


So first of all, I've had a glass of wine tonight and really feel the need to blog. Not sure why. I should totally start on Cecelia's 5 month post, since it's really 'due' on Sunday. But whatever. Not feeling it right now.

One tidbit of text before I bombard you with iPhone pictures: Nate and I have been debating (ahem, arguing/fighting?) about joining the gym for a bit now. In case you haven't read my blog before, I'm super cheap and pretty anxious when it comes to spending money. I think that spending money on a gym membership during the horribly cold and dark winter months in Wisconsin is a great idea in theory. I mean, Nate and I both value our physical health and fitness and let's face it---we are both in a lot better moods if we get to exercise.

But that's a big 'IF' right now. Because, well, life with two children when we both work outside of the home leaves very little free time. Especially since one of our children doesn't really believe in the sleep concept. This fact combined with the actual cost of a gym membership had me squarely on the 'I think it's a huge waste of money' side of things.

And my husband? He is on the 'I think we can make it work' side of things. I mean, he refuses to do Jillian DVDs and once it's colder than the artic outside and dark for approximately 18 hours a day, I get it--exercise is going to be harder and harder to come by around here.

So anyway, we debated the cost and the probability that we would actually get our moneys worth out of a membership. And I did something that I rarely do: I let Nate win an argument. And we joined the freaking gym tonight.

Of course, I couldn't be okay with JUST Nate joining because if he gets to have time for real, physical exercise that doesn't include listening to a baby monitor for multiple wake ups, then I want to have that option, too. And I didn't want to feel resentful or hang Nate's ability to work out over his head if he was a member and I was not.

Our tentative schedule is as follows (because I know you all care so much): I'm going to attempt to go at 5am on Tuesdays and Thursdays, since those are my days off and I wouldn't need to hurry home and get myself and the kids ready for daycare. I could potentially nap those days if I'm really tired (HA! That would require a baby who naps, and one that would nap during the same time as her brother, too!). And honestly? I'm usually up at 5 am anyway to nurse Cecelia, so why not just get out of bed after that particular break in the night and get a little 'me' time? Nate prefers to take the night shift and will try to work out on Tuesday and Thursday evenings after the kids are asleep. And then we will both go to the gym once more on the weekends, making it 3 days per week each. Not too bad in theory, right? We will see how it goes.

I tested out my theory of a 5 am workout today, by getting up to run at that time of day. And I was surprised by how rested I felt, how strong I felt, and how freaking AMAZING it was to get that solo run under my belt. Cecelia woke on her own at 4:50 to nurse (no, not for the first time that night---probably more like the 6th time, of course) and so I just got up right then. She woke up when I slithered out of the room and I was scared that she'd stay awake after that. She could've screamed for Nate the whole time, thus waking Truman up, too---but Nate told me that she fell back to sleep in our bed, by holding Nate's hand and drifting off with her daddy as her buddy. This is particularly heart-warming since she is still REALLY into mommy and doesn't tolerate anyone else if she is the least bit cranky.

Cecelia slept until 6:30 with Nate, and Truman woke at 6 when I came back from my run. Amazing! I'd say that was a success all around and I hope I can keep up the momentum to continue my early morning workouts. Especially now that I have a fancy gym to explore---it's the same one we belonged to before Truman, so it's nothing new. But then again, I'd say it's pretty new and exciting because it's been SO long since we could be gym rats.

Does anyone else work outside of the home, with multiple children, and belong to a gym? If so, do you feel that it's worth it? How do you make it work?

That's my main story for tonight. Also--can't wait for the election to be over. I will never ever talk about my political beliefs on this blog, and I'm not particularly passionate about politics anyway. But the whole thing just makes me nervous. I know who I'm going to vote for and I hope he wins, but I have a feeling it's going to be super close either way. Stressful. All of the heated debates on Facebook are enough to make me cringe--I just dislike confrontation that much, I suppose.

Also, one thing I was going to post as a status update on Facebook but then I just didn't (hate when my social media platforms get mixed up a bit!): The other day I was huffing and puffing up a giant hill, while pushing a double jogging stroller. And a man was standing at a bus stop, watching me struggle to haul this gigantic load of children. I figured I looked pretty horrible but he had to know I was at least pretending to be active and fit and all of that stuff, right? Apparently the double jogging stroller was a sign that I'm a smoker, because he seriously asked me, 'You got a cigarette' as I limped by. I just said, 'Nope' but then I thought of a lot of other funnier things to say once I was past him. Like, 'Sorry, just finished my last one on the first part of my run....with this GIANT stroller containing my children.' Or, 'Yep, let me just grab one from my baby.' Weird, no? Maybe the people who make double BOBs should consider adding a little cigarette holder on the hand bar. I think he was seriously disappointed that I couldn't produce a cig for him. Can't please everyone, I suppose.

Okay, now for a few iPhone pictures for your pleasure. That way I don't need to include them all in my 5 month post coming up (someday). Score.

1. Super-obsessed with Truman's new art display system in his room. I'm sure you've all seen the pin on Pinterest that shows the Ikea wires and clips? After a little investigating on Amazon, I found the 'Ikea Deka' version which is a little smaller and cheaper than the famous Pinterest version. I bought two and Nate hung them like a boss, no issues at all despite what some of the reviews said. Now we have a way to show off all of his amazing 2 year old artwork! Truman loves it and is so proud.




