

The Big To-Do List

While pregnant, I've been trying to tackle a big fat To-Do list. Some of the things are fun ones (like research car seats, pick a name, pick a paint color) and others are not so fun. Almost all of them are over analyzed to death on my part which means I make things more difficult than necessary most of the time. And I'm okay with that:)

One of the monster To-Do items? Figure out childcare. Ugh. Last week, I called the daycare that we are most likely going to use in June when I return to work. I kept putting it off even though I know this is probably going to be our pick just because it seems so final. It's a small place that is not open to the public because it's just for the staff at my hospital and many of my co-workers have their children there at all different ages. The cost is absolutely unbeatable because it's affiliated with the hospital (but don't get me wrong, it's not THAT inexpensive but compared to some places around our house it's much less per day). And the lady on the phone suggests we come in any time for a tour, saying that she highly recommends first time moms to bring the baby into the center during mom's maternity leave to make that first day less stressful. Isn't that a great idea? I like the thought of easing into that major transition and I'm glad I've started to get the ball rolling with daycare decisions, too. After our tour I think I'll feel even better about it but I'm sure I'll still hunt around online for other in-home options out there...just in case we decide to go that route.

Another big To-Do? Decide on my work schedule following maternity leave. Not sure if I mentioned this or not, but I'm pretty sure I will attempt to work four 9 hour days each week when I go back. This will keep my full time status and allow our benefits to cost the exact same as they do now. My boss seemed to think that a 9 hour day would work just fine in our department and as long as she can find someone to cover my day off it shouldn't be a problem. Working 36 hours each week instead of 40 would do two things: 1. Allow me one extra day with baby boy, making me a more sane and happy mom and only paying for 4 days of daycare each week, but 2. I will make less money overall for our family. However, I truly believe that taking a pay cut in the name of my sanity and extra time with my little man is worth more than the dollar sign. We can afford it so why not? It's kind of like the maternity leave decision I had to make, too. I only get 6 weeks paid (at a measly 60% pay, none-the-less....gotta love working in health care!) but am allowed to take 12 with the last 6 being completely unpaid. Now THAT will be a big decrease in our income but again--I truly believe that I need those 3 months with my little man, no matter what the cost. I will never ever get those weeks back with my first born baby. We've worked our rears off to create a decent savings account and if we have to dip into the 'down-payment' fund a bit to allow my maternity leave, then so be it. And yes, this is the self-proclaimed tight wad talking here: I'm okay making less money, taking time off without pay, and dipping into our savings in the name of my baby boy. I guess you could say that priorities shift a bit when a baby comes into the picture (but not THAT much....I'm still going to be a crazy finance-obsessed mommy, but just one who gets a little extra time with her son).

My next tough but important decision on the never-ending list of To-Dos is finding a pediatrician and a family practice doc for Nate and I. I don't even have a primary care doc in Milwaukee, isn't that sad? So I'd love to find one MD to see our whole family and I know a lot of family med docs will do that. I'm thinking this will be another place of heavy research and time spent interviewing potential doctors, too? I'm going to be all, 'What are your opinions on vaccines?' and 'Do you mind having a psycho first-time mommy call you at 3 am with questions?' and 'Can you handle my neuroses?' and the doc will be all 'Chill out, lady.' It will be fabulous, I can just tell:)

I think after all of these heavy decisions are made, I deserve a little fun break from stressful adult things. So I might just dive head first into some fun pregnancy book reading and never look back. Jenny McCarthy's Belly Laughs and Baby Laughs are both on my list, as is the Tori Spelling Mommywood book. Heck, I might even read The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy even though I'm over half-way done. So many books and so little time!


  1. That's great that you can go back to a modified schedule. And honestly, even getting 60% of your pay for six weeks is better than a lot of companies offer.

    I think having one doc for all of you is a great idea. And surely THAT'S a perk of working in health care--you should be able to get some great recommendations, right?

  2. A lot of us at my work see the same Dr and one of my coworkers takes her twins there. She catches some heat sometimes because it's not an actual pedi but the fact that that Dr knows them and knows their entire family history is totally worth it for her. In fact that Dr even came in to check on her after her C-section! I plan on doing the same whenever I have kids.

  3. Wow.... so many decisions. I've often thought about the doctor thing when we have kids. We don't have a primary care physician, so we'll totally be in the same boat. I know the magazines always say to interview doctors, but I'm always a little intimidated.

    How awesome that you will work 4 days for 9 hours. That extra day will be wonderful, I'm sure.

  4. I think that you will LOVE having that extra day off. I work 2 nine hour days and even though they can be a little long sometimes, I always get excited to go and pick Clare up at the end of the day. Hope you're doing well and I am so excited for you!

  5. Ugh. I don't have a daycare chosen and I haven't even begun searching for a pedi. I need to get on that...

    Oh, and my leave is completely unpaid. But I don't care. It will be SO worth it. :)

  6. I am just glad that you are going through it before me because I am also psycho and I will just copy off of what you do! Thanks for doing the research, Julia! AND... Belly Laughs is hilarious! I laughed outloud reading "Sex in the 9th Month" from my friends book! Enjoy!

  7. Good for you in tackling these!

    I'm so happy that you've such a resolute mind on the 12 weeks. You're absolutely right. They are priceless.

  8. Good job facing the tough issues. Those are the ones that aren't fun, but when you don't have to think about them anymore - it's a LOAD off your shoulders.

    Hang in there! You're doing great!!


  9. Hey Julia,

    Doug is in private practice now at Shoreview Pediatrics on Downer. It is a great practice and if you have any questions about finding a pediatrician, just let us know. He'd be more than happy to talk to you and Nate!!

    I check out your blog from time to time to see your new belly shots and the nursery progression! Glad to see that you are doing so well!


  10. Well you are moving right along and crossing things off that To Do List. Good for you!


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