

lazy girl's shopping

Want them badly, but resisted [originally $255, on sale at J.Crew for $120]. Loving the bright colors but questioning their wearability?

The more practical version of my new lust, still only $120:

Took the plunge and bought this one for $130 at the JC sale [originally $180]. Not the best deal around and it's strapless, which normally isn't me....but I'm a sucker for the 'Juliet' gown. Maybe because the 'wild peony' color is hawt. I'll wear it for wedding #2 quite possibly with gold heels just to get the full effect:

Stalking this one on Ebay, the my size, in the spiced wine color perfect for a fall wedding, for only $40 right now! I smell a deal for wedding #3 and it's not black or brown [hooray] :)
So thoughts on the shoes? I don't like to be matchy-matchy with my heels but I wouldn't want the orange/pink ones to clash either. I considered wearing them with a chocolate dress to bring out the warmth? I wouldn't want to wear them with a pink dress because that would be too much. I know the purple/black ones would go with a black dress but that isn't much fun, is it? I overanalyze like it's my job, you know.


  1. Love the dress! Love the pleats, I am heading over to Ebay to see what I can find. I have three weddings in the next two months.

  2. I just dropped a bunch of cash at jcrew this weekend. Everything was 40% off the already sale price! Get your butt over there...or don't because you will just spend money.

    I love the Juliet dress! I debated about having that one as my bridesmaid dress.

    I like the blue/purple shoes best...they would look great with a black dress! The shoes would make the ensemble fun.

  3. We have three wedding weekends in a row, so I've been on the dress hunt, too. I have the Juliet in aquamarine. The pink shoes would be great with a chocolate colored dress!

  4. I love the and classic. I also like the blue/purple shoes the best. Let us know if you get them!

  5. Not a fan of the shoes, especially for that kind of money even on sale. Mostly because it really bugs me that J.Crew thinks they deserve that kind of money for their shoes. I like the dresses a lot. I would say either black patent (maybe a peep toe) or a bronze/gold. This is making me want to buy a new dress for Laura's wedding... is that #2 or #3 for you?

  6. the dress is gorgeous- a must have for weddings! :0)

    i looooove the pink shoes but i know what you mean about clash- if you wanted teh heels in pink i'd say chocolate brown would be perfect! :0)

    you are a bargain shopper!

  7. Those were my wedding shoes (in a different color). Loved them -- but do a test run before you wear them out -- they're blister-makers for sure.

  8. Oh, those dresses are gorgeous!! I think you could work the blue versions of those shoes with the pinky dresses. Although I bet, for $120, you could find a pair of more wearable funky shoes.

  9. LOVE EVERYTHING! I ahve been eyeing those shoes as well and just don't know what I woudl wear them with so I haven't made the purchase.

  10. Not a fan of the pink shoes, but love the purple ones...maybe cause they're understated but still fun? And I luuurve the juliet pretty. And you're right - that color is hawt!

  11. OH....and I just saw Ellen's comment about the blisters - blister block is an ahhhmazing product!! I think its made by band-aid? A little stick of heaven that prevents blisters even with the WORST strappy uber-high heeled bridesmaid shoes (read - I have experience)!!

  12. OH....and I just saw Ellen's comment about the blisters - blister block is an ahhhmazing product!! I think its made by band-aid? A little stick of heaven that prevents blisters even with the WORST strappy uber-high heeled bridesmaid shoes (read - I have experience)!!

  13. LOVE your selections. The strapless dress is amazing. I have a dress similiar to the Janey dress (from Jcrew, but many years ago) and LOVE it. super flattering and comfortable.
    If you love love love the shoes - get them in the color you really love them in and then find a way/time to wear them, just fit them in. You can make it work. but I wouldn't pay that much for shoes I didn't love love love. That's just me though. they are hot! love everything you've picked out!


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