


We're off to celebrate our two year anniversary in the lovely city of Chicago! Yes, our official anni is not until 5.27 which is next Wednesday, but Mr. Academia starts school again on Tuesday. So we'll celebrate wedded bliss a few days early and we simply cannot wait for this little getaway. Nothing really planned which makes it perfect.

I will refrain from getting too mushy just yet [let's wait until next Wednesday, shall we?] but let's just say that I love my husband more today than I did on our wedding day. These two years have been amazing, if not totally crazy, and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

wedding day

photos by The Browers

See you on the flip side. Want to guess how many pictures I'll take down there? I'm thinking 300-500ish:) My tripod is totally coming with us, too. Can't wait!


  1. Yay! Happy early Anniversary! Hope you have a blast!

  2. JULIA! That dress is insane! I don't think I have ever seen the picture on the right before... {you are my fav blogger btw}

    Wow! ! So So SO pretty!!!

  3. Great pictures! Have a blast in Chicago and Happy (early) Anniversary!

  4. Chicago is definitely my favorite city...have a great time and enjoy the shopping!

    Happy Anniv!

  5. happy anniversary!!! i haven't seen your wedding pics in a while and i just love them! :)

    i LOVE chicago-- and i'm jealous.

  6. Have so so much fun in Chicago!

  7. Happy (early) two years! And have a great time in the windy city :)

  8. congrats on 2 years! have fun in chi!

  9. Matt and I just got back from Chicago and we had a blast. (And now I'm desperate to go back because I just found out that we missed the Harry Potter exhibit at one of the museums)

    Hope you have a wonderful and memorable anniversary trip! Congrats! Can't wait to see photos!

  10. ::Sigh::

    Such pretty pictures. Wedding days are the best days ever.

    Happy anniversary a bit early, I hope you have such fun in Chicago!!

  11. Happy anniversary! And ohhhh my, your dress was gorgeous!

  12. Of course I am biased when it comes to Chicago. I love Chicago in the summer! We are going next month to celebrate DH's birthday and we are going to the Taste of Chicago! Have fun and Happy Anniversary!

  13. happy anniversary julia! and please enjoy my city.

  14., Mike doesn't work from home. Those pictures were taken at his office. Unfair, right?!?

  15. I never get tired of looking at those wedding pictures! You look so so beautiful! Happy Anniversary to you and Nate- hope the trip was awesome!

  16. Hope you're enjoying Chicago! Happy early anniversary!


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