

Cecelia at eight months

January 28 | Eight months




Likes: her brother's toys, smiling at people, nursing, her family, eating real food, the doorway jumper, playing peek-a-boo, and waving on command which always gets a huge reaction from her nutso parents.

Dislikes: being dropped off at daycare, naps, having her nose wiped with a Kleenex, most car rides, being left alone to play for more than 3 minutes at a time.




Biggest Achievement of the Month: sleeping through the night two whole times! Coming close a handful of other times.

Biggest Challenge of the Month: getting her to nap longer than 30 minutes at a time. Sleep. It's always sleep that's a challenge around here.

(every parent must have at least one picture like this, right?)




The Mecca (aka Sleep): Naps are freaking ridiculous and I'm not joking when I say that 30 minutes is her max at home, and she will go most days clocking less than an hour total of nap time. Ridic for a baby that is eight months old, right? She is pretty happy and content though, so whatever. Mama just needs a break every now and then! And Cecelia naps for over 3 hours total at Lori's, always getting two decent naps in for her---do not understand why my children are like different creatures at daycare.

Nighttime sleep is better lately. I'd say that most nights she is up just one time, around 3 or 4 am, and takes a bottle for Nate without a fuss, returning to bed without a fuss, and is up for the day around 6:30. But some nights she is up twice, sometimes she is really loud and fights returning to sleep, and sometimes she needs to nurse immediately AFTER a 6 oz bottle because apparently she is starved/needs to nurse for comfort. Definitely have our nights about twice weekly when she is up for 1.5 hours at a time. So draining! It's like she is just ready to be up for the day at 4 am, happy, yelling, playful. Um, no.

Luckily the norm is waking just once. And sometimes she will even sleep until 7 am which feels like sleeping until noon for most families;) Plus there were two nights when she slept all the way through the night without waking. Holla!!! Let's hope those golden nights become more and more common up in here.

(napping in the Ergo--an act of desperation)


Temperament/Personality: She's the best baby I know (biased, yes). But seriously---she is so happy, smiley, nosey, social, curious, and pretty laid back. Unless she is tired or if she can see me across the room when someone else is holding her. Then The Diva comes out to play. As Lori says, 'Cecelia is a girl who knows what she wants.' Most of the time she is chill but when she isn't, watch out. She's still my cuddly girl who prefers to be held and carried around, but yet she kind of wants to be down and in everyone's biz at this point, too. I think that is why she hates to nap, too---doesn't want to miss anything exciting!

Also, she has her first cold right now and is handling it like a champ. Cannot believe we made it 8 months without any real illness for this baby. She had a touch of a GI bug when she was 3 months old but nothing since. Which is amazing because Truman had his first cold at 3 weeks and then had one literally every month of the first year of his life. Love my healthy girl! Hope it stays this way and that she kicks this runny nose/wretched cough/congestion stuff quickly.



(video of her amazing giggles)

Talking: New category because baby girl is just so freaking loud and I have a feeling we will have a chatterbox on our hands very soon. She loves to shriek and yell and then she will just grin at us like, 'I'm so awesome and don't you love how I shattered glass three doors down with my antics?' She is consistently saying 'yayayayaya' and 'dadadadada' and 'bababababa.' Truman will tell you that she says 'Dada' and 'Mama' but I haven't really heard the 'M' sound too much just yet. She loves to repeat the letter 'T' over and over again. What do you want to bet her first word will be 'Truman'? ;)

(videos of the chatter)

Eating: Still eating 12 oz of milk in two bottles at Loris, then will nurse before daycare, right after daycare and before bed. Nighttime feeds are usually just once but can be 0 or 2 times, too. That means it's usually 5-7 times per day that she is feeding. I have no idea what she does on days we are home together since I basically just nurse on demand or when it seems like it's been awhile. I would estimate we nurse about every 3-4 hours at home, probably a little more frequently than she'd eat on daycare days.

She is now eating 3 solid meals per day, sometimes only eating 1 oz and other times housing 4 oz at a time. She loves to feed herself chunky foods and we haven't come across too many flavors that she dislikes yet. At least ONE of my children will eat ;)


(something on her face?)

The Superficial: Still wearing all 12 month clothes, maintaining her signature 'long red bang' look, and knocking you dead with her big blue eyes. I feel like she is actually getting a little chunkier somehow, because I just noticed that she has legit wrist rolls now. Do not remember those last month!


