

Photo Contest

I never do things like this but after so many friends, family, blog readers, and my patients tell me that I need to enter Truman's pictures into a contest, I decided it was time. I just didn't know which contest to try and then I found it today at the Pediatricians office (ahem, a cold that I feared had turned into an ear infection, but so far so good---just zero sleep and lots of screaming, that's all).

I picked up an issue of American Baby magazine and saw a page saying they have a photo contest for a baby to win a cover shot, $1000, and a trip to NYC for a photo shoot. Score!! We've always wanted to go to NYC and Truman is a great traveler. And do you know how many disgustingly cute outfits I could get for Truman at Baby Gap with 1K? Or a college fund savings account would be nice, too, I suppose. I'm totally going for it. But now, you must help me, dear readers. I can only submit one picture. ONE FREAKING PICTURE out of the thousands I've taken of Truman in his 8 months of life. Gah. Decisions are hard, for real. And I'm SO that mom who thinks her kids is abnormally cute and should win every contest, by the way. :)

{Er, actually, after reading the fine print it looks like I can submit up to six photos but they all have to be within the last month or so. Even harder!! Some of the ones that were my faves were from a few months ago. }

Please let me know which you like best----the guidelines they will use to judge the photos are 1. Appearance of the child in the photo, 2. Personality of the child expressed in the photo, 3. Quality of the photo. Not sure that helps select your fave but whatev.

Also note: just picking 10 pictures to select from was seriously difficult for me and a little stressful.

1. (Can't go wrong!)

2. (Grumpy old man)

3. (the pout)

4. (I just like this one)

5. (The newest one of the bunch! Just love this face)

6. (not a ton of personality here, but he's just too precious)

7. (lots of personality here....stubborn)

8. (Signature eyebrows)

9. (Nate's fave for some reason)

10. (his face here just cracks me up)


  1. 2 and 9 are my faves! But he is so adorable that it's hard to choose!

  2. Number one is by far my favorite, but five is a close second. Good luck!

  3. Numbers 5 and 6 for sure!! Good luck!

  4. Man, this is a tough choice. 2 and 5 are definitely my faves! I got my new nephew the onesie is #8 - can't wait for him to wear it! At only 3lbs, I think he might fit into it in about a year :)

  5. 5, 6 and 9 are my favorites. I'm rooting for you T-man!

  6. #5 is one of the sweetest pictures I have ever seen!

  7. I like 2 and 5 best. But if I had to choose one, I'd go for 5... love it!

  8. Tough choice but my vote is for 5 or 6

  9. I like 1, 5 and 9 best! He's such a cutie hard to pick just one!

  10. What a sweetie! I love #5. He is so full of joy!

  11. I love 3 and 5. Just adorable!!

  12. I like #9 because it's unique, especially with those adorable ears! You need something that will stand out from the rest of the babes :)

  13. 7 and 5 are my favorites. I like 1 and 2 also.

  14. I narrowed it down to my top 5: 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8

  15. I vote #3, I love that pout! and #6is awesome too.

  16. #5 and #9 are my faves!

  17. I vote for #3 and #5

    Good luck!

  18. I'm voting for #5. Its just too cute!

  19. #3 and #5 are my favorites!

  20. 5, 9 and 10... Tough choice - I don't envy you! Good luck, Truman!

  21. 2 and 6 are my favorites!! hard to choose!

  22. 2 and 6 are my favorites! they are all great, so this was difficult. good luck...

  23. It looks like #5 is winning and given the guidelines, I have to agree.

  24. I'm going to go against the grain here and say numbers six and ten are my favorites...followed closely by number one. With a face like Truman's you can't really go wrong here. :)

  25. I think 5 and 9. But they are all great!

  26. I vote number six, with number nine close behind!

  27. My votes are for 5, 8 & 9


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