

Let The Nostalgia Begin

Feeling very nostalgic, a little sad, and a lot emotional today after the big birthday party yesterday--which was awesomely fun. Also, his birthday is in two freaking days now. Wow. A year ago tonight I checked into the hospital to begin a marathon induction process. I can barely remember what life was like before Truman and it blows my mind that it's already been a year, too.

Sorting through pictures and formulating blog posts in my head, but wanted to first share two pieces of work with you.

These are long, very long. Only view if you have the time or just save for later if you wish. :)

The first is my photo slideshow I made as a highlight of Truman's first year in photos. We played this on repeat during the party for some background entertainment. It's a little over 10 minutes long.

The second is my video show I made everyone watch at the party. I just love it, although it's 15 minutes long. It does nothing but create a large lump in my throat right now.

More to come...


  1. The second video puts a huge lump in my throat...especially the beginning. How quickly they move from the wonderful, scary, stressful, awesome newborn stage!

    What a year, mama! You did it! I still remember you going into the hospital and here you are 12 months later with a handsome little man who is just so precious. I'm sure it's just going to get better and better.

  2. <3

    I especially love T emptying drawers and helping with diapers. Isaac does the same. :)

  3. Aw he just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I can't believe it's already been a year!

  4. Oh I love it! I can't believe how fast he grew from little squirmy newborn to a ONE year old! Such a cool thing you've put together for him... :)

  5. What a proud Momma you must be! Congrats on your amazing little boy and the year you are celebrating with him!

  6. Both videos are priceless.
    That second one is an absolute keepsake. I can see why there's a big lump in your throat. Looks like one amazing year. : )

  7.! Well I have got my cry in for the day! So presh Julia! and a great memory "keepsake" to have for him! Good Job Mom!

  8. I so wish I had done similar! Great job Andrea. Those videos are just too much, you guys did such a good job of making sure you got video as well as stills.

    Big fatty tears at the newborn stages. Isn't it just incredible that your little man was already developing. You didn't know what features would continue to to show and yet now, as his mama you can identify each and every way he looked like himself then [if that even makes sense].

  9. What great videos! So sweet and sentimental. It happens so fast. Bittersweet.

  10. You did an amazing job. I'm all misty now too! Beautiful and touching - what a tribute to your little man!

  11. "Henry, don't sniff his butt." Hilarious!!! You have such a beautiful baby and I can't believe how big he is! Happy Birthday to him! And Julia: You are so beautiful!

  12. I watched both videos and they were awesome - you did a great job! I'm impressed by all the videos you took! I love the "helping" with the diapers - Annie does that too - anything that is on the table is immediately swiped off one at a time.

  13. Julia, the 2 videos were beautiful! I loved getting to see Truman change throughout the year! Way to go guys you have one year under your belt!


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