

we are domesticated

Project domestication part one: Apple Pie.

You take some hand-picked apples...
and spend way too much time peeling, slicing, and coring them. But they look really pretty...
Then you use a store-bought crust because you aren't THAT adventurous. 
Take the pretty apples...
And turn them into this cinnamon/sugar delight...
You'll decide to make a crumble crust for added sugar...
And 50 minutes later you get this...
Add the ice cream, carmel sauce, and about 5 pounds to your arse...
[one of these days I'm going to stop eating like I did during training. I'm not exactly burning thousands of extra calories anymore but I just can't stop eating like a man!]

Project domestication part two: Carving Pumpkins!

You take two perfect pumpkins fresh out of the patch...

And get rid of the guts. Your dog will quite like this part and beg to lick the innards...

Start carving away freehand [no stencils, no pre-planning!]...

And create this bad boy...

The dog will want to lick this, too...

Husband will make an odd pumpkin, then try to imitate the facial expression...

So you'll do the same [scariest face ever!]...

Place the jack-o-lanterns on your porch [a dangerous one without railings] to announce your domestication....

And make sure to take lots of pictures, duh!...

[Why is Nate's pumpkin all fragile and girlie while mine is masculine and frightening? And what is that random ring on Nate's creation? He says it might be an upper lip ring but he isn't sure, either. Never question the work of an artist, you guys.] 


  1. The exact reasons I love fall...
    and I love that you put the pumpkins on the roof, (aka: your porch)... too cute!

  2. I can't wait because this weekend, I'm going to a pumpkin patch. Your pumpkins gave me inspiration! :-)

  3. I am of the opinion that there is no man-sized slice of pie. Only huge and gigantic are acceptable :)

    I like the pumpkin placement as well.

  4. I'm so glad you went with a crumb topping. It's my FAV!!!

  5. You've inspired me to try an apple pie with all those apples I have sitting in the fridge. And your pumpkins are too cute!

  6. LOVE IT! Your pumpkins look awesome and that pie looks amazing! I might need to bake this weekend- really feeling the fall/domestic-ness of this post! And your photos are, as always, awesome!!!

  7. Ha! Those are hilarious! And I'm salivating at the sight of that apple pie.

    Thank you for the congrats on our engagement!! I have to admit, I found from your blog, and I may return with some questions because you're wedding looked amazing!!

  8. WOW...nice job, Julia! I don't think that I am ready for the apple pie or pumpkins yet. are a year ahead of me on the domestication highway so maybe I can go for it next October!

  9. i love fall: apple stuff and pumpkins!

  10. So cute!! I totally would have guessed Nate did the scary one, though - that's pretty funny. We're going to carve our pumpkins this weekend, too!

  11. Love the pumpkins! And the pie. We weren't going to do pumpkins this year, but looking at yours sitting adorably on the roof makes me want to carve some :)

  12. I love this post! I'm inspired now to be more domestic!

  13. Your pie looks fabulous! You're so domestic :) We're skipping the pumpkin carving as well this year but next year when we have a house.... it'll look like fall threw up all over it. Can't wait :)

  14. Whoo, domestication success! :) I love your pumpkin. Seriously. Those teeth are wicked.

    I'm also glad that the random ring is not understood, because I had no clue!

  15. Ha! I love these pics and the comment about your husband carving the feminine one and you the masculine one was funny!


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