

So three thousand and eight

Who else is loving the Boom Boom Pow song lately? Black Eyed Peas are the bomb. This will be a sort of miscellany post for you this fine Monday afternoon....but I really wanted to use the 3008 as a title because I *heart* it. I also *heart* being off on a Monday....don't get too jealous, since I had to work yesterday on Mother's Day. As the ONLY non-mother in my department I had to volunteer for that one and now my Monday is simply divine:) A long run, a long nap, a butt load of coffee, and catching up on everything I didn't do yesterday. Ah, a faux weekend day is just what I needed.

1. Not only am I obsessed with the BEP song but also, we bought the new Silversun Pickups album and holy crap, I love them. Last summer my ultra-hip brother-in-law introduced me to them and I put their song 'Three Seed" on repeat for about four months at a time. Then I heard their new single "Panic Switch" on the radio the other day and decided it was time to invest in their full album, Swoon. It rules, go and buy it right now [that's Swoon on the far right but aren't all of their albums gorge, too?]

They remind me of a mix between Smashing Pumpkins and maybe even a hint of Garbage, but with a sound uniquely their own. "Lazy Eye" from their Carnavas album is probably their most mainstream but honestly, the songs that aren't on the radio are even better.

Two other single song purchases to rave about: "Closer" by Kings of Leon and "Show Me What I'm Looking For" by Carolina Liar. Totally obsessed. Does anyone else get overly into new song purchases like me? Nate thinks I wear them out within a week from playing them too much but I guess that's just my intense nature:)

2. So apparently when I get birthday money, I cannot force myself to buy nice everyday items of clothing. I am in desparate need of Spring and Summer wardrobe staples like shorts, semi-casual tops, and of course I could use a new dress to wear to the multiple weddings we have this summer. But what do I spend my cash on instead? Running clothes, of course. It's become a sickness, really. I.just.can't.stop.

Remember this post from last summer? That is when I first became a believer of Dri-Fit material for running and I said goodbye to rotten cotton forever. But three measly outfits simply would not propel me forward into another summer of marathon training. A girl needs options and now I have them. Please observe:

Outfit #1: Those Nike running shorts everyone seems to have + hot pink Nike tank bought for me by my loving hubby, for my birthday. He knows me so well.

Outfit #2: tight capris bought for me by Nate at Christmas + another pink Nike tank bought with birthday cash. I love the little v-necks on both of these tanks. Tight capris always make me self-conscious about my thighs but they are oh-so-comfy.

Outfit #3: my new gray Nike running skort + 'long' blue Nike tank bought with Mom's birthday cash. LOVE. More on this one in a bit.

Outfit #4: my old Nike running skort [not new but still a fave] + light purple PADDED tank from Eddie Bauer, of all places. Nate got me this one for Valentines day. Who knew EB had workout clothes? And a padded tank is just what the doctor ordered for nipping out, my friends. Totally comfy, too.

Okay, so I know skorts are quite controversial in some running circles. You all know my love affair with my original black Nike skort, right? Well, I was reading up on the newest version on the Nike site and there were all kinds of mixed reviews from buyers. I heard a lot of girls whine about how short this new one is, and how it gives you love handles, and it's way too tight. I figured, What the Heck? It can't be much shorter than the old one, can it? What do you think?
I ran 8.5 miles in it today and I will admit, it felt a little skimpy at first. And maybe a little tighter around my hips but there are shorts under there, you know, so it's not like you might flash hoo-ha on accident. It was very comfortable to run in and I will be keeping it for sure, but just in case I asked Nate if he thought it was an inappropriate length. I didn't want to look like a total prostitute running down the road but he assured me it wasn't as scandalous as I thought. I think he just likes how my butt looks in it, so his opinion is biased:)

3. While drinking heavily at Kristen's wedding we discovered a new favorite beer. Imagine our delight when we found it at a local grocery store, too! Mmmmm, it's so amazing.
our new favorite beer EVER