(wrist rolls!)




Teeth: still only the bottom two but for the love of GOD, I better be able to report that at least 2 more poke through in the next month. I am shocked that the top 4 and other 2 on the bottom are still hiding out. The amount of drool we experience on a daily basis is just absurd. I'm tired of jamming my fingers into her mouth each day expecting to feel a new nub of a tooth, too.



Motor Milestones: I feel like she is on the cusp of SO much in this category. She is so close to being up on all 4s and loves to spend her free time popping her hips up when she is on her tummy, trying to get those knees under her gut. She sort of army crawls if she is on the hardwood, but on carpet she can't really pull forward as well so she just spins on her belly in a full circle, or rolls to where she wants to go. Definitely mobile now---able to make it across the room and she will get stuck under chairs or against walls. She loooooves that, of course. ;) The other really awesome thing she is doing now is waving on command, and trying to copy our deranged 'Sooooooo Biiiiiiiig' requests.
Video of said tricks:

She sits without the boppy for insurance most of the time and can get onto her tummy from sitting pretty easily. Doesn't know how to move from laying down to sitting up just yet but she will get there. And the grabbing---oh, the grabbing. Sister has to explore everything with her hands and her mouth.


(waving again)

Out and About: The Dells trip was pretty huge, as it was only the second time she's slept anywhere but our house. She loves to be my shopping partner, mostly preferring to be ON me in the Ergo, and I love running errands with my girl while the boys do their own errands on the weekend. She sort of hates her car seat again and I've found the best weapon against a backseat meltdown is to turn on music on my phone and aim it back towards her head a bit. Not ideal to have one hand on the wheel and one hand holding my phone, dangling above my baby but it works! Desperate times...



Firsts: First cold, first time in doorway jumper, first waves, first time REALLY getting into a pool, first time on mommy's back in the Ergo, first time in a high chair at a restaurant, first time to Cranky Al's---a local (amazing) donut shop. She liked the little bites I gave her, obvi.

(Cranky's---little head!)

(first time in a high chair---not a fan. Rough dinner out with two kids. I remember why we've only done it twice since CC was born now.)

(The Dells!)


(video of her first time in the doorway jumper)

Favorite Baby Gear: Doorway jumper, Ergo, wooden 'bead box' that Truman got when CC was born (whoops!), and our old play table on two legs.


(tried the back carry with the Ergo--I like her in front better, but she sure does look cute!)

(doorway jumper)


Little Sister and Big Brother:

I love reading back over Truman's monthly posts because it's the best way for me to admit that I'm losing my mind. And I remember SO LITTLE from when he was eight months! In my head, I remember the 8 month mark being when Truman started STTN (no) by us trying the big 'bottle-before-bed' attempt. But no, we had already tried that at this point and he was still waking up at least twice per night. WHAT? Not what I remember at all. I think the stuff must have really hit the fan with Truman's sleep closer to nine months---because I do remember it getting really awful before it got better, and I remember that giving him only bottles at night helped him sleep better than letting him nurse. Also, impressed that I was so focused on breaking the nurse-to-sleep association with Truman at this point. I was really into that with CC, too, but now we are slacking off again and I'm sure that isn't helping her naps. Girl loves the boob, though, and I'm in that 'too tired' phase to do anything about it. I would like to start reading her books at night before bed, though, instead of her frantically searching for my boob and promptly passing out for the night.

I also remembered that my milk supply started to drop at this point last time but apparently not---still going strong back then. Very odd. But it's also fun to see the striking similarities between my children at eight months. Both just learned to wave (again, I thought Truman did that way later!), both weren't really crawling but they are getting around now, both are waking in the middle of the night, both aren't napping as well at home as they are with Lori (although Truman was still giving me two solid hours at home, so Cecelia loses in this category). Both love solids but I am definitely giving CC more of the finger foods this second time around compared to when I was a little more nervous about that with Tru. And both kids are really vocal at eight months:)

Present day brother-sister relationship is still the most heart-warming part of my days. I love watching Truman give CC toys to play with (mostly to distract her from the trains she REALLY wants to have, but whatever). Whenever she fusses he immediately comes to find me and says, 'Mommy, CC needs you. I think she wants to nurse.' He does not like to see her sad, and now that she has a cold he is always like, 'Oh, poor baby girl. I sorry you sick.' Such a sweet heart big brother! And CC adores Truman, too, of course and he is the one that always gets the biggest smiles out of her.

