

Fall craftiness

So, having our own home to decorate with each season is turning out to be so much fun! I'm definitely on a crafting kick between making Truman and Cecelia's costumes for Halloween and making stuff to fall-ify our house. Love it so much. Wanna see some of my craftiness (mostly inspired by Pinterest, as always) ?

Our front porch:

We never made it to a pumpkin patch this fall which makes me sad for all of the lost photo-ops we could have had with the kids. But we usually like to do apple picking in combination with pumpkin choosing and this year there are basically no apples to be had in Wisconsin. So we took the easy way out and got these pumpkins and gourds from the local grocery store for SUPER cheap.

I added the hay into our planters (after figuring out a way to make the pumpkin sit on top nicely--used a terracotta pot and disc!) because it just needed a little something. And the hay is sort of janky because I pulled it away from our cut-back hydrangeas. Whatever. It works.


And my favorite corn! Again, from our grocery store. Love having pillars to decorate---just picturing a hundred different options for Christmas!

So the yarn wreath was my actual 'craft' I wanted to show you. I got all of my supplies at Michaels and it was $17 total for everything (yarn, foam ring, flowers, letter 'H'). I started wrapping my gray yarn around the wreath ring when Cecelia woke up after being down for only 30 minutes one night. Big surprise. So I went back up there to soothe her back to sleep and when I returned? This was what I saw:
Nate's first craft! Momentous day! He said it was 'kinda fun' and I have no idea what possessed him to take over my wrapping. Something methodical and detailed WOULD intrigue my husband, of course:)


I just bought a few pre-made flowers from the scrapbooking aisle and wanted to figure out a way to fix them to the wreath without making them permanent. I'm hoping to reuse this gray wreath and add other colors to it throughout the seasons. So I just tied the flowers to ribbons, and tied the ribbons to the wreath. It works!


I painted the letter 'H' (for our last name) a green because the black just wasn't cutting it for me. And voila! Something very exciting about hanging our own nail on our own front door for decorations!



The only real indoor decorations I've done are these fall leaves in our wooden box. (And yes, that would be the Kardashians if you are trying to figure out what we are watching. And yes, there are the hated speakers for the surround sound that 'ruins the decor of the entire house'.)

I wanted to make it a lot more fun with candles and sticks and autumn-y stuff like that. But fake leaves will have to do for now.

And I REALLY want to give our fireplace a facelift. Badly. I want to get a black/wrought iron insert instead of our ugly gold one and I'd love to pain the bricks a dark gray. And hanging a wreath on our front door makes me want to repaint or replace the old door, too. Pretty sure neither of those will happen for years. So many projects, so little time!

Our leaves have already peaked and many are already on the ground, but my eyes popped open when I saw this beautiful hot pink bush in front of a patients house the other day. The picture doesn't do it justice because it's SO bright and pretty! Anyone know what it is? I want one!


And because I'm too proud to keep you TOTALLY in the dark about Truman's costume, here is a teeny sneak peek. It's almost done and then I have to do a little bit of crafting for Cecelia's outfit. Then I want to do a little photo shoot with the two of them wearing their costumes before Halloween so it's not too stressful to try and nail good photos on the day of. Can't wait for Truman to see this bad boy finished ! (I've managed to keep him out of the basement for a few days but it will never last)


  1. I love it all! And I'm so impressed by T's costume... can't wait to see!

  2. Cute! The bush, I believe, is a Burning Bush. They sell them at Home Depot and the like - we live in MN and planted one last fall; it's the same brilliant color right now. Just ask them at the store and they'll know what you're talking about!

  3. I love your porch. Very festive. Good job on the wreath! Mine would look a mess if I tried ;)

  4. Very cute fall decorations!! I just made a wreathe with almost the exact same grey yarn! Boy was it tedious! My hubby just laughed at me...yours is nicer. :)

  5. i think that's a burning bush but an not everything you made !

  6. They're definitely called Burning Bushes...we have them in our front yard! They are actually green for most of the spring/summer and only start to "burn" in the fall.

  7. LOVE your wreath! I would love to make one but should really focus on getting ready for the baby I'm about to have (7 weeks to go!). Also I'm not crafty like you are. Most crafts I try are huge huge fails.

  8. What a husband. I was wondering how you found the time to wrap your wreath! I made one last fall and it took forever! But so cheap and fun. Yours looks great, Julia!

  9. Everything looks lovely! I really need to get out our fall decor, I think I am in a little bit of denial...Oct 16th, how did that happen!?!

  10. Love it! You're a crafting genius. I've had that wreath on my "to do" list for a while, but I am going to try to make felt flowers. I'm a glutton for punishment :)

  11. I think that's a "burning bush". they are green for most of the year and then start to "burn" in the fall.

  12. Oh my gosh, I LOVE the wreath!!!! And it looks fairly simple - totally going to make one of my own for Christmas! Thanks for the little tutorial. ;) And how cute that Nate helped!

    Can't wait to see those kids in your amazing costumes.

  13. We live in Mi and have no apples either at our local orchards. The bush looks like a burning bush. We have two next to our driveway and they always turn that brilliant red color in the fall.

  14. Cute! Wrapping the yarn wreath is SOOO tedious! You're so lucky Nate helped out with that.

  15. Love it! I am going to try to make one of those wreaths. We tiled our fireplace and it looks great now.

  16. Love the wreath idea. I'm gonna have to try that. I don't think you should replace your door. I love the charm of it (at least what I can tell from the pictures).

  17. I think the common name of those are burning bushes. Thy are one of my favorites. Your outside decor is so pretty. I love pumpkins in a pot. And the hay is super cute.

  18. Your wreath looks great and I am inspired to make one as well. Can you tell me how much yarn you used for your wreath? Also what size is your foam wreath?

  19. Marta~I just bought a whole roll thing of yarn and didn't use much at all. Not sure how much specifically but one big roll is MORE than enough.

    The size of wreath is probably the 12" size? There weren't many to choose from at Michaels.


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