4. I am not joking when I say that Milwaukee JUST accepted the fact that May is halfway over. About two weeks ago, everything started greening up around here and actual flower blossoms came out to play. About freaking time, don't you think? Only about 2 months behind St. Louis, of course. I used to assume that June meant Summer but right now I'm settling for Spring. Did I ever mention that it's been a long winter? My favorite trees shed a lot but are so pretty:
favorite tree sheds a lot

true sign of spring

Tulips! Actual tulips!
spring has sprung....even in Milwaukee!

hello, color

Trees with real, living leaves on them!
the tree that glows in the sun

even plain green leaves make me happy

So many photographic opportunities, so little time.
bokeh beauty

i thought this was a daffodil?
So yeah, I just switched out all of my winter coats, hats/gloves, and sweaters to my Spring/Summer wardrobe. It's always a little disheartening to find that your wardrobe blows, don't you think?

5. Nate is taking one of his last finals right now. One more on Wednesday and then he's off until 5/26. I cannot believe he has three whole semesters under his belt. Only six more to go, people. One year down, two more left. However you want to look at it......time is flying by and Nate is kicking major PT booty. So proud of my little student. Can't wait for him to have free time in the evenings again. And let's not forget about our anniversary trip to Chicago....holla!


  1. OMG NEW BELGIUM BEER!!!!!! Seriously, I love it. When I heard they'd be selling it here, I may or may not have fallen out of my chair and yelled out loud. Unfortunately, I have yet to get my hands on a sixer of Fat Tire. Sigh...

    Oh, and I love all of your running clothes.

  2. I also have a small obsession with workout wear. LOVE the stuff. I wish I loved to run as much as I love to shop for running gear!

    And NEW BELGIUM BEER?! OMG. I might have to make a special beer run to Milwaukee. I heard a rumor it would be distributed in Madison soon....but its not here yet.

  3. That last picture is A-Mazing! Love it.

    You've got a great collection of running gear. I'm a big fan of the skort. Unfort, I only have one and it's not Nike :/

  4. I fall into the "not a fan of running skorts" category...I just never understood looking pretty while running. Although, I also hate running in cotton. I think it is because I ran cross country from freshman year of high school to senior year of college, and we always had practice I am late to the game?

    That beer sounds FAB. I wonder if I can find it in Atlanta...

  5. I heart the new running gear and am officially jealous. I've been avoiding shorts because I hate my legs but I think it's time to embrace them.

  6. love your new running clothes, so cute! my husband also loves Silversun and Kings of Leon; he desperately wanted me to post some new suggestions for you :) Fleet Foxes - their song "Blue Ridge Mountains", Metric - "Help I'm Alive", Cold Ware Kids - "I've Seen Enough, and The Hold Steady - "Sequestered In Memphis". I hope you enjoy them!

  7. ooooh, thanks, Brianne! I'm headed to iTunes right now.

    And I'm glad other people know about this beer---the nectar of the gods---because it's so freaking amazing.

    Mrs. Newlywed~I know many people hate the skort, but for me it's not about being 'pretty' while running [or else I would consider a quick hit of mascara and a non-frizzy ponytail]. It's more about the irony of wearing a feminine skirt while kicking major athletic arse. Plus, I'm a girlie girl who is obsessed with pink, so what do you expect? :) Try it! You might like it!

  8. Seriously, can I borrow your body for a day? Maybe a long weekend? I know you work super hard to have that bod but damn girl...I am jealous!

  9. That body is half hard work, half good genetics, no? I work my arse off and could NEVER look like you - I'm slightly envious!

    Love the running clothes, though I can't believe you didn't spend that moola at Fred or the mall!

    Gorgeous flower pics. I LOVE those trees, too, I need one in my front yard someday.

  10. You are so funny! I love that last flower. Beautiful! As you welcome spring - we are welcoming summer in Texas. It's been over 90 all week. UGH! It's going to be a HOT summer!

