


Dude, I'm totally freaking out over here. Please observe:

My husband and I will be two of 45,000 lunatic runners taking on the dreaded 26.2 this October. Holy crap, I can't believe I'm going to do this again....especially when I'm still still exhibiting a wicked pimp walk from a mere 13.1 mile run.

Also, that 'whooosh' you just heard was $250 flying out of our bank account with this registration. Nobody ever claimed torturing yourself for 4 hours was free, you know.

So I'm a little bit scared, a lot a bit nervous, and a teensy bit excited. Does this mean I'm addicted to marathons now? In the year from October 08-October 09 I will have done two full marathons and one half. My grand total will be 2 and 2 [fulls to halves, that is] in my lifetime. My running resume is still completly puny compared to most other runners out there and yet, I think I'd qualify as a 'marathoner' now....right?

We promised our friends we wouldn't become that psycho marathoning couple and yet, I think we've morphed into that very couple without even noticing. Oh well. I'm okay with that, I guess.

Here we go again...eeeek!


  1. you are 100% a marathoner in my book!! one is an accomplishment to say you've done it and finished it... but anymore than that and you are a runner addict! kick butt!

  2. Yes! The course goes right in front of our condo. We always get up and watch everyone go by, proudly showing support while sipping coffee in our pajamas. Perhaps this year we'll leave our perch and come down with a sign and some cow bells...

  3. daaaang. that's awesome. jon's friend is running it this year too and we are planning on going down the for weekend to cheer him on...but now I will also make sure to cheer you on as well!

  4. YES! I am so excited because I love reading your running posts. Please keep us updated with your training!

    Congrats! :-)

  5. That's awesome Julia! You are totally insane but you will do great! :)

  6. WooHoo!! I am totally excited for you! See you at badgerland striders! :-)

  7. What a great life experience, Julia!!! My husband has done a quarter triathlon before and loved it. I'd love to challenge myself to do something along those lines, but unforunately my knees couldn't take it. So I happily live vicariously through you :). Congrats!

  8. So excited for you guys! I doubt we'll see each other in the mess of 45,000 sweaty runners but it'll be great to swap stories.

  9. You're a nut.


  10. You are going to do GREAT! I also find it amusing that we have to pay to run ridiculous lengths :)

  11. We just went to Chi Town this weekend. It is crazy there! Love the city. Good luck you crazy runner.

  12. Um yes, you qualify as a marathoner! You are awesome woman. I'm so excited for you!

  13. I really admire your willpower. I have had "run a marathon" as a new years resolution for the last 11 years and never had. I'm so scared...GOOD FOR YOU!

  14. Yay!!! Congratulations!!! If you're going to be addicted to something, this is not a bad thing to choose! I mean, it could be gambling or heroine, so I'd say this is a pretty good thing.

  15. Congratulations! You won't regret running Chicago! Just a few hints from someone who's run it twice and lived in Chi: the first half has the best scenery; mile ~6 is in boystown with all the gay men cheering for you!; ~mile 10 goes through pretty neighborhoods; the second half is more desolate, goes through the south side; mile 20 is Chinatown, pretty cool, good place for friends to see you; the last 0.2 miles are UPhill!! You'll do great!

  16. This is great!! You should be so proud of yourself!! Awesome job!

    If only I could do the half!! ha!



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