

Textures and such

I had the most perfect weekend ever, filled with nothing at all but fabulousness. Seriously. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, the sun shone down on Milwaukee and gave us temps in the 70s. Nate and I went for a nice, warm 8 mile run together. Nevermind the fact that my stomach did not agree with the extraordinary warmth during the run, it was still fab. We saw The Hangover and laughed our rears off. We went to Starbucks and partook in Venti coffees [we're usually grande-types but there was no stopping us this weekend]. We slept in. We took naps. We did laundry. I had a girlie day with my mother-in-law complete with pedicures and girl talk. I read a ridiculous amount of Breaking Dawn [swoon! I cannot put this one down, for real]. And I took pictures.

I got really into textures this weekend. Please observe. The peonies made their way indoors and their fragrance seriously runs through our entire place. I love them.
Between the lamp and the sun from the windows, I had fun playing with light and textures on the petals.

Running with the pink theme, I figured my adorable new yoga mat fit the 'texture' bill, too.
yoga mat fun

And outside, one of the healthy green plants just begged for my attention.



Speaking of begging for attention....

It's been awhile since my little man got to have a photoshoot devoted entirely to his cute face. I figured it was long overdue. And yes, he loves my pink yoga mat as much as me.

Texture again. Don't you just want to pet his soft fur?

"Mother, please. It's time for my nap. Can't we do this later?"

Upon going outside, Henry discovered a mysterious patch of stank in the grass. Who knows if it was dead worms, unidentified poop, or just plain filth. This dude loves to roll in nastiness. And he's just too cute to scold, isn't he?

And finally, my two favorite pictures of Henry....his haircut is growing out, which makes him look constantly worried. Gotta love those little eyes, right? Such an expressive dog, really.


Sigh. The weekend. How I love thee. Why do Saturday and Sunday fly by at record speed but any other week day plugs along one second at a time.

Oh well, at least I got my Vitamin D this weekend. Sunshine equals automatic good mood for days in my book. Let the count down until Friday begin...


  1. Such a GREAT weekend!! I love the pictures!!

  2. My parents' Zoe loves to roll around in bunny and deer poop. Maybe it is a cockapoo thing ;)

  3. We saw The Hangover this weekend, too. Hilarious! I love that you take a hundred pictures of Henry it makes me feel less bad when we come back from hiking and 95% of the pictures are of the pups.

  4. Gorgeous pictures!!

    My brother's dog does that rolling in the grass thing, and I laugh hysterically at her. It's so funny to watch!

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