

Fab Five

[Now that I received pictures I can do a proper post:)]

There once was a group of five lovely ladies who had a sense of humor all their own. They decided to call themselves the "Fab Five" because it was perfectly ridiculous. These women met when they were naive little freshmen in college, almost ten years ago [gasp!].They grew up together. They cried together. They did lots of laughing together. They laid around on couches for obscene amounts of time together, analyzing the world/boys/school/life. They shared their wardrobes, dreams, fears, and goals in life---all while sharing their bedrooms, too. And of course, they took an absurd number of pictures together through the years, to document their friendship.

Then something crazy happened: they started wearing diamonds on their ring fingers, changing their names, and dressing up in bridesmaid dresses. The Fab Five transitioned into life's next phase slowly but surely.

Wedding #1: Kim married Mark on September 16, 2006. Her engagement overlapped Julia's and her wedding was emotional for all of us [okay, some more than others]:

Wedding #2: Julia married Nate on May 27, 2007. Her engagement overlapped Hannah's and her wedding yielded the creepiest of Fab Five pictures. It was a serious day:
Wedding #3: Hannah marries Michael on August 25, 2007. Julia learns that being a Matron of Honor requires significant amounts of Xanax because speeches are scary!
Wedding #4: Kristen will marry Will on May 2, 2009: engaged December 4, 2007.
Try to watch the following series without grinning ear-to-ear:

[of course she is on her cell phone IMMEDIATELY!]

Wedding #5: Lindsey will marry John, engaged July 12, 2008. No talks about The Date just yet, the girl has only been engaged a few days, people!

Again, I dare you to view these images without saying, "Awwwwww":He gave her a flip book, with pictures of him holding the signs " Will You Marry Me?"

He hired a photographer to catch this moment, but poor Lindsey had no clue. She went into the ugly cry and stole John's sunglasses to hide the evidence.

Then he tells her, "Oh yeah, we are being photographed right now."

And so, the story of continues. More laughter, memories, and pictures to follow their future transitions in life. Even if one of the ladies lives in The Great North, their friendship remains--- enhanced by emails, phone calls, and many gallons of expensive gasoline. And it's all worth it:)

Does anyone else have a core group of girls going through these transitions together? Isn't it fun?


  1. What a cute post! I wish I had stayed closer with some of my old girlfriends. That's awesome you have such a tight group after so many years!

  2. Oh my gosh! I love those proposal pictures! Way cute.

    And that brown bridesmaid dress you have on in the first picture..we were thisclose to picking that for my sister-in-law's wedding. It had my vote but a different dress won. Boo.

  3. WOW!!! That is awesome! I do have a group of friends going through the same thing. 1 married, 2 engaged (I am one of them), 1 possibly getting engaged in the next year, and 1 getting married someday :)

    I love engagement pictures!!!

  4. That was a fun post! You summed it up so nicely!

  5. I loved this post, too! What great photos - and congrats to your friend who just got engaged! They're so lucky they have photos documenting their engagement. I wish I had pics of that moment!

    Our fab five has three down, two to go. :) The three of us who are already married have known each other since first grade, so it's pretty crazy how much we've been through together!

  6. That is a super sweet post

    It makes me miss my friends! We are more of a Fab Seven!
    I was the first married of our group...Another couple is engaged, the rest of them are living together, no wedding in perspective i think...

  7. Saw the ring. Freaking. Fabulous.

  8. that was so fun! I loved those pics of the engagement. what a great idea. great job to John.

    since 2005, we have had one wedding each year in my group of friends...and there are 5 of us also (huh? There must be something to be said for groups of 5)
    Nothing lined up for the other 2 yet though.

    btw, I love your new title graphic! Or maybe it isn't new? Maybe I havent visited your page in a while.

  9. What a great post! I love the proposal pictures!

  10. Ahhh I have tears in my eyes with those photos. Great post. :)

  11. Good God, it hasn't really been 10 years has it?!??! And I am obsessed with those pics of Lindsey - every time I look at them I get tears in my eyes. Especially since Lindsey isn't the emotional type at all. Adorable.

  12. My core group of girls has always been my sisters :). But, how lucky you are to have such amazing girlfriends. And, I LOVE the engagement pics.

  13. Okay, wait....what? Without grinning? And without saying awww? How about without getting chills and streaming tears - for people I don't even know?!! Love this post and what an awesome group of girls :)

  14. FAB FIve! (man voice)

  15. Aww, this is such a cute post and such adorable stories! I wish I still had my group of girlfriends. We still keep in touch, but we were inseperable in high school. I just think it's so cool that you are all going through these life events together. Just think, someday you can play bridge together too.

  16. I'm just glad I didn't pass out :)


    ps. Do you think E knows how to turn on her computer?!?!?

  17. soooo cute! your friend got engaged on my birthday :0) july 12th!

    the proposal timeline pics are awesome! love it!

  18. Just so you know, the quote 'Fab Five' is usually said in a deep man voice. I forgot to mention that. And Linds~if you would have passed out, the pictures would have been even MORE priceless. E emailed me and she is alive, with computer and all:)

    I'm glad everyone liked! Now I can do some fun planning pictures and relive my glory days:)

  19. I have four sisters and one is married, one engaged, two of us probably will be in the next couple years, and one is only 19 and not in a relationship so she'll be a few more years down the road! It's very fun to always have a wedding to look forward to in the family and different life changed (new jobs, graduations, moves) to celebrate and enjoy!
    I also have a very large, very close group of friends who have all grown up together and celebrate each other's life changes.

  20. i love this. now i want to do a post on my girls! so sweet.

  21. Hope your dr. visit went well and you heard good news. Just a lurker sending good vibes your way.

  22. I am having a hard time figuring out why in the last few engagement pictures there aren't any people watching!! Hello people, come gather around this couple!! I like the "ugly cry" comment, made me laugh but she looks absolutely beautiful in their happy picture.

    So exciting!!

  23. Did Kristen get engaged at The Boathouse?! Dan and I had our first date there, and I had my bridesmaids' luncheon there. I love that place. Great post!!

  24. Sarah~yep, that is the boathouse. They had their first date there, too!

    Leah~there were a few stragglers watching but I it wasn't a huge spectacle. Funny thing is, Linds told him ahead of time she didn't want him to do it in front of people:)


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