

Another Halloween post

I know, I know. I've already shown off my kids in their costumes this year. And I'm sure you've read about 50 'Happy Halloween' posts in your Google Reader today. But I took some pictures with my real camera as we trick-or-treated for the second time on Sunday and just want to share. Yes, we went ToT'ing twice this year and we are NOT going tonight on actual Halloween. Milwaukee is odd like that---all of our suburbs have their own chosen days and times for the event. Which means we can rotate around the town to get as much candy as possible, of course:)

Saturday night was our own neighborhood's trick-or-treating, and since we've never lived here during Halloween before we had no clue when it would be for us. We kind of assumed it would be on Halloween day, like it was at my in-laws duplex just a few miles away but nope! Saturday night. And we found this out during the week, so it was sort of last minute notice to go around our own neighborhood with my in-laws. It was cold. It was dark. And the kids did amazingly well for one hour and then we were all just d-o-n-e.

Then Sunday was the big day we had actually planned in advance. Andrea, Erin and I had emailed about getting together in Andrea's neighborhood this year and it was a blast. A chaotic blast with 6 kids this time, and still very cold and blustery, but definitely worth it. Since it started at 4:00 and we had a bit of daylight this is the time I managed to snap some pictures with my real camera. I love these three big boys and these three growing babies so much. It never gets old seeing them interact together.

Halloween fun!








He not only face-planted while running up the sidewalk once (first meltdown) but he also fell out of the wagon while sitting in Thomas after that (second meltdown). Pretty intense physical day for this trick-or-treater. And somehow he pulled through with more candy:)







and an iPhone picture of our whole family--fave! We look so cold because we were.

Any annual event makes me nostalgic for remembering past years. So I had to compare all three Halloweens with mister Truman.

And with his daddy two out of three years---love how Truman's face is basically the same in these pictures. Very unamused. And Nate is very happy. Perfect!

Now if the absurd amounts of AWESOME Halloween candy would magically disappear from our house. Without me consuming 7-9 pieces per day..


  1. so cute! I can't wait until I can take A trick or treating, especially the age where we can go to a few houses and call it quits as opposed to the elementary school age going everywhere. I'll leave those years to dad and swap for the candy job ;)

  2. Love all the pics so much! What a fun time - crazy how fast our kids are growing. They sure are awesome!

  3. A few comments on the pic of you, Erin and Andrea - you and Erin look like twins with your similar head tilts, expressions and babies in the bjorns, and are you guys honestly a full foot taller than Andrea? :) ha. I have some shorty friends and it's always funny to stand next to them especially when they are wearing flats and then feel like a freaking giant. I love how Truman's facial expressions have remained consistent over the years! That garden gnome costume is still my fave of all time.

  4. Seriously I don't know what to do with the candy!!

    LOVE this so much... again, you did amazing with the costumes and the comparison from previous years is too perfect.

  5. ZOMG. SO cute!

  6. It's still crazy to me that all the different neighborhoods pick different days--they don't do anything like that out West here! It's Halloween night, and that's IT!

    Looks like you guys had such a great time though!

  7. You guys all look great! Truman is just killing me with his faces! Love them.

    And the nights that you TOT on is so weird... everywhere is like that though!

    Happy Halloween!


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