(big girl sitting in the double Bob with brother at the zoo!)

(Saturday Daddy tickles!)



(Reading together in mommy and daddy's bed)

(Love, love, love them playing together nicely)

I love you, little lady. You're the best.


So many things to blog about lately. Let's hit as many things as possible in one post, deal? Numbered lists, and go!

1. I've decorated a bit for Valentines Day this year, something I've never done before, but (again) this is our first year with a mantel and it's just too much fun to dress it up. I also never know if it's 'mantEL' or 'mantLE' and I see it spelled both ways, so forgive me if I'm wrong today. I bought a cute felt heart-garland at Target (and 'Be Mine' was our first dance song at our wedding, as I gently reminded Nate), then found felt heart 3D stickers at Joann's for 50% off. Added those to some pipe cleaners, and a few to a ribbon. And voila!






2. Also, made a few new prints to put in frames around our house. Finally made the 'important date' one that you see on Pinterest everywhere. Made Erin one, too, because she's wanted one for years and it was an easy birthday present.  :)




3. My son is almost three years old. And he is painfully handsome with his newest haircut, if you ask me. And he is obsessed with those smoothie pouch thingies. Like, he could eat 10 a day if I let him. He is also obsessed with Nutella on waffles lately, hence the chocolate smears. Love sneaking in some veggies with the pouches. Love his dimples. Love this boy.


4. My kids are obsessed with Henry dog. And the feeling is quite mutual, since our seven year old first born is now the recipient of TWO portions of people food falling from the table. Caught Cecelia playing with Henry on camera and almost died of the cuteness. Especially when Henry kept licking her face, shaking her hand, and then flipped onto his back in order to get belly rubs. What a freaking ham. Love that Truman will say, 'Where's my Henry? I missed Henry today!'. He is such a good doggie, even when he is driving me nuts by his protective bark when someone enters our house. Even when he drops a stealth pee in the basement. He's still an awesome family pet and so good to our kids.



5. I am in love with with running to Justin Bieber's 'Beauty and a Beat'. And Taylor Swift's 'Never Ever'. Truman actually loves that song by Taylor, too, and does a really cute rendition of it yet to be caught on camera. But yeah. I'm 31 years old and love the tween stuff for running. No shame.

6. I never shared our Instagram book on the old blog! My philosophy on photo albums has been: doing a pregnancy album for each baby, then a yearly album for each child (probably just the first two years for each kid, I think). Before kids I'd do a family album every year but now I figure that the kids' albums do the job nicely. But this year, now that I'm heavy into the IG fad, I figured that using my iPhoto pictures in a family album would be good----and then Cecelia's first year album will hold all of our 'real' pictures and all of my appropriate blog posts. And so? I used Blurb, as always, and LOVED how this baby turned out. No text, very straight-forward, and 196 pages. I had to edit my photo selection way down, too, because even though I joined IG less than a year ago I'm completely obsessed. The book (with our last name covered by a hair bow. Random.)







Also, it should be noted: I totally tried to sell myself to Blurb. I wrote them and said that I've made 27 books using their company before, I am obsessed with them, and I have a fairly popular blog. Then I tried to make the stretch that maybe they'd want me to review a book for them and I could get a big fat discount (ie free?) book out of the deal. The customer service people were super nice and said they'd forward my email to their marketing folks. Did not hear back from them. However, the nice rep DID give my a coupon for 20% off so at least I got something out of the deal. I really do love Blurb even if they didn't want me to blog for them;)

7. Speaking of photos, my computer was giving me a 'warning: start up disk full' signal which is never a great thing to see. I checked my hard drive and sure enough---I had 95GB of images on iPhoto. Whoops. I cleaned up a few other applications first and then I knew I had to tackle the beast. So I FINALLY pulled off all of the images from my computer and put them on our external hard drive. Since I also put all of the 'good' pictures on Flickr as a back up, I don't get too panicked about putting the images on the hard drive, but I SHOULD because if something ever happened to Flickr and if my computer crashed I'd be screwed. So anyway, 10,000 images came off my computer. And that was only since Cecelia was born.

