

21 weeks: a lovely carrot

Twenty-one weeks: 1.18.12


(mother nature won this photo shoot. Just too cold, with too much snow to be hard core and forgo the coat. I made it a long time being tough but now my4 layers weren't even enough. Maybe the shoots will get more and more fun with various winter gear now that we are actually getting hit with snow)

Size of baby: a banana according to The Bump (did that last week, thanks!) and a carrot according to Baby Center.

Cravings: Still digging the diet soda and anything salty. Those cheddar/sour cream potato chips are my revived bestie this week.

What I love: so much to love, I don't even know where to start. The belly, the kicks, bonding with this little girl in my belly, hearing she is healthy....I could go on but I'll stop there.

What I'm looking forward to the most: Well, now that we know her sex and know she is healthy, I guess I'm most looking forward to choosing her name and decorating her nursery. SO fun.

Worries: None. Mark this down as a first. I'm rocking the zen-attitude lately.

What is different this time around: Well, last time I was freaking out about gaining 13 pounds already. And freaking out that my OB said I should gain about 40 total. I had our changing table and basically the entire nursery put together. We had a top four for names. And this time? Nowhere near a top four for names. Nate and I are having a very hard time agreeing on anything other than our top pick for Truman's 'would have been a girl' name. But I'm not loving it anymore and want to feel super excited about her name, so I am making one gigantic list of girl names that I like, hoping Nate half-way likes one, too. I had only gained 8 pounds at my 18 week check up but I think I'm gaining about one pound per week now so I'm guessing it's around 11 total now. Pretty close to last time at least and really not freaking out about it this time. I'll gain whatever my body needs and then I'll probably lose it after baby is born. Whatever. And the nursery consists of ideas in my head and on Pinterest. The best way to dream up a girl's nursery, if you ask me!

Symptoms: None really. Have noticed my stomach getting tighter every now and then, but feeling pretty good overall.

Sleep: My first really rough week in this department. Was up for 3 hours in the middle of the night on Friday night, awake from 2:30 to 5:30. I can't really blame pregnancy though, but it was more my brain refusing to shut off. Definitely can't lay on my stomach now and it's not that comfortable to lay on my back either. But still, as long as my toddler sleeps I don't have many issues doing it myself.

Movement: Yes, and I love it. Tried to get a video of her going nuts one night but she was camera shy. Go figure

The belly: Really stretching out and my belly button is starting to look weird already, like it wants to pop. How is this possible? I think that didn't happen until at least 30 weeks last time? I think baby girl had a growth spurt by looking at my weekly picture.

Boy or Girl: A healthy baby GIRL!!!!

Milestones: The babe is 10.5 inches and 3/4 of a pound (ahem, or 14 ounces according to our ultrasound, but whatevs). Eyebrows and eyelids have formed as has her girlie parts. Still cannot believe I'm writing 'she' and 'her' in this post. So surreal.

Best moment of the week: Obviously, the healthy anatomy scan. Then the gender reveal. Then the fact that we might have just bought our first house!! The sellers accepted our final counter offer on Monday night and we are beyond excited and so blessed to have such amazing things happening in our lives right now. The inspection is set up for Saturday and we are praying this 87 year old home passes---definitely concerned that there are major structural issues we can't necessarily see, but I know we'll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Planning to take pictures during the inspection and if all goes well I want to start some house posts here! The vision I have for this adorable home involves quite a bit of work and modernizing but man, it's going to be amazing when we are done with it. First thing to go? Old lady powder blue carpets in the entire home that are covering original hard wood floors. The horror!!


  1. Love the shirt ;)

    Love it even more that you are writing "she" and "her"...totally takes me back to my Gabby pregnancy days. The anticipation of a girl is just so different from a little man. Both awesome, but still entire different :)

  2. When we were deciding on a boy name, we created a "March Madness" type bracket, where we found 16 names we liked and pitted them against each other. The best names moved forward until we had a Final Four... Then it was much easier to narrow it down to one.

    Just a thought if you're having a hard time - plus it's fun! And if your husband's a sports fan, he may think it's super fun! :)

  3. Omgosh I am SO excited to see what your plans are for your little girl's nursery, and your new home. Still just so beyond thrilled for you guys! :)

  4. There has been a LOT of pink on my main Pintrest screen since you found out that you are having a girl :) I'm sure it is fun comparing your pregnancies. I wish I would have documented Ethan's more...I have no clue how much I had gained at certain points. But I do remember that I loved those sour cream and cheddar chips :)

  5. The carrots are funny to me for some reason. And brrrrr, it's cold out!! But you're adorable, as always, and I love reading SHE in this post for the first time - woot! :)

  6. You look great!! What is your email address? I couldn't find it on your blog... wondering if you'd like to be featured in a pregnancy/mom-related series! Let me know :)

  7. You know what's great with those chips? Top the tater. I'm sure in WI you can find it :)

    Here is a link for reference:

    I just love that stuff. Favorite chip/dip combo ever!

  8. I can't wait to find out the name you decide on and see the finished nursery! So exciting.

  9. Hi baby girl ::waves to carrots::

    I can't wait to see photos of your house. Such an exciting time!

  10. I am so excited that you are having a girl!! I really think girls rule! ;) Also, I freaking LOVED our old 1940s house, and can't wait to see pics of your beauty!

  11. i love that you take pictures with the size fruit/veggie the baby is. such a cute & fun idea!

  12. CONGRATS! So exciting and you look adorable! Girls are the best :)

  13. Congrats on the house! Love what you're pinning for baby girl's nursery too!

  14. Girl names are so hard, I think! We were going to name Elsa Thomas if she was a boy (after my dad) and I could give you another 20 boy names I loved, but we could NOT agree on a girl name. She had no name for several hours after she was born. Hmm, I guess we will have to wait until your little girl is born to find out her name, huh?


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