

Brag and Tag

BRAG: another album design completed!

Abbey is an East Coast girl who married at Miami Beach, Florida. She is celebrating her one year anniversary next week which is perfect timing for her wedding album to arrive at her doorstep!

Abbey's photographer was Amy Hill and I love her artistic style. I suppose it doesn't hurt to live in Fort Lauderdale with nice weather and lots of sunshine, either.

Here are some of my favorite designs from Abbey's album and you can see the rest on my website under 'examples. All of these photos are by Amy Hill.


I was tagged by the fabulous Grosgrain Lane a while ago and I'm never the best with responding to tags. So I'm making it a point to participate in this one.

All you have to do is list 6 things that bring you happiness. So here it goes:

1. Sleeping in on a non-work day, then bundling up in my warm fuzzy robe and making lots of coffee. Then sipping it throughout the morning while I work on the computer. [This is exactly what I'm doing right now, in case you were wondering] :)
[photo by Michael Browers. Note the warm fuzzy robe]

2. Laying on the beach, under a hot sun, with a good book and good tunes. It ups my happiness if I have a fruity cocktail in hand...preferrably one with a tiny umbrella.
[our honeymoon in St. Lucia, fruity drinks included]

3. Wet, slobbery kisses from one Mr. Henry every night I come home from work. These include butt-wiggles and excited leaps towards my face. Bad puppy breath is part of the deal, too.
[Henry's first Christmas back in 2005. One of our first pictures together].

4. Trips back home to my parents' house, complete with home-cooked meals, girl talk/father-daughter time, and the familiarity of my home town. Hugs from Mom and Dad upon arrival are mandatory and thoroughly enjoyed.
[Christmas at home in 2007]

5. Reuniting with my St. Louis girlfriends after too many months without a visit. Reminiscing about the good old days and pondering the future. The feeling that you have the best friends in the world and knowing that will never change.
[Part of the crew]

6. Spending quality time with Nate--whether it be chatting during a long run, or standing at the sink to do dishes together. During a six hour road trip back to Missouri, or relaxing on the couch to watch TV. I value this time in our marriage before kids when we can focus on "us time." I wouldn't trade it for the world.
[Engagement pics by Michael Browers. I like this one and felt like posting it again.]

So that's it: 6 things that make me happy. Feel free to post your own list if you'd like!


  1. I love seeing what you come up with for each album you create. You are so talented and creative! Great job Julia!!

  2. Album is beautiful.

    I like this post. . .with the happy things! So cute. I might have to post my own. (Yeah right, I'm STILL working on my list of weird things about me that I was tagged back in AUGUST. ha)

  3. That album looks fantastic!!

    I love hearing about people's happy things. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Also, that e-pic is completely gorgeous!

  4. Congrats on your business' success!
    I love all of your 'happy' photos, too!

  5. Nice jobby on the album! Awesome designs and colors.

  6. Julia, I really think you've out done yourself on this design! Amazing!

    Look at cute little Henry!!!

  7. Love it! Love it! Love it! What else can I say? You outdid yourself on our album! Thank you again!


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