

{Home Tour} Upstairs Updates

I think it's time for a few updates on our lived-in home! Let's start with the upstairs because I'm really excited about Truman's big boy room. It's the only room in our house that is totally D-O-N-E and the first with anything on the walls at all. So it's the first to be revealed here for you readers, obvi.

I kept all of T's bright colors from his nursery and all of his decorations, too. But with the light gray paint (that really doesn't seem so purple to me anymore with all of the bright colors added in) it really does look like a different room. A BIG boy room. And most importantly, Truman adores it and loves to show everyone his new space as soon as visitors arrive at our doorstep. He'd do the same if you were here, too, don't you worry.

The transportation decals are new and I bought them off Amazon a few months ago. He is mostly obsessed with the trains--go figure.


And I pared down the number of frames we had in his nursery and like the cleaner look to the room, since there really is a lot going on with colors and different elements.


And of course, his Roman shades! I picked this red striped fabric which is by Dr. Seuss and absolutely love how they turned out. I asked my mom (aka the Roman Shade Master) if she would send me some written instructions of how she made all of these babies for our house and she will! So sit tight! But just know that they are amazing. We added a light-blocking liner for both Truman's and the baby's rooms and it makes a HUGE difference.

And I found this awesome dresser on Craigslist for just $40. It's super heavy and gigantic, so big that we don't even have enough clothes to fill it up (what a great problem to have) combined with our bigger closets in this house. I can see this being a great dresser for Truman to have as he grows up. And man, I love Craigslist.

Master bedroom:
Oh yeah, we have a bedroom, too. It's definitely not as well-decorated as Truman's room but it's very comfy and happy just the same. Combining the yellow wall color with the gray and white in our curtains and bedspread makes me smile. And for the first time ever, we have two matching side tables, with matching lamps, and only ONE dresser in our room. That would be because our closet is seriously three times the size of our old closet. And so we get to share this massive closet and also the dresser. Score one for sharing.


I want to get two huge prints to hang above our dresser: one of our family picture from Truman's newborn shoot, and one from when baby girl arrives. Other than those two big pictures I might do one more big print on the empty wall next to the big window. But we'll see. It might be nice to have a cute rug on the floor and some fun throw pillows on the bed, too, but eh. Why is it that the master bedroom always comes in last for decorating priorities?

Full Bath:

This room takes the lowest priority of all house projects right now, but I will go ahead and show you pictures anyway.


It's a good size bathroom and we are LOVING having one full and one half bath all in the same house. But I really dislike all of the yellow speckled tile in here and after seriously considering getting it refinished to white, we are just going to suck it up and live with it for now. Someday we might just tear it all down and start fresh with new tile but that is SO not on the radar right now. So I found a shower curtain that is cute and sort of pulls in all of the yellowish coloring in the room. And Nate got a new sink, faucet, and white cabinet which all make a huge difference in the room compared to the ugly 1970s stuff that was there before. Nate did tear down a little bit of the tile behind the giant ugly mirror, which is what you see on the greenish plaster walls. So I plan to sand that wall and then paint all of them an aqua color. Then I will paint all of the horrid yellow woodwork white and make one more beloved Roman shade for the window. And our neighbor is going to make us a medicine cabinet that fits flush into the wall, too---don't you love the little black one we put in the hole for now? Oh, and the odd above mirror lighting will be replaced at some point, too. It's funny to me that this bathroom was SUCH a huge deal at first and I was ready to pay $1000 for resurfacing the tile. And now we really don't care that much and are living in an extremely unfinished version of a full bathroom without issues. Goes to show that a lot of home renovations can wait and aren't that important in the grand scheme of things.

The only other room upstairs that I'm neglecting to show is the nursery, and I promise I'm not being a tease on purpose. I just want to get a few things up on her walls and then it might be ready for the final reveal. I'm in full 'nursery decor' mode right now and absolutely LOVE it, as expected. And I really have no idea how I ever decorated our duplex without the help of Pinterest. Man, I love that site. :)

Up next: the main floor!


  1. Everything looks great! I love Truman's big boy room, the colors are awesome. Your mom did an amazing job on the roman shades! I can't wait to see everything else.

  2. Truman's room looks fabulous! I can't believe how quickly you guys have renovated and are settling in to your new place. Kudos to you!

  3. So your mom made those shades? I absolutely love the fabric. I also love how you incorporated things from T's nursery into his big boy room. Gosh, it seems like just yesterday I was reading your nursery reveal for him. I can't believe #2 will be here soon!

  4. Love T's room!

  5. Truman's room looks great, and I'm loving your yellow/grey bedroom too!

  6. It looks great! It's so funny how stuff seems less important once you're living in it. I have a list of a couple of things that I was all, we MUST change this, when we moved into our house six (!) years ago that still haven't been done because we've just adapted to what's already there. Not that you have the mad procrastination skills that we do...I'm sure you'll actually get everything done. :)

  7. This looks absolutely fantastic!

  8. Hi there. Do you mind sharing the color you used for Truman's room? I'm trying to find a good grey color and I LOVE yours. Thanks.

  9. Catherine~It's Behr's 'Gentle Rain' and I have a list of all paint colors in our home through this tab:

  10. Thanks Julia! I am sorry, I totally forgot there was that other post!

    I am so excited about this color. It's PERFECT!


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