


The whirlwind of a trip is complete and I'm so tired I could puke.

Instead of barfing, I think I'll go to bed by 9 pm tonight and call it a day. But I've been told by a certain someone that I'm known for being quite prompt with my posts/pictures from events and I cannot let her down. Apparently I have a reputation to uphold.

So this little teaser will do for now until I can fathom sitting in front of the computer for more than 5 minutes with my eyes open.

Bottom line: we got up at 5 am and observed that it was indeed pouring, ran 13.1 miles in 1:57 which made me incredibly happy [PR and sub-two hours, what?], then we drove for 6 hours in a torrential downpour. Too many numbers in there, right?

Also, during the weekend I took pictures of actual blossoms---real flowers that are blooming like crazy in St. Louis, an adorable baby, dogs, cupcakes, and various human beings. Those pictures will come later but here are two self portraits to make this brief post worth your time:

Me in the mirror at 5:30 am. I am sneaky and flipped the image in Photoshop so it's no longer backward. That process took my remaining 3 braincells for the evening.
13.1 here I come

And me, testing out my self timer so that I could get a picture of both Nate and I together before the run. Apparently my self timer was set to two seconds and it caught me a bit off guard, sprinting to place, and looking rather dazed. That look on my face is back again right now....deer in the headlights for sure:
self timer?

And yes, the mystery items from my last post were in fact: a bagel [French Toast flavor, actually], peanut butter [the regular stuff, not the weird natural kind], honey, and two multivitamins [not prenatals, although they do have enough folic acid to do the job:)]. That was my pre-run breakfast, of course. As if I'd run using some foreign foods to fuel my belly! You girls are good and cannot be fooled.

More to come but first I must stop my head from spinning. I also need a massage...


  1. LOL go get some sleep girl! Glad you had a great race - can't wait to read more!

  2. Awesome job!! Can't wait to hear the whole story. Now get some sleep!

  3. That's a great time, good job!

  4. Sweet first photo. But, there you go showin' off with your photoshop skills. You can flip a photo? Really?
    Snooze away, my friend.

  5. You're a trooper!! I can't believe after all that you guys had to drive back home. Hope you're sleeping well... (great time, too)!

  6. Can't wait to hear all about it!!!

  7. Great job on setting a new personal best! I was so exhausted too yesterday. I don't know if it was the rain or what, but I was in bed, lights out at 9:30. I can't imagine having to drive all that way on top of the race! It's amazing to think that Keri ran all that way after everything she's been through. Congrats to all of you guys!

  8. Congrats on your -2 hour time! It was awesome seeing you and Nate - too funny!

  9. You never cease to amaze me Julia! So excited for your PR!

  10. My friend and I went to go watch a handful of folks we knew running from church and totally SAW YOU RUNNING! I was like, wait.... "I read that girl's blog!" It was my first overlap of blog/real life.

    You did great! It was so awesome to watch everyone, and I have the squishy shoes and soaked jeans to prove it :)

  11. J- I am so proud of you for being so prompt! I miss you already and wish we had more time to just bond...but I was glad that we had most of Saurday. Ugghhh...I need a massage too!

  12. on our way to the train sunday morning at 6am, we saw some runners downtown (in the rain)..all of whom were honked at by an angry guy in front of us because they weren't walking across the road fast enough...go figure .. RUNNERS not WALKING fast enough..haha


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