

much better

I'm doing much better after a few days of rest and antibiotics:) Thank you for your support, as always. As a reward to you readers for listening to my downer post last time I have four new Truman videos for you to enjoy.

First comes his first bath! We gave him this sponge bath when he was just 6 days old and I'm not going to lie, we haven't done it since. Does that make us bad parents? He just hated it SO much and it's not like he really gets that I just wipe off his face and obviously clean his 'area' down below all the freaking time, and I figure that is good enough. I really want to give him a real baby tub bath once the stupid cord falls off so I've just been hoping that happens sooner than later. I hope he likes a real bath better than this...if you freak out over a baby crying, do not watch this one. It's so pathetic and cute, if you ask me:)

Then, he goes and gets all entertaining with some hiccups!

And to top it off, he even sneezes! And holds back sneezes, for that matter! I know, newborns are ultra interactive, aren't they? :)

And finally, he just LOVES him some Beyonce. When I sing him this song he usually calms right down so I'm convinced he adores all the 'single ladies' of the world. So freaking cute.

Enjoy! :)


  1. I loved these! My doggy was freaked out when he heard Truman cry- it was so cute :)

  2. So funny about the bath! I think we bathed Caroline 3 times in the first month because she HATED, at 3 months, she's thankfully not screaming through it anymore :)

  3. Mia was so excited when she heard Truman cry. She ran up and licked the computer screen :)

    I love the video of you singing "Single Ladies". Someday, when Truman is older, he will love seeing this video and you singing to him one of your favorite "oldies".

  4. ROFL!! Loved all of them : )

    Poor! If only dogs could talk.

    You should let Henry take over your blog for a post and see what he has to say.

    You might help him with his spelling of know how dogs sometimes have bad spelling. : )


  5. Truman holding in that sneeze was so stinkin' cute! Can't wait to see that guy again :)

  6. Oh my goodness! You singing Single Ladies to Truman totally just made my day!

  7. I love in the bath video, he calms down for a second and peeks out of one eye. He's all, "Oh, you're still paying attention? Better keep up the crying!"

  8. Okay,
    1. He's adorable!!
    2. You're adorable!!
    3. Truman is the MASTER of the one-eyebrow stare.
    4. I think you're truly becoming an Wisconsinite, you've got the accent going!!

    LOVE the videos!!

  9. Oh these are sooo cute! I love that you sing Beyonce to him...hilarious! :)

  10. You are such a great mom!!! And Beyonce has NOTHING on you :)

  11. Ahhhh, love it. LOVE the Beyonce video. I think you should quit the PT gig and go for career in show biz ;) Truman will be your biggest fan!

  12. I love the upper lip move, it reminds me of Elvis. You better watch out for that little one or else he is going to turn into a rock star, first Elvis then Beyonce!

    Also those sneezes were so cute!

  13. How cute!!! LOVE it that he likes Beyonce! Just wait till I start singing some of our songs from back in the day to him...can't wait for "Breathe in, breathe out!"
    Love you all,

  14. When I gave my babies their first baths, I was worried they'd get cold so I bathed their top half while the bottom half was dressed...then put on the shirt, undressed and bathed their bottom half, ha! It actually worked pretty well! I think they still felt somewhat snuggly without being totally exposed all at once. :-)


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