

What have I done?

Someone remind me why I live in this city. I seemed to have forgotten along the way. Single digit lows are not my friend.

As if that weren't depressing enough, I read this article online and spent the rest of the evening fantasizing about a hot, sweltering, Caribbean island. Don't feel like clicking the link? To far we have a total 0f 6.8 inches fallen down on the pit of despair that is Milwaukee. Last winter? You know the record-breaking second snowiest winter ever, with 100 inches of snow total? Yeah, last year on this date we only had 4.8 inches so far. Therefore, this year is going to suck even harder than last.

Sunday afternoon is when our second snow hit. Note that most of the snow from the first pelting was almost gone. I mean, when temperatures soar into the 30s you know some of it will melt.
It turned out like this:
And now it's like this, after the third snow from Wednesday:
Yes, I can still label this as 'pretty' but it's starting to irritate me already. The back of my pants get all wet and dirty from walking up to work in the mess. Taking Henry outside just to watch him fling himself onto snow piles is amusing only once, but every time after that the 7 degree temps corrode my brain. Speaking of the little monster, I like this image of him doin his thang:
So yeah, there's a lot of snow on the ground as indicated by the 'patio furniture test.'
And by the 'railing test'.
Hold onto your butts, folks. It's going to be a long winter.

I truly do not understand how anyone can live farther north than me. Girls in are crazy but I love you. Northern Minnesotans, kudos to you snow bunnies. But this is the farthest north I will ever live. Mark. My. Words.

I'm sticking to my guns on this one: I'd rather sweat through layers of clothing while walking in 100 degree heat, with 90% humidity than spend 5 minutes outside in single digit weather. And that, my friends, is another way Nate and I are vastly different. Whose side are you on for this one? :)


  1. I would really rather not live in either extreme. I seriously don't know how you do it.
    I enjoy your pics, though! Snow is so pretty when you're not the one trekking in it... :)

  2. I don't know how you do it! Seriously, I wouldn't have made it a year. Kudos to you! I will agree, it is pretty to look at but I just hate being cold. I would probably cry there everyday! Better you than me, my dear!

  3. I'm sorry to say that I'm on Nate's side on this one. I would MUCH rather be cold than hot. It is easier for me to keep adding clothing. I HATE being hot. It makes me crabby, tired, and just not a fun person to be around! ha

  4. N~you HAVE to choose. There is no middle ground on this issue:)

    LC~Who says I don't cry every day? JK.

    T~Nate gets so cranky when he's hot I can't stand to be around him. And now I realize that I act the same way when I'm cold. Hmmmmm....

  5. I'm on Nate's side too. Ben and I are the opposite of you guys = I love the cold, he hates it.

    Keep posting the pretty pictures. I'm living vicariously. :)

  6. I am so with you on this one Julia. I'm the girl that brings an extra beach towel to the pool-- to use as a blanket. I don't put away my cardigans for summer. And I live in Michigan. If I had it my way, it'd be 85 every single day. I also agree with you-- how do people live in Canada? I live in Michigan, where it's hardly snowed (so far) and today it was 25 degrees. Yuck.

  7. I can't say either way. Today I walked the mile to my gym and was drenched from the island humidity so the snow looks refreshing. Then again, when I'm in Chicago and it's 25 and it's the third month of snow/sleet/rain, I'd much rather be on the rock in the middle of the Pacific.

  8. Being from PA/OH, I can emphasize! Right now in DC, there is no snow and I hope it stays that way. I love your pictures though... makes me feel warm and cozy while I'm inside! Hang in there :-)

  9. No thank you. I would move away from there right away. I hate cold. Yuck.

  10. I would SO much rather be cold than hot!

  11. Give me hot and sun ANY day! Plus, I prefer summer clothes :)

  12. I know, I often find myself thinking the same things. This winter stuff is for the birds. I'm so over winter already. And, really, it's not even winter yet! Ugh.

  13. Oh girl, I'm so with you. I moved from sunny and warm Los Angeles to DC and I can't even stand the cold here, I couldn't imagine all the snow. I shiver just thinking about it.

  14. I live in the south because it's warm. I couldn't imagine waking up to single digit temperatures. I gripe when it's in the 40's!! You are a brave soul. I don't know how you do it!

  15. I'm totally with you on this one!! I would so not mind living in sweltering heat. Besides, sunny days put everyone in a good mood. Being a lifelong Michigander, I have grown to HATE snow. My lifelong dream is to one day live in a state where it doesn't snow. Sad, I know.

  16. I feel your pain. Although I've never lived as far North as you, I grew up in Pittsburgh and Connecticut, where snow was a constant irritation. I like to call it the "frenemy". It's starts off as your friend since you're so excited for the first snowfall of the year, then it turns on you and becomes evil, making sure to take you down at any chance it can. Now I live in Charlotte, and I have to say, I miss the snow sometimes, but I am pleased to wake up in the morning and see that the high is 50 and the low is on 32. Long story short, I'm with you on loathing the cold weather!

  17. I feel your pain. Although I've never lived as far North as you, I grew up in Pittsburgh and Connecticut, where snow was a constant irritation. I like to call it the "frenemy". It's starts off as your friend since you're so excited for the first snowfall of the year, then it turns on you and becomes evil, making sure to take you down at any chance it can. Now I live in Charlotte, and I have to say, I miss the snow sometimes, but I am pleased to wake up in the morning and see that the high is 50 and the low is on 32. Long story short, I'm with you on loathing the cold weather!

  18. I live just about 45 minutes south of Milwaukee. It is about the same around here. I don't mind the cold so much it is the black ice that gathers on the road that does me in.

  19. I would much rather be cold than warm. I also get really cranky if I'm sweating like an old man in a sauna.
    But cannot complain about this winter! I won't let you! Do you realize what we all survived last year?? Everything else is a piece of cake compared to last winter.
    At least that's what I keep repeating to myself like a crazy person as I shovel and shiver.

  20. I choose neither. Or both, depending on how you look at it. I love the sweltering heat. For about 3 months. And I love the cold and the snow. For about 3 months. I also love the perfect weather of spring and fall. Which means that I'd hate to live in Wisconsin or Florida. If I don't get equal amounts of all four seasons, I'm not a happy camper.

  21. I love snow. I don't LOVE cold, but growing up in Wisconsin has made me hearty. By February, I'm pretty much sick of it, but I do try to enjoy it until then. Also, I side with Nate, because you can always put on more layers, but there's only so much you can take off! If you're naked, and still sweating, I call that miserable. If you're cold, you can always throw on another blanket.

    My apartment is kept at about 60 degrees. It's cold, and I wear layers and slippers and sometimes a hat at home, but I can handle that if it means lower energy bills. The hottest, most humid days of the summer get no such mercy, and I will run my AC on high all day.

  22. give me a swealtering hot day and I in HEAVEN!! I love wearing flip flops too. I hate cold. That being said, I will most likely never move from this state.

  23. The snow looks so perfect on the patio set!

    I think I would rather be hot than cold. I'm not a big fan of wearing layers (I get annoyed by it). I love wearing skirts, tanks and tees.

  24. I am completely on your side of this on. I will take triple digits and high humidity any day. Nebraska is as far North as I have ever lived and I only made it a year before I got out.

  25. Wow! I don't know what 9 feels like at all! I'm wearing shorts and flip flops (and a hoodie!) right now!


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