2. Cecelia's hair is awesome. And I love breastfeeding. And I make a conscious effort not to show you too much boobage in breastfeeding pictures. This one feels acceptable to me---note the hair and her huge eyes! And the reflection of me and my iPhone in her eye:)

3. After bath = one of my favorite times of the night. Observe.


4. This guy and his goofy faces. Love.

(and Nate didn't get home from work until 9 pm that night, so it's amazing that we were all smiles and surviving)

5. More early morning pictures of my crew. They never get old to me. Although I wish I would take the time to convert them all to B&W to make the horrid yellow light a little less offensive. Eh.


(his fishy face)




6. We took an amazingly fun art class for a month on Thursday mornings. Today was our last day and I'm sad it's over, for Truman's sake. The kid loved it!!

(it was Jackson Pollock day--hence the random splattery paint and abstract wonders. Also, my mom made Truman's paint smock. Freaking awesome)


(and Truman is seriously in love with Charlotte. Tickling each others' faces with a feather....)

7. Sophie the Giraffe is seriously the best teether ever. Poor Cecelia has to use her brother's hand-me-down but she doesn't seem to mind. 'She must be teething' is the most used phrase ever for babies aged 2-24 months, and we've started to use this excuse non-stop now! Yay. (no teeth yet, but they have to be the culprit of no sleep, I'm convinced. Phantom teeth suck!)



That's all the randomness I can muster up right now.  I should have been in bed about 1 hour ago considering my early morning. But sometimes it's fun to pretend like the day isn't totally over yet, and to soak up as much 'me' time as possible in the evening hours. I'm sure I will regret it tomorrow---or actually, later tonight when Cecelia is up numerous times.


  1. If anyone is going to use a gym it would be you! I often exercise vicariously through you. :)

    That being said, check your medical insurance carrier or employee benefits. We used to get a discount through Rob's and next year they are actually offering full reimbursement. Worth a shot. With ours being free, I may just have to sick it up...

  2. I agree... 6 out of 7 nights out of the week I sit and think "I should be in bed, totally going to regret this" but continue to soak up my quiet time for at least another hour.

    I'm not a working Mama, but I have a TON of responsibilities at church PLUS a photography business PLUS 2 boys, and I work out at the gym. Does your gym have childcare? That's the only way I can make it work. I take them with me after we eat breakfast, or go after my hubby gets home from work.

    You'll rock it, I know it!

  3. I was doing the whole DVD thing in the AM's for the first half of the year and running outside in the evenings when I could and that worked for awhile. When Matt's schedule changed and I was able to go practically any evening I wanted, I went to the gym and worked out 2-3 times a week and just went straight from work to make it happen. Our gym has 3 month memberships and stopped "feeling it" at the gym so now I'm back to the DVD's. You'll make it work.

  4. I do work, but as you are aware, I do not work out :) I honestly don't know anyone who has small kids who does belong to a gym who ALSO works. I have some SAHM or very very PT working moms who go to a gym but use the childcare there as well. I think your schedule sounds do-able though, for sure. I know lots of people do the 5am workouts and love it. In cubicle land, I know a lot of people who do lunchtime workouts but I guess that probably isn't an option for you.

    I'm with you on the political posts. I used to care. I don't really care much anymore. Definitely have slid into apathy over the past 4 years. I care about a few select issues but on the whole... I'm pretty meh about politics lately. Just don't have the brain space for it right now, I guess.

    I love that idea of hanging the artwork on the hangers. I know I've seen that before but I am now reminded that there is a completely blank wall in Annie's room where that would be perfect. Hanging things up is basically my most dreaded task, and Ben's too... so we'll see if it happens.

  5. Long time reader, and I read every post on my phone - so I don't comment often.

    Just wanted to send positive vibes regarding the night wakings. Once I went back to work, my daughter work up 2-3 times per night until she was 12 months (when we stopped nursing). It took one night and she dropped them and started sleeping through the night.

    Hang in will happen someday.

  6. Again, feeling lazy after reading the random, esp since there is a small (but cruddy) gym at work, that I could use (for free) without getting up at 5am.


  7. The guy asking about a cig - hilarious! Me thinks he was just hitting on you and needed an excuse to start a convo ;) Too bad he wasn't smooth....and uh, you were pushing two kids!

    Oh man, the gym. No idea what I think about that. On one hand if anyone is gonna do it, it's you! On the other hand, Jim and I specifically canceled our gym membership when I was pregnant with Gabby because we had no idea when we'd go. Plus, I don't think I'd have any idea what to do in a gym anymore. Lots of cardio machines and weights....with a treadmill and all the weights in the world right downstairs I think we are covered. But I don't think you can ever go wrong with exercise! Keep us updated! :)

  8. You SO have my sympathy in having an all-night nurser. Danny seriously woke pretty much every hour or so all night for the first 6 months. It was Hell. We ended up going to the sleep specialist at St. Luke's and she gave us a very detailed plan that didn't involve CIO. (I know CIO works for some families, but it wasn't for us). We went from bed-sharing to D sleeping alone in his crib for 12 hours straight in 4 nights. And I kept nursing for 4 months after that. Let me know if you're interested and I can email you all the details. Either way, hang in there.

  9. I have that problem, too - always up too damn late because I want more ME time!

    The cigarette story made me laugh out loud - I had to read it to Dave, too. People are so dumb!!

    Love all the pics = Truman looks like a teenager in some of them, seriously. And C is so happy and adorable!!

    Also, you rock for getting up early to work out, seriously.


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