

Aug 16: Updated Walls

I have a few wall updates to share today!

1. Canvas house painting:

I found this pin on Pinterest and fell in love with the idea of a painting/print of our house. But this seller is all booked up through the end of the year and she also charges $150. I figured I could probably do something similar. I was nervous, though, because I've never painted anything this 'artistic' before. And I really didn't want my painting to look like a Kindergartner did it, but I knew it was ok to be a little crooked/hand drawn.

So I used this picture pulled up on my iPhone:

I bought a canvas, a few new acrylic paints, and just went for it. No sketching or tracing, just crossing my fingers that it would somehow look like our house. I took pictures of the progress as I went along.





Started to like it a lot more with the landscaping added in.

And, Ta Da! Here is my painting. It's not nearly as cute with our last name and street name blurred out, but oh well. I do think that banner 'makes' the painting so it's a shame I can't just show it to you in all of it's glory.
house painting edited



I like it enough that I hung it right by our front door. I wasn't so sure at first, but it turned out cute.


2. New canvas wall:

I bought these two new canvases from CG Pro Prints and am obsessed with how they turned out. I already had four other canvases in this large 16''x20'' size so I envisioned a wall of six big, fat canvases above our computer.


Laid them out to get the arrangement just right.

Nate got to work.


Ta Da!

Love how colorful and BIG this wall seems now.




3. Frame gallery wall (that you helped me create!)

I seriously tallied up all of your votes for the best wedding picture and your favorite 'other' pictures for this dining room wall. For real.


I finally pulled the trigger and ordered all eight of the 11x14" sized prints from Mpix on Sunday night, after staying up way too late deliberating. I also got three smaller colored prints for our stairway gallery.  Can you spot the new ones?

When these babies arrived in the mail just three days after I ordered them, I was pumped. Great mail day!


We decided to arrange them by alternating darks and lights. I wish they were chronological or paired up by similar poses but it just looked really weird that way. My only complaint is that the wedding image is from far away while the others are all pretty close up. Someday (at the end of the year?) when we update the family shot I might get another wedding shot to replace this one. But for now it's totally fine and I smile each time I walk past this gallery. The 11x14" size is gigantic and I love it! Thank you for helping me choose, blog world.




(had to lay on the ground to get all of them in this shot, darn glare from the buffet windows!)

New pictures on our walls make me happy. Henry, too.


  1. The house painting is really cute! I can't believe you did that, I am LOLing picturing what mine would look like. Great job!!

  2. It all looks fantastic! I know my painting if a house would never turn out so good! Now if I could just convince Rob to fork out the money on some pro family pictures.

  3. I love all of your gallery walls! I always love getting new pictures on the walls as well. Makes me smile every time! :-)

  4. Amazed (but shouldn't be) at that painting! Holy cow. I couldn't (but wish I could!) do that to save my life. Great job! And of course I love those gallery walls. All faves. Can't wait to see it in person.

  5. Holy photos, batman, you have been busy! Love the painting, first of all. Wow. I'm impressed. And the gallery walls look amazing. Love the canvases - I think you've inspired me to do something similar. And I really need to update the rest of our photos around our house too!

  6. Your gallery walls look great...but OMG your house painting is what is blowing me away! You did amazing!

  7. Love the 8 photo gallery wall! I'm totally going to copy that :) Where did you get your white frames from?
    And great work on the house painting! I actually got my husband a professional oil painting of our house, I had a groupon and it was still almost $300! Sad part is, I think we are painting the house this year and changing the color, lol! Oh well :/

  8. The black and white gallery looks amazeballs, seriously. In love!!! I gotta get my butt in gear with new pics on our walls. You've inspired me.

  9. I am loving the new updates...great job on the painting!!

  10. Okay, you are ridiculously talented, I can't even handle it. My attempt at that would turn out SO badly and result in so much frustration I can only imagine it! Also, thank you for the rec on that canvas website... amazing prices and I just ordered a couple that I needed to finish up some nursery decorating!!

  11. You have completely inspired me to try painting our house. Excellent job!!

  12. You already know how I feel about that house painting. Absolutely obsessed. I really wish I had the talent to do that because I would love one of our house. Especially if we move, it would be a great thing to have. I think I'll be doing a big of etsy hunting!

    And the black and white photo wall!! Seriously looks amazing.

  13. LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! I seriously so love that house painting. I need to get one of this house but may "settle" for just a canvas print of a photo of our house or something. And then I decided I'm taking our house number from the front door (it's in a circle if you recall)and buying new ones so I can keep something. So excited to move to a place that has a bit more wall space to play around with. (Hopefully...) Our canvases in the "office" of Minneapolis landmarks is still my favorite wall in the house.

  14. Holy cow! Your house portrait is awesome! I'm seriously impressed with your artistic skills.

  15. You are my hero when it comes to arts & crafts and getting house projects accomplish. I admire your energy and talent sooo much.


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