

oh, weddings. why are you so fun?

We made it home after the kick-off for wedding season, and wow.....I'm tired. I was brave and took the SLR to the wedding which means I have 200 pictures to sort through but I wanted to post at least one shot right now. I present to you our famous 'Fab 5' shot. This is wedding #4 out of 5.....Lindsey is the last one to cross into the dark side and her day comes in August. Isn't Kristen a beautiful bride? And isn't Kim's face awesome? It was quite the hit, I tell you.

fab 5 at wedding 4/5
Many more pictures to come when I recover from my post-wedding blues. It's always so much fun to see everyone and dance the night away at weddings....but coming back to reality [after a hellish 6 hour car ride] is always such a downer. Ah well, 'tis life.

One more thing, dear readers. I would like your opinion on something. Please leave me a comment stating which of the following topics are your favorites to read on this blog. I am working on a little something and want to know why you read my blog, and which subjects are your favorites.

1. Photography/pretty pictures

2. Running stuff

3. Ramblings about general life/newlywedisms/marriage stuff

4. Complaining about the weather [what, nobody's fave??]

5. Decorating/projects/crafts [I feel like it's been a long time for this one, no?]

6. Book and movie reviews

That seems like everything I post here, right? It's really a blog about nothing in particular but our lives and yet I feel like I need some feedback here. Thanks so much, loves.


  1. I am a lurker. :) I'd say the random stuff and the pictures are my favorites. P.S. I also have a dog named Henry but he's a pretty big troublemaker.

  2. photos and ramblings. didnt know you blogged about decorating :), but would love it...

  3. I think everything you write is interesting, mostly because you are a great writer and so hilarious. I especially like the posts about your family with pictures. I also love reading about your past funny stories. Oh and the fashion/decorating ones are great too. Oh, okay, I love them all!

  4. I LOVE THIS NEW BLOG!!! It is fabbity fab fab! WOWWIE!! It has been too long since I have made a visit. I promise now to be a much better blogger friend! ;) I want to hear everything you have to say; I find it all enlightening banter! ;)
    I have good news too. I booked another wedding for this summer. Will you please forward me your album information again...we might have a gig the two of us! ;) talk to you soon, Kam

  5. My favorite is Henry photography!

  6. I am going to say I seriously like reading all of those topics. I think the reason I love your blog so much it because it is a little bit of everything, and your writing style is hilarious. But of course, I am a bit partial to talking about running any day...:-)

  7. I like your photography and your funny (albeit random) husband/dog stories!

  8. I love reading about photography and looking through your pictures. I also love your random posts on life. Great blog!

  9. I like the random marriage stuff, photography, and decorating things most.

  10. all of the above, but particularly pictures, ramblings, and running stuff!

  11. I'd have to say ramblings about general life/newlywedisms/marriage stuff are my fav.

  12. The running is definitely my favorite but I'm also a fan of the general ramblings and complaining about the weather, which is one of my favorite winter pastimes as well.

  13. I love them all but if I had to choose favorites...I'd go with #2 and 3.

  14. I like the running attire and food suggestions, decorating & crafts and book reviews. Can't wait to see more wedding pics!

  15. I like to read whatever you write about, but if you must ask: 3, 1, 5, 2, 6, 4.

  16. My fave is the random musings. :)

  17. Love the random things. And always need decorating tips :)

  18. I love the photos and the ramblings! Your running has inspired me to run more and get in shape though!

  19. 1. Running stuff
    2. Ramblings about general life/newlywedisms/marriage stuff
    3. Decorating/projects/crafts [I feel like it's been a long time for this one, no?]
    4. Photography/pretty pictures
    5. Book and movie reviews
    6. Complaining about the weather [what, nobody's fave??]

  20. Your posts about random events keep me coming back for more. I'm happy to read about your running expeditions though and I love looking at your pictures!

  21. ramblings with some pics are my favorites.

  22. running is my favorite thing to read about, but one of the reasons I love your blog so much is because of all the randomness. I have a ton of specific blogs I read, so I always look forward to a surprise with yours :)

  23. #3 and #5 definitely! Love your Blog.

  24. I love it all, but 1, 2, and 3 are my favorites!

  25. I LOVE your dress!!!!! Where did you get that fabulous thing??

  26. I can't wait for more pictures of the wedding!

    I love everything you write about. It's one of the reasons I like reading your blog--you write about lots of different things. I find your running posts to be especially interesting just because of what I'm doing and where I'm at with things, but I really do like it all.

  27. I like the random stuff and would love to see some decorating stuff! The pics are great too. Thanks!

  28. I love anything random!! & the running stuff def makes me want to get out there!

  29. All of it! I love it all! O.k., if I HAD to choose, it would come down to the photography and home decor.
    Weather complaints come in a close third.....

  30. So, you have no idea who I am but I've been reading your blog for a little while now. That sounds creepy...haha, I'm not a crazy person, I swear! I do want to let you know that I have been inspired to train for a half marathon because of your advice and your races you have done. I am not a runner at I am going to start out training for a 5K and then work up from there. So...I like the running stuff obviously. BUT...I also like your general rambling (kinda like I'm doing now) and would love to read about decorating & book reviews too. Of course, those are things I love and would like to hear others' ideas on those topics. Ok, I'm done babbling now!


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