  11. Hi,
    New to the blog. My sister sent me here because, and I quote:
    "she is 27 (i think), loves to run, loves her dog, love pictures, and doesn't like being close to 30. you all have so much in common!"

    I am 29 (and a half! EEK!), love to run, have 2 dogs and 2 cats, and love pictures, but am not quite a photographer! I'm okay with 30, I think. Check with me in January. Also, I am a newlywed too that got married in May08.

    Anyways, about the running skirt, I have 3 of them and like to wear them, however, I just wore a new one during a 1/2 marathon and the shorts underneath were too short and my legs chaffed REALLY bad. Guess I need to use more body glide.

    Do you ever feel self conscious wearing them when just running outside? I know I do, so I always run with my dog and mace!

    And I have an obsession with ALL things clothes. Running, dressy, casual, etc. I think I need help!

  12. So I read this post last night and had no idea what you were talking about on #1. Then I went to spinning this morning and it was the first song on the CD. Is it sad that my (at least) 40 year old instructor is more hip than I am?

    And I heart New Belgium. Actually, I think after too many high school/college years of Natty Light, it was my first "real" beer. Yum.

  13. Peek a boo! I found your blog through one of my favorite StL bloggers and thought I'd say hi!

  14. Running skorts are weird. Stick with shorts!

  15. Thanks for posting about the new Silversun Pickups album. I'm so out of the loop I didn't realize it was out, but I just downloaded it. I downloaded the Kings of Leon recently too. That is one sexay album!

    I love wheat beers, and when Jason bought a sampler of New Belgium, I got to try the Mothership Wit and the Trippel. Both delicious, but Blue Moon is still my fave:)

    Congrats on finally getting spring up there in the cold north!

  16. LC/Erin~puh-leez.

    Cortney~90s?!?!?! I would pass out if we hit 70 these days. Seriously. Our heat was on last night. I yearn for the 90s, though. Everyone needs a little sweat on their brow.

    Jaime~hello, my blogging twin! We have quite a lot in common, no? I don't feel odd running in my skort even sans dog or pepper spray. I honestly like them and truly think they are comfy....but I haven't had an encounter with problematic undershorts yet, thank goodness. And I love that your sis thought I was still 27. Smooches to her [I'm a whopping 28 now, yikes!]

    Kristal~you love the song now, don't you?!

    Tattooed Dorothy~fabulous name, thanks for stopping by! Who could be your fave from STL? There are so many of them down there! :)

    oz~I like being weird, don't you know? No going back now!

    Mary~Blue Moon is a favorite for sure but this new one has a little extra kick for me and I dig it. Nate tells me Kings of Leon is a stoner band but I like the idea of them being sexay way better:)

  17. Love the new BEP. I've been meaning to download it to my ipod for a while now.
    I'll have to check out the new band, they sound awesome.
    Running clothes? You'd rather spend money on running clothes. There's help for people like you Julia...... I've needed new bras for like a year now, and simply can't get motivated to do anything about it, but new tops, skirts or shorts I'll snatch up on impulse.
    The running skirt: not too short, and like you said, shorts underneath so as to not flaunt your va-j-j around town.
    Belgium beer = yummo.
    Love the photos ( usual) :) esp. #1
    John just finished school last week. 2 more semesters, and he graduates. Can't believe it.
    I so want to go to Chicago. My agenda would be: Water Tower, Cubs game followed by lunch at Hot Doug's and a visit to Shedd aquarium. You'll have a blast!

  18. LOVE that Carolina Liar song! That's kind of funny. I heard it on the commercial yesterday, and Googled just to find out what it was.

    Killer skorts. I heart them. And, by the way, I run marathons and look like a f-king beast. Boo.

  19. My 9 month pregnancy body hearts your body. ha. I think the new skort would make me uncomfortable but I LOVE me some running capris.-La.


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