Princess and put on our bet whiniest voices to say, "Atreyu, caaaaaaalllllll my naaaaaaaaaame" We even got ourselves to year up like her! Best. movie. ever.

  6. The Swamp of Sadness, that really creepy coyote that had red eyes, and those stone statues that shot lasers out of there eyes. I love it all.

    And Sarita, good call on the line, "Call My Name." That was the killer line, for sure.

  7. OMG - I used to watch that movie over and over. I haven't seen it in forever!

  8. Oh my goodness, my friend Sara has a dog JUST like Henry... and guees his name.

    Yep! Falkor!! The Dog!!

  9. I LOVED this movie as a kid! I hadn't thought about it in a looong time - thanks for the little blast from the past. ;)

  10. Hmmm ... I have to change my display name on Blogger. ErinN shows up as erinn and that's just confusing. ;)

  11. I LOVE Neverending Story! Love it. I'm going to have to go ahead and get that now to watch this weekend. Thanks!

    And, you're right, the second one was a real let down.

  12. I actually own this movie on dvd and it rocks. LOVED IT growing up, I couldn't watch it enough. I was so sad when his horse died though.

  13. Henry is much cuter :-D

    I vaguely remember this movie which is rare because I would obsess over every single movie as a kid. I would watch [and act out!] my favorites every day and drive my parents up the wall.

  14. Henry is DEFINITELY much cuter!

  15. henry looks just like falkor!!! poor henry! :) he's prettier than falkor.

    that movie scared me so bad when i was little. so many sad things kept happening and it just scared me. i'm crazy not to like it, i guess, but i don't think it will be one that i can't wait to share with my own kids.

  16. Too funny! I would have never have thought about it, but there is a resemblance. Henry looks much more distinguished and adorable though!

    And I soooo wanted to be the Princess!

  17. I loved loved loved The Neverending Story! I wanted a Falkor to fly around with so bad! And my sister and I also pranced around pretending to be the Childlike Princess. Good times!

  18. I *still* obsess about it!


  19. (you'll have to copy and paste that link)

  20. Yes, I love that movie, but can't watch it because the horse dies. I know that it comes back, but still. I used to put things on my head, just so that I'd look more like the princess.

    I agree that Henry and Falkor look alike. Do people actually remember Falkor's name (I didn't until you said it), or do they just say, "that dog thing that flies?"

  21. Best.Movie.EVER.
    (see title of my blog)
    I am proud to say I own the DVD and still watch it on occasion when the mood hits me. I can recite most of the lines by heart. Clearly I am a dork, but I love it!
    And yes, Henry does bear a resemblence to Falkor, but he is cuter. :)
    I was always grossed out by Falkor's back. It is made of like bubbles or something, and I couldn't stand it when the little old lady stuck a huge needle in it. Bastian is so perfectly cheesy, I could go on and on...

  22. Those of you who own this movie RULE. I am definitely renting this bad boy soon to relive my youth---I don't remember Falkor's bubble back at all!

    And yes, two or three people have said, "Henry looks like Falkor from The Neverending Story". Seriously.

    I wish I would have named him Falkor now, Kara. I'm into it!

  23. ohmygosh my brother and I watched this movie over and over and over! I always cringed when he had to run between the sphyxnes!! Also, I thought his name was Valcor and I could NEVER for the life of me, figure out what the princess' name was!! Wasn't it supposed to be something about his mother?! Ugh. The childlike princess. I'm going to have to watch it again. Duh.

  24. Oh my gosh!!! Are you aware this movie is on RIGHT NOW?! LOL. Jim and I have it on and I think it's the weirdest coincidence ever.

  25. Annnnd if you see this, you've been tagged.

  26. freakin LOVE the neverending story- best movie...EVER!

    and yes henry does look a lot like falkor- and you the princess- sooooooo meant to be in another neverending story movie!

    cute post!

  27. I loved that movie too when I was younger. Tried watching it a year ago and couldn't get halfway through before becoming extremely bored...sorry! But we had a dog for years that resembles your Henry and who we also thought looked like Falkor. :)

  28. Hey, he does! LOL! Loved this movie. This, and Labyrinth.
    Btw, you've been tagged! See my blog for the scoop.


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