

Merry Christmas, 2011.

Just a few pictures from our 'operation Christmas card' session with Andrea. She took our pictures with my camera, I took hers with her camera and we were totally done within 30 minutes or so. We took our own pictures home then and did our own editing/cropping. Works for me!




Merry Christmas!


  1. That's great! I love that idea! And these pictures are great!

  2. Oh my gosh Truman's hat is so adorable! And I LOVE your sweater and boots! Very cute!

  3. Love these!! Turned out awesome. Having photographer friends certainly is quite handy :)

  4. Love these pictures! Your outfits all looks so good together and I love the backdrop of the sparkly lights and store windows. Super cute.

  5. They turned out great!

  6. Love them!!! Yeah! Wish I had someone to take ours. You have such an adorable family :0)

  7. Just gorgeous, Julia! What a beautiful family you have!

  8. la-la-love the pics.

    Ps-where did you get your boots?

  9. My boots are by Como Corso and I got them for Christmas last year. Love them so much, I requested them in black this year from Santa. :) I think my mom ordered them from Zappos last year?? Should be on there if you search by brand.

    And thanks!

  10. Your pictures are so cute! As a Packer fan by marriage (Hubby is from Madison) I thought your pictures were just perfect! I've been browsing your older posts from when you were first pregnant with Truman as I am pregnant with our first child and I have to tell you how comforting and informational it is for me. Better then anything I've read from The Bump so far!

  11. Beautiful family! I love the simple idea of just swapping cameras. Maybe when I get better with mine Kate and I can do that.

    Thanks for the comment - and congrats on your happy, happy news! I am so thrilled for you all.

  12. Nate and Truman have exactly the same expression in that last shot! So adorable!


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