

operation: alphabet!

I know I'm post-crazy right now and should definitely space these out a bit, but I can't help it. My weekends [ones without travel or work] are when I become most inspired. I guess it's either feast or famine around here.....numerous consecutive posts or nothing for days. Oh well, you'll forgive me, won't you?

Back in January, when I got my camera, I saw something online that appealed to my creative side. Flickr, the ever-inspiring photography site, has done it again my friends. If you go to this site called 'Spell with Flickr' you can type in any word and voila.....a personalized piece of artwork appears instantaneously. So of course, I immediately decided to embark on a 'letter project' of my own and began snapping away. I stuck to actual letters on signs at first and found that it was kind of boring, actually. It forced me to look at lettering around this city in a whole new way but after awhile, I got kind of sick of font-analyzing:)

Nevertheless, I used my own little alphabet collection to make this as a wedding gift:


Then a few days ago, Darci's posted here, spotlighting Art of Whimsy. Something clicked and I finally got it: it's WAY more fun to photograph things that are not technically letters. Talk about stretching your brain a little bit.....the possibilities were endless!

I did a little more research for inspiration and found lots of awesome sites: Alphabet Photography , A to Z Illusions , and Taylan Art are just a few that tickled my fancy. And with that I was off to take approximately 150 this morning.....things around the house and outside our house were my subjects for now. I have a list of places I want to visit soon just to get more images. But really, I'd say I'm off to a great start, wouldn't you?

mosaic of letters
Ah, my little letter project. How you make me so happy. Just when I was itching to make a new blog header, too. Please observe if you dare.

Some of my letters are fabulous and some are pretty crappy. I'll admit that a few of them are a stretch, but I can always delete some later as my collection grows. Just look at the fun words I've spelled.

My nickname, Julia Goolia:

One that I think would be perfect to frame for our living room---Love: made in metals.
The E made from our toaster is a fave:)

This isn't my favorite collection of letters, but work with me here---Family:

And although it's very non-traditional, wouldn't this be cute in a nursery?----Baby:
It definitely helps to live in a house built in the many fun bits-o-character. Like the B above---it's from one of the vintage keys we use for our porch door. And you'll find plenty of 'health care paraphernalia' in my alphabet----ie the stethoscope [Y above], reflex hammer [an A and also a P in my collection], and goniometer [an A].

I think these are some of my absolute favorite letters---Q R and S:

So I ask you dear readers, you likey?

This is a project that is totally doable. Just think of the gifts you could give [engagement, wedding, baby, etc], the artwork you could make, and the time you can waste playing with your letters. You could have an 'all nature' collection, an 'around the house' collection, an 'all metal' collection....I could go on but I won't. Have fun letter hunting!


  1. Oh my gosh! That is so much fun ... I love the baby one!

  2. How creative, I love it! I'm going to be looking for letters everywhere now :)

  3. I really, really don't need a new obsession but I'm thisclose to having one now that you posted about this. Wow! I love your new header, and I love the idea of giving these away as gifts. I would also like to make baby books out of these.

  4. I've been doing this same project for a while! I posted about it a while ago. It's so fun! Although, I've been doing actual signs - I love your "found" letters! so creative you are :)

  5. I saw something like that on Etsy too and I thought it was adorable. You have a great camera, so you can def do these yourself. Good job.

  6. SO fun! I love the new header and that gift was so personal. Absolutely beautiful!

  7. Adorable! I just got back from taking a bunch of pictures of my favorite city and I wish I had read your blog before I snapped away. Great idea!!!

  8. Love it! I never thought of trying to find my own letters...very creative

  9. love it! so creative and not too mention totally doable.

  10. Very cool. I've actually been working on this myself, for a wedding gift for a friend of Chad's. Hopefully it turns out as great as yours have!

  11. This is so fun, but becomes obsessive! Trust me! :)

    I use landmarks or other LARGE things. (The Arch makes a good "N" or a "C" for instance). ;)

    I started over a year ago. Then this past July when we were in Disney World it got crazy! I even got my parents thinking too much about it as well. haha

    Now it's my hubby. =D

    SO much fun!

  12. i love this idea, also! i've become obsessed with finding letters in objects as well since i saw these letters framed as neighborhood names at a local store. i am working on doing the exact same thing, but actually finding letters in my neighborhood :)


  13. I love your new header! So creative!

    We actually got something similar to this for a wedding gift. It's hanging above our kitchen sink and I love seeing it every day.

  14. So cool!! And I love the new blog header.

    What an awesome wedding gift idea, too. Now I want one for us!

  15. I want you to make me one just like you made your friends. Seriously, I would pay for it! Would you think of selling them??? I don't think I would have enough patience to do it myself!

  16. Absolutely amazing! You have inspired me to do some fun alphabet photography projects this week! Thank you for posting this!

  17. LITERALLY, COOLEST STUFF EVER! I saw your new header and immediately skipped down to the comment box. I haven't even read your post yet, but this is so cool!!!!

  18. I love them! I esp LOVE that wedding gift idea!! So freakin cute!!!

  19. I agree with LC...sell them! I'd love one!

  20. I LOVE this! What a great gift idea. And I love how your new header turned out!

  21. P.S. I'm obsessed with the Haynes one you gave as a gift. How did you do it? And where did you print it out? It's amazing!!

  22. Wow, that wedding gift is awesome!

  23. I can definitely see how easily that could become an obsession! Your new blog header looks great. It's projects like these that make me think how much digital photography has changed people's worlds.

  24. Thanks, ladies. Yeah...I'd make some of these for others. Email me at jules5.27.07 at gmail and we'll talk.

    I just printed the Haynes one on nice photo paper with my regular old printer....same one I used for all of my wedding paper goods. Found the frame at Kohl's and voila....a perfect personalized gift.

  25. you are unbelievably talented!!!

  26. These are great! I'm totally going to have to make one if my husband and I end up getting our condo!

  27. Awesome, awesome! Love, Love LOVE IT!!!!!

  28. I started a project like this, but have not gotten very far. :-) You did a fantastic job!!!


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