


When it comes time for me to narrow down pictures from an amazing weekend to show you on this blog, I usually put it off for quite some time and then end up putting a boat load of photos up anyway. Out of the 400 pictures I took over Truman's baptism weekend I think I selected my favorites here but it really was painful to choose.

Last weekend our baby boy was (finally) baptized. Did I mention that we completed new member classes at this church and are officially a part of an awesome congregation now? What better way to celebrate than to get Truman sprinkled in front of them all?

We really only put off the baptism because 1) Life was passing by at lightning speed and before I knew it, Truman was 2 months old and we hadn't found a church to join yet---let alone decided on the baptism question, and 2) Once we did decide on our new church for membership, I really wanted to plan a date that worked for our families. Planning it months in advance really did help gather the troops from Missouri and even Oregon. Yes, it was a big to-do around here last weekend.

My mom and Memaw flew in on Friday night and my dad drove all by himself up here (crazy man, I know). Pepaw didn't make the trip but was here in spirit of course. Then there was Hannah (Truman's official Godmother/Sponsor) with her adorable family and Ryan (Truman's Godfather/Sponsor) and his adorable family who all arrived Friday night as well. Nate's brother Jon came in from Oregon a few days prior and is still here visiting with his only nephew. Unfortch, my brother (Uncle Mike) couldn't make the trip but just like Pepaw, was holding it down in Missouri in our honor.

The man of the hour in some of his new threads from Old Navy. I'm so glad I bought all 12-18 month sizes because they are definitely not too big at this point, the little stinker.

So Tilly is the big almost-one-year-old who had to show off her mad bumbo sitting skills to the babies. How funny is it to see her long 'toddler' legs sticking out?

And Nora is the adorable 5 month old who has the most amazing cheeks you'll ever see. I couldn't stop taking pictures of her, of course.

We didn't forget about you, mister man.

Truman and Nora obviously love each other. In fact, Truman's fingers made for quite the snack.

The ladies and their babies. Apparently Truman missed the memo about downing a Dr. Brown's bottle for this shot but at least he had Mizzou's Truman the Tiger instead.

Then there's Nora and her cheeks again. Sigh...

And Tilly's big girl teeth are just too much to handle. Although I love being a mommy to a baby boy, these little girls exude cuteness and I want one! :)

"What, mother? Am I not enough for you?" Of course you are, baby T. No worries. We'll just celebrate you and your sickeningly cute baptismal outfit for now, okay?

Baby boy and his smile. And yes, my mom did sew this outfit especially for her first grandson of course.

Isn't it adorable?

The boys and their kiddos, plus Truman's hat. Also note the radical high-top shoes. And that Truman is a total ladies man these days.

So then it was time to get Truman dunked. I anticipated that he might be taking his morning nap during the festivities because he literally always falls asleep during church for at least 30 minutes. Of course when it was our time to come up front, he was passed out asleep like a limp noodle. Nate and I sort of tried to wake him up while we were standing up there but he wouldn't budge. So of course as soon as the Pastor doused him with water on his round little head, he startled awake and looked SO confused.

But then the Pastor took Truman, read a sweet little Bible verse, and walked him up and down the aisles of the church to show him off. And our social butterfly ate it right up and LOVED seeing everyone in church.

After that, during the blessing, Truman was all smiles and couldn't stop staring at his Sponsors and his family in the front rows.

I mean, look at our crew in full force here. Aren't we a handsome looking bunch?

I took a ton of post-baptism pictures in church after that and although I HATE the white balance of these indoor photos I suppose I'll live. Just too many fun family/friend moments to ignore.

And the church details were so pretty...




Hello, Nora. We still love your cheeks.

And big girl Tilly who slept through the service...

Had to get a few more posed pics outside our house in the good light. This is when Nora pulled Truman's tie right off his body. Easy there, sister!

My parents plus Memaw...

And hot stuff after an outfit change, collar popped for the special 'giant ear' effect:)

See? I told you there were a lot of pictures. But how else could I have shared this incredible weekend? We are so blessed with our friends and family that I often question how we got so lucky; we definitely don't take them for granted and appreciate every second we spend with this group. And of course, we were all dog tired after they left and could have slept for days. Always a sign of a good weekend, right? :)


  1. What an amazing weekend, Julia! Great photos and congratulations to Truman.

  2. That popped collar is just too much, love it!

  3. Ahhhhh, soo much cuteness! I love the double popped collar.

  4. Looks like a fun filled family weekend! Glad everyone [well, mostly everyone] could make the trek up to Wisconsin. Congrats again on the baptism. It looks as though Truman did great :)

  5. Awww, congrats, Truman!

    Your kid is freaking adorable, Julia. :-)

  6. Great photos. I can't believe he is in 18 month clothes! nuts!

  7. FANTASTIC Photos!! He is tooo cute and his baptism outfit is adorable!! Congrats!!

  8. Adorableness. He's so darn handsome!

    I'm so behind on this...sigh.

  9. Beautiful photos of a beautiful moment! His Old Navy clothes are too cute too!

  10. We are finally getting Andy baptized in a couple of weeks, so I know what you mean about putting it off.

    What a great weekend for you guys surrounded by family and friends. Truman looked very handsome.

  11. That last photo is the best! Who doesn't love a double popped collar on a baby?? Great pics Julia and congrats Truman!

  12. My little guy got baptized this weekend:)
    Love the pictures. I like to look at your blog because baby Jay likes to look at it too. I thought he would enjoy the laughing video, but when I started playing it he got his pouty lip and started crying. I guess he just likes pictures:)


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