8. I should be writing Cecelia's 8 month post right now (happy 8 months, baby!) but I'm doing this one instead. Why do the monthly posts stress me out? Can't believe I did them all the way through age TWO for Truman. Yikes.

9. Speaking of Truman, I just realized the other night as I looked at all of the photos in the past year, that he is no longer obsessed with tattoos. I think last year at this time he was at his PEAK of needing to have one tat on each hand at all times. I remember taking fresh ones along with us when we both flew to Missouri for a wedding last February. Because I knew that if his current ones started to wear off while we were away the world would end. He had tattoos on when CC was born and last summer, too---but since then he hasn't requested any. Why does this make me so sad?? I mean, it's not like wearing temporary tats is the cutest thing ever and it was kind of annoying to ALWAYS be replacing them. But it just goes to show that phases pass quickly and something that was so important a year ago doesn't matter to him anymore. Makes me sad to think that sometime soon he might be 'over' trains---maybe that will be an even bigger pill to swallow, since I feel like his trains are such a big part of his personality right now. Obviously, kids grow up and their likes and dislikes change. But wahhhh--I don't want him to grow up and trade in his trains for video games and girlfriends!

10. I have a fun project that I'm making for Truman right now, inspired by this on Pinterest. I was actually just going to buy that daily calendar instead of making one, but then I found myself wanting to make ours a little bit different. And I haven't really worked with felt before and wanted to give it a shot. It's proving to be pretty time consuming but I think the end result will be worth it. We HAVE to figure out a way to teach Truman about the concept of time. Everything in the future is 'after my nap' and everything in the past is 'last time'. Not sure this calendar will even help but it's worth a shot!


(crafting with a toddler is a dangerous sport for toys)


11. Have I mentioned that I love Craigslist? Because it's my favorite place to buy furniture, apparently. We found our awesome dining room chairs there, I got Truman's cool 'big boy' dresser there, and we found the changing table and also our crib on CL. Add to the list this adorable dollhouse bookshelf for Cecelia!


It is by Pottery Barn (apparently, not sure I ever believe people when they say that) and is 6 years old. I think we got a pretty good deal on it because it's real wood and the price is basically the same as what we paid for the dresser and the changing table before. I might try to paint the 'roof' and the little windows, trading the light green for a pale pink (of course). But we'll see. Now Cecelia will have a place to put all of her books and it will make the nursery feel a little more complete! Just have to coordinate a time for Nate to get the bookshelf and then we might have to rearrange the entire nursery to make it fit next to the rocker. I have a thing about wanting the bookshelf RIGHT next to the chair in there--not sure why that is such a big deal to me, but whatever. Can't wait to see it in person. Thanks again, Craigslist!

12. I have become a bad commenter on other blogs lately. I usually read Google Reader while nursing Cecelia at bedtime, then I mark the blogs 'unread' so that I can go back and comment later when I'm on the computer. Which seems to be a LOT later than I anticipate. Why isn't it easier to comment on blogs on my phone? So many steps and passwords and redirections on that tiny screen. But anyway---commenting on blogs is on my ever-important To Do list!

13. Picky toddler at mealtime, anyone? Wow. Truman is actually getting a little bit better about trying new foods for us but it's always such a battle to get that kid to eat anything healthy (see above point about giving him glorified baby food in a squirt container). For the past two nights, we have had at the dinner table. We make him try something new. He obeys. And then he gags and seriously ralphs all over. Tonight I made him a 'T and C' sandwich----not calling it a 'turkey and cheese' sandwich because I knew he'd tell me he doesn't like turkey. But I called it a T and C---for Truman and Cecelia. Cute, right? He was all about it. I had cut off the crust, made tiny cute little bites, and when he plunged into that first little bite his face dropped. He tried to play it off acting like it was all good and then....he gagged. And couldn't stop puking. Awesome. This is about the 5th time in his life that he has gagged on my food. The night before it was on shredded cheese which he usually loves so whatever. The child has a WEIRD sensory/tactile thing going on I've decided. Anything crunchy or super smooth is good. Anything with variable textures? NO. Again, he really showed me what I could do with my beloved T and C sandwich. He cried and felt badly about it, and I know he didn't force himself to vomit everywhere. But man. Kind of hard to push new foods when I know I will be cleaning them up later...

And what a way to end a post! ;)