

Happy Election Day, America

USA! USA! Team America! (ha, love me some South Park movie, no matter how inappropriate it may be)

Are you guys totally sick of election coverage yet? I'm not! I think this is all pretty exciting right now mixed in with a lot of nerves. Plus, this event makes me think back to 4 years ago when Nate and I walked over to vote from the duplex. No kids. Not pregnant. Just married for 1.5 years and probably running way too much. I can't wrap my head around the fact that now we are the parents of TWO CHILDREN that simply didn't exist at the last election. Mind boggling, isn't it? Can't imagine how different life will be in 4 more years, either. Truman will be attending the school where we voted today. And CC will be in pre-K there, too, most likely. INSANE.

Maybe it's because we literally live across the street from our polling place, so I've been able to watch the crowds all day long, but this whole day has been quite entertaining. Pure craziness, by the way, on our street. Beginning at 6:45 am this morning until about 8:30 when school started there were SO many cars parked all over. Including a random car parked in my neighbor's driveway---um, what? I watched the guy come back over to it after voting, like it was no big deal he was parked at someone's house. I hope he knows my neighbor and actually got permission to park there during the morning chaos. Also? My favorite part of this picture is the 5 adorable nuns walking up to vote. Do you see them? They all piled out of a (COOL!) mini-van this morning and I just got such a kick out of that.


So I was pretty nervous about taking both kids to the polls alone today. But I did it anyway and it went really well. I chose to go around 10, figuring that most of the pre-work traffic would be gone and it might be dead. Um, no. Still packed. But luckily this long line only took about 30 minutes of our time, including the address change on my voters registration.

Truman kept telling me that he was going to vote, too, and made me lift him up to the paper to see what all the fuss was about. Then he was kind of mad he couldn't draw on it for me. Ah, kids. Too bad he has about 16 more years before it's his turn to vote:) All of the people in line around us were so sweet and very complimentary of my children, which means that I liked them all a lot.

Funniest part of our voting experience: an elderly couple was in front of us, and then a middle-aged red-headed man was behind them, and then came my crew. The elderly couple started talking to me about my little ginger baby girl and then turned to the middle-aged guy to say, 'You must be proud!'. Huh? We both laughed it off, like, 'Uh, no, we didn't procreate this child together but THANKS!' Geesh. Getting me in trouble with that red hair, Cecelia.

Mister man got to choose two pieces of Halloween candy to take with us, since I wasn't sure how long it would take. But even with our s-l-o-w walking to and from the school it was pretty quick. And that Tootsie Pop was the magical key to good behavior from my dude!

Me and my drooling, happy baby being worn in contentment.

Best one I could get of all three of us. And I tried to wear my hair curly (read: didn't want to blow it dry and use the flat iron) today. It turned out okay but looks wretched in this picture. Sigh. Guess I will have to keep being 'high maintenance' with the blow dryer for a bit longer.

ALSO! Right before we walked to vote I took Truman to get his hair cut (we drove for that one). This was the first time he actually sat in the chair alone and I was SO proud of him for being such a big boy. Especially because I wasn't sure if I would be pulling CC out of her car seat to soothe her the whole time (nope!). Because he got a sucker he was totally chill. Yes, two suckers in a matter of an hour. Mother of the Year? Yes. Whatever works.

A little apprehensive. I mean, I think this was probably the 4th haircut he's ever had. Can you blame him?

Then the lady started talking about what Truman was for Halloween and he was all about it. Of course.



At the very end, Truman said that Monkey wanted his haircut, too. And the lady totally played along! Can you handle this??

My big boy BEFORE


He aged about 3 years with this hair cut if you ask me.
What a morning! I plan to have a few glasses of vino tonight while watching the results come in. Praying that my children don't pull any shenanigans and actually STAY asleep once we put them down. What? Stop laughing. It could happen.


  1. My 18 month old Henry just started getting hair. I haven't taken him for a real haircut yet, I just trim around his ears since that's the only really long part. I just don't want him to seem too old. He's already almost a big brother! One step at a time!

    I've never ever had to wait in line to vote. Maybe I just always choose the right time? Or maybe Canada has more voting stations? Who knows! Glad your wait wasn't too long and your kids behaved!

  2. My son has the same shoes as your T! He's only 25 months old and is about to grow out of his size 9s. His feet are the only big things on his body. :-P

  3. OMG I can't imagine bringing Gus AND Louie to vote, Gus is such a maniac, I just don't know that it would end well. Am I a terrible mother because I have no faith in my child? :)

    I didn't at all think about it that way, about where we'll be when we vote for our next president. That is MIND BLOWING. Whoa.

  4. How fun that it's right across the street!

    Truman is such a handsome little man.

  5. That's was very kind of the hairdresser to cut the lovey's hair :)

  6. Haircuts totally age little boys! That one pic of him with his sucker made me laugh out loud.

    Good job going to vote with two kids!! And I, too, am a mother of the year with the candy. Ah well. ;)

  7. Adorable! I went around 11 which they said would be when polls would be most empty. Um no, our location usually has about 6 people in line, this time there were hundreds! We waited for well over an hour. Meanwhile my husband went around 6 after work which was supposed to be a busier time and he waited 10 minutes. I'm just grateful the little peanut was cool about chilling in her carseat for so long!


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