


Guess what we just bought?

Holla! Chris Martin and all of your we come!
I sort of forgot about this list, but when I remembered #3 I decided we HAD to buy these tickets.
Yes, they were insanely expensive but somehow I know it will be worth it. We never go to concerts and this will be a little splurge for us. And a Saturday night during the summer? Perfect timing, Coldplay. I love you.

You hear that, Mother Nature? I don't care about your stupid 4-8 inches of snow we are receiving at this moment. Waking up to a solid three inch blanket did not bother me one bit. I have a summer concert in my future now. So bring it.

Anyone else going to the Wisconsin or STL concert? Squeeeeeeee!


  1. I saw them perform in Las Vegas. It was THE BEST concert I have ever been to. You will have a blast!!

  2. I'm going in St. Louis in July! I LOVE Coldplay. They were the first (and only) concert I've ever seen and they were AMAZING! Rob worked at Riverport for a few years and said of the many concerts he's seen their X&Y tour was the best. I can't wait for Viva La Vida!

  3. I'm uber jealous. You're a lucky girl! Say hi to Will Champion for me - he is my favorite.

  4. nice! that will be so fun. I love concerts so much - the outdoor variety are always better too.

  5. I saw coldplay last summer from the second row. I never wanted it to end. It was amazing and I developed a bigger crush on chris martin seeing him in person.

  6. Yay! So much fun--we saw them at Alpine a few years ago and had an absolute blast. That place is definitely a favorite of mine.

  7. Fun!! I'd love to see them in concert, but Chad would NEVER go for it...he hates them. :(

  8. We've seen them twice, once from the nose bleed section, and the second time, we entered a radio station drawing, at the concert, like an hour before it started, and won VIP tickets! I have pics of Chris' nose hairs... it was incredible!
    You will have a blast, and yay for crossing something off your list!

  9. SO jealous! The only concert they've had in Guam since we've been here was a native singing Bob Marley... HAVE FUN!!!

  10. I. Am. So. Jealous. We can't go this year bc its on a Friday in stl and e and I work the liveonthelevee concert series every Fri/Sat eve in the summer. Booo..... But I will tell you. We saw them three years ago at riverport....5th row. Best concert I've been to. Ever. And I've been to lots of awesome shows.


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