

tap, this thing on?

Is anyone out there? Remember me, that blogger who used to blog nearly every day? Yeah, I'm still alive. Apparently I took a week long hiatus without realizing it. I suppose you could say life is pretty freaking busy right now, huh?

Let's play catch up, shall we?

1. A few weekends ago I got on one of my cleaning kicks and scrubbed our place top to bottom. Because my mother-in-law has mad housekeeping skills [the woman scrubs the inside of her oven all the time, and cleans their coffee pot with vinegar each week!] I sometimes feel inspired. After all, we live right above her display of perfection so it makes our flat seem like a pig sty in comparison.

So I tried to emulate my mother-in-law with her "soapy water and bucket trick" for the floors. I suppose Nate found this amusing and decided to take pictures of me without my consent.

When I noticed him snapping away like the paparazzi, I asked what he was doing. He replied, "Taking pictures of this for your blog." Wow! He's come a long way, folks.

2. Henry got his monthly haircut but something went horridly wrong. Can you notice the difference?


And After:

He has a rat tail, a worm, a little stump, whatever you want to call it! The horror! His once long and luxurious locks [ahem, maybe they were a little ratty looking?] are gone all because of a wicked matted mess. We are getting used to his new tail but it was quite startling at first. I think he digs it, though.

3. I purchased a dress for the third and final wedding. I went with Ebay and got my first love, Lydia, in black for $120 [originally $250]. No, it's not the greatest deal ever but I love it and decided I needed a fabulous LBD. I think this fits the bill!

4. Fun with the mail:
A. Brigid's album arrived!
B. One of my many dorky PT magazines actually looks quite interesting this time:

5. I had my blood drawn for a health and wellness test at work. The biyatch totally blew my vein as you can see:

As Nate pointed out, this picture did not turn out very well and I waited a few days too long for the true hideousness. So I photoshopped my version of the bruise for you fair readers. This is how it FELT at least:
What, you don't think that looks realistic? Please. At if that isn't dramatic enough, I walked around the hospital with an ice pack on my arm the day of the blood draw. So sue me.

6. On a more serious note, the marathon is less than two weeks away. And I'm FREAKING OUT. Especially because my running partner might be down for the count. Poor Nate hasn't had the best of luck with training, considering that he has to study every night after school and many hours each weekend. His ankle immediately started hurting him after our 22.5 mile run and it really hasn't gotten better. Well, I take that back---it gets much better when he doesn't run for a few days, but as soon as he tries to run again it gets bad. So bad that he told me it feels like his Achilles tendon might rupture.

You don't have to be a medical person to know that would be very bad. It's not worth it, in my opinion, to get seriously injured over a stupid marathon. It's not life and death, we have plenty of running years left in our old and crumbling bodies, and right now Nate's priority is school--not marathoning. Of course Nate is a stubborn Type A like his wife and doesn't like to give up on anything, so he's not totally counting himself out just yet. He will see how it treats him this week and then make a decision. I'm sad to possibly lose him as a running partner---crossing the finish line together has been our goal since we started this training back in May. But running in a full marathon was my idea and I'm still going to do it no matter what.

I cannot believe it's only 11 days away. Barf. I'm scared.


  1. love the LBD - I've had my eye on the camilla for some time.

    good luck with the last stretch of marathon training! hope nate can join you!

  2. I have the Lydia and love it. Best of Luck with the 26!

  3. You look cute cleaning. :)

    That really sucks about Nate ... you're right, it's just not worth it if he's going to permanently injure himself. Hopefully he'll get better and can still do it, or least start with you!

    Wish I could come cheer you on ... but I'll be sending you good vibes from DC!!

  4. You, my dear, are a photo shop guru! I love the picture of your bruise! You are hilarious! Uck...I am so sorry to hear about the pain that Nate is in. I agree...a marathon is NOT worth it right now. BUT, I hope that he feels better to run it with you. I am proud of you that you are running no matter what!

  5. btw- i love your new blog design!

    1. i laughed out loud at henry's tail!

    2. i have the lydia dress in yellow and love it. my tailor had to sew in some bra cups so i can go braless, but it's totally worth it!

    3. i gasped outloud at your bruise. poor thing!

    4. can't believe the marathon is so close. you'll do awesome.

  6. She's baaaaaack!!

    Loving the updates, and the dress!!

  7. I love that you have Nate trained so well that he's taking pics for you blog. :-)

    I love the new dress. A girl can never have too many dresses.

    I'm sorry to hear about Nate's knee. Whatever happens, he has come a long way with training and he should be proud.

  8. There you are! Running that kind of distance by myself would scare me too! but then again, so would running that distance, period :).

  9. Ugh, I really need to get one of those cleaning kicks, like, ASAP!

    Poor Henry!! He looks so different without that full tail of hair!

    That is a beautiful LBD. I just realized I don't have a nice LBD. Hmm... must change this immediately!

  10. Hang in there on your training. You've come too far to poop out now.

    Henry's tail is cute. If it would've happened a couple of months ago you coulda called it his "summer look". ;)

  11. love the dress! so cute- good find!

    glad you are back to blogging- now i just have to kick myself in the butt!

    your hubby taking pics for ur blog is hilarious!

  12. Sigh...I love new dresses. That one looks super cute.

    That's a bummer about Nate! I always imagined running a marathon with Jim. But you know what? -- he'll be there to cheer you on and help you celebrate! And yes, you have plenty of running years ahead of you.

  13. Love the will look great!

  14. That's a shame about Nate! I hope he can still run, only in good health though. You're right, 26 miles on anything that's not perfect would be a bad idea. No worries though, you've put in your time and stuck to the training plan, therefore, you'll be fine! I was super nervous the weeks before the marathon, like 'what was I thinking?' '26.2 miles?! I don't know if I can really do that!' but I'd remind myself that I stuck with my training plan, didn't really skip runs, and that all I wanted to do was a) finish and b)not die. (and maybe have a leeeetle fun if possible) and it was a great experience. You'll be fine. You've put in the time and you have hundreds of miles behind you. You can do it!

  15. Mic and I laughed so hard when we saw the poor tail! I hope the hair grows back soon, it looks so sad!

  16. Aw, that stinks about Nate's ankle. You are right, though. Ususally running through an injury is not the best idea. I hope he can recover in time!
    I know you are scared and nervous about running your first marathon, but just remember that you are ready. The hard part is the training, which you've stuck to, and you are prepared. The race itself is just the awesome payoff for all of your hard work!

  17. I'm tellin' ya....that running is going to kill you. Knock it off, grab a twinkie, and sit your butt down in front of the boob tube.....both of you.
    That's quite a 'bruise' you have going on there. If I were you, I'd consider hiring a darn good attorney!
    That adorable dress is so vaguely familiar.....oh, right!
    There's one in chocolate brown hanging in my closet! :)
    p.s. ~ Glad you're back. I was beginning to think awful thoughts......


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