

The Big Gender Reveal!

We have some big news to share!

I think I will just let the pictures tell the story. Details to come in a separate post because I still have to find the words. Andrea really outdid herself with these photos, didn't she? Thank you, Pinterest, for the great idea!


I thought it was a girl after our ultrasound on Thursday. And Nate thought it was a boy---hence these 'what will it be?' photos before we actually found out.


It's a...


BABY GIRL!!! There were pink balloons, you guys!







Many thanks to my girls---the crew that day:)

Truman is getting a little sister. And we are seriously on cloud nine right now. Thank you, God!


  1. Wow! Congratulations!! Baby girls are so much fun. What an amazing gift you have coming your way! And, what a cute idea with the balloons!

  2. This is so sweet! Girls really are so much fun!

  3. So So happy for you guys! This is such an exciting time! I can't wait for you to move now so we can see the nursery set-up process all over again! WOO HOO!

  4. CONGRATS!! Hope you don't mind I shared your gender reveal idea on my *new* blog!

  5. How exciting! Congratulations!!

  6. One of the best things I've ever photographed!

  7. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how raising a baby girl is different from your experience with Truman.

    PS time to order those bright pink BGs ;)

  8. oh how very wonderful!!!!

    and I love the reveal!

  9. Love love love. So so soooo happy for you guys. What a beautiful surprise and such a lucky lady she is to be born into your family. Congrats again! (Great pics, Andrea!)

  10. Love your pictures from the reveal. What a fun way to find out! My husband and I are due in March/April and chose not to find out, but if we ever did with another child, this is a great idea.

  11. So happy for you! I totally teared up while reading this and I love the gender reveal!!

  12. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!! Annie watched me read this post and was ALSO thrilled :) "PINK BALLOONS!!!!!!! PINK BALLOONS!!!!" I seriously CANNOT wait to see you with a little lady - her nursery, her wardrobe, and just how much you'll fall in love with her. After some facebook stalking of comments, I kind of figured it was a girl yesterday but seeing the photos was awesome - you guys just look SO excited! Except for the one of Truman with the boots - hahahaha - stone faced little man there!

  13. So cute! Congratulations!

  14. am i lame?? my sister and i read your blog and i knew you would be revealing the gender soon. so, i sent a text to my sister saying 'don't tell me the julia news, if you read it before me!' she sent me a text saying that you posted. so, i grabbed a huge coffee and turned on my computer. sugar and spice and everything nice! how exciting that truman is going to have a little sister! :) congratulations on your little bundle of pink!

  15. Congratulations!!! I have been checking all day to see! I love the sharing idea. If we found out the gender before I would totally steal this idea (We're due in 5 1/2 weeks but we're keeping it a secret until the big day although seeing pictures like this make me reconsider now knowing...partially ;-) ) Can't wait to read about all of the details!!

  16. I am so excited for you! The pictures are absolutely amazing (read: I am SO jealous!!), such a beautiful way to welcome your little girl to the family. I can't wait to see how much we both love having one of each!!

  17. Congratulations! What cute pictures, and a girl! Just wait until you start shopping for her - I can't get enough of dressing my baby girl.

  18. This is the sweetest post! I am so excited for you guys. What a lucky little girl she is!

  19. Congrats!!!! Now you have a reason to get some new girly cloth diapers. Not that you really needed another reason to buy cute diapers, but it sounds good!

    Enjoy the next 20 weeks with thoughts of a beautiful and healthy girl.

  20. Congratulations! Fabulous reveal!

  21. Oh how glad I am that I kept coming back to check on your site tonight. I've been checking since yesterday in hopes of seeing an update before Monday... yeah, sorry for "stalking" ;-)

    Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you all!!!

    The pictures are gorgeous and this is a beautiful idea for a gender reveal! So special!!!

    I can't wait to see what she looks like and pictures of the big brother with his little sister!!!

  22. Congratulations!!! One of each, how perfect! And I LOOOOOOOVE how you did the gender reveal and the pictures. I may need to steal that if I have another baby.

  23. So excited for you! I got tears in my eyes looking at these pictures. I can't wait to see what she looks like. I'm intrigued to see what babies look like when they have a sibling of the opposite sex. I'm sure she'll be absolutely beautiful. CONGRATS!

  24. YAY!!! So excited for you guys, Julia!!

  25. I commented this afternoon but it's not showing up! Did you deny me? ;)

    Anyway, love the pics so, so much and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it! So very happy for you guys! Can't wait to meet that baby girl!!!

  26. Congratulations!! That is wonderful news.

  27. I am dying right now! This is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen! Also? I'm a dork and totally cried.

    Congratulations, Julia! Yay pink!

  28. Such a great gender reveal! Congratulations on your little princess!

  29. CONGRATS, Julia!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so thrilled for you guys! And this whole idea with the balloons is beyond cool. Can't wait to see all of the fun girlie things like the nursery and everything that you come up with.

  30. Congratulations Julia!!! What a fun reveal!

  31. Yay! Congrats! Little girls are so much fun!

  32. Um, seriously...I'm CRYING right now. It looks like such an amazing morning, and Andrea did a beautiful job capturing it!

  33. YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! So very excited for you guys and for Truman!!! Loved your gender reveal!!!!!

  34. Congratulations on your girl!!!!!!! I know I first found your blog after your miscarriage - and we both had similar experiences. I'm so elated that you are pregnant again (and looking great!). I'm also pregnant and expecting a girl, due in June. :)

  35. congrats!!! how exciting a baby girl :)

  36. SO thrilled for you and your baby GIRL!

  37. YAY!!! How exciting... congrats!! :)


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