

Cecelia at 16 months

This might be the most delinquent monthly post yet! Cecelia turned sixteen months on September 28, four whole days ago. These seem to be the months when nothing major changes but she is subtly becoming more of her. And I love it;)



Lori has told me a few times that Cecelia seems a lot more mature than her sixteen months. I don't think she looks old but sometimes she does shock me with what she understands and how she can communicate. I stopped tracking the words she can say but one of my recent favorites is 'treat' since the girl is obsessed with giving Henry treats at totally inappropriate times (ie after he scarfs her entire lunch from her plate). The way she says it is more like 'Twee' and she does a tiny hand motion along with it, like she is holding a treat between her forefinger and thumb. Adorable.



She's also really into saying, 'Uh-Huh' emphatically for 'yes' and will nod her head with intensity, too. Her newest addition to her vocabulary is her own name and I seriously die over the cuteness of her slightly lispy 'Cece'.


We discovered that she knows her own name because she loves to point to the photos in our house and name the faces she sees. She's been able to identify 'dada' for some time now, 'mama' occasionally (not her favorite to view, I guess), and 'Tru-Tru' is one of her favorites. But lately she will point to a baby picture of hers and happily exclaim, 'CC'. The girl loves her family and approves of the obscene amount of photographs we have hung on our walls, I guess.


She will voluntarily say 'cheeeeese' when I pull out my phone to take a picture. This is the face I get for now. We are working on it;)



If she hears Henry bark, like someone pulled up to our house, she will whisper 'Papa?' and sometimes 'Yaya?' I guess we know who comes to see us the most often! Every animal is still a 'daw-daw' and she can say 'woof woof' but we are working on other animal names and sounds. Not every squirrel is a dog that says 'woof,' my dear, but it's adorable that you think that way. Cecelia will pretend to read us a book, pointing to pictures and trying to count. It's hilarious when she says 'uhhhh, duhhhhh, feeee' and then she will clap like she has just recited the exact words for us. Our little scholar. This learning stuff is really fun to watch.



This month I realized she also loves having a task and is becoming a little helper. If I ask her to 'help' me with unloading the dishwasher she will run over there and start grabbing dishes, handing them to me at lightning speeds. Sort of stressful but she's actually very careful when handling the plates. If I ask her to help me with laundry she goes and stands by the backstairs, reaches her hand out for me because she knows I have to help her down the stairs, and will happily put wet clothes in the dryer, a dryer sheet, and slams the door with authority. Mostly she loves to push the buttons on the dryer with a little guidance from mommy. Between having my sixteen month old do dishes and laundry with me, I'm wondering when I can stay on the couch and have her tackle my household chores alone?




She also loves her big brother so much that it's almost hard to watch at times. If she wakes up from a nap and he isn't already downstairs she will start to ask for 'Tru Tru? Tru Tru?' over and over again and tries to climb up the stairs to get him. When he wasn't feeling well earlier this week she would find monkey or a toy and try to give it to him, in between trying to lay by him on the couch (he was not a fan, obviously). They love to chase each other around the house and I think Cecelia gets a kick out of being silly with Truman---and it's her goal to get him to laugh. Sometimes she will pretend to fall down and he will just roll on the ground in laughter fits. I have no idea why this is so funny but they definitely have a sort of unspoken language between each other that only siblings would understand.





But the best is when I catch them holding hands or giving hugs/kisses unprompted. Oh, be still my heart. Usually it's Truman that initiates this because he loves to help her down the curb outside and likes to boss her around when she allows it. Sister has a great big brother and she loves him more than ever. Of course, she also likes to take toys from him and knock down his block towers, but whatever. We'll focus on the good here.





Cecelia just seems to understand everything that I say these days and I can't get enough of watching her little brain work. When I ask her if she needs a diaper change she will usually say 'uh-huh' and start to walk into the playroom, ready to be changed. But actually she sort of hates laying still for that long and only obliges if I let her pretend to put on some diaper cream herself. If I tell her that daddy is going to work she will say and wave 'bye-bye' and demand to watch him as he pulls out of the garage. A simple hug, kiss, and 'goodbye' inside the house is not enough. We must also stand outside and watch as he pulls away----a new obsession that is freaking adorable. She isn't as obsessed with putting on hair bows (ba-bas) before the sun rises anymore, but she does demand one each day and usually follows up that request with a 'dada?' She loves to show daddy her hair bows. I have no idea but it's cute.



In that same vein of being incredibly girlie, she has become a girl addicted to shoes (choo). For real. We have a few new pairs this month and she will randomly decide she needs to wear a pair around the house STAT and gets very frustrated if I don't put them on her immediately. Sometimes it's her pink winter boots that need to stomp around, sometimes it's her glittery mary janes, but always she will wear shoes and prance around the house to demand our focus on her feet. She likes to point to her shoes when we talk to a stranger in public, too. Apparently everyone must make note of her sense of style.




Sister loves her new silver tutu, loves hair bows, shoes, and still carries any toy with a handle like a purse. She's incredibly girlie and yet we call her our bruiser because she is fearless and tough. CC loves playgrounds, loves to flop on our couch, and loves to climb stairs 



Sometimes she will get spooked by something, though, and runs to mommy if she feels nervous. Train whistles can be a little too much, ambulance sirens, and just the mention of Truman going into the bathroom will also scare her right into my arms. I know, it's weird, but she used to stand outside the door and watch him on the toilet. Then he decided that was an invasion of personal space and shut the door....but of course, her fingers were in the door frame and she got the same two fingers slammed like she did a few months ago. Ever since the bathroom door incident, if Truman says he needs to potty she will run to me and start crying, pointing to her finger and saying 'ga-ga'. No idea what that means, but I'm guessing it means 'owie' and she remembers getting her finger shut in the door when he was going to the bathroom. Heartbreakingly sweet.

She also hates the goats at the zoo, which she calls 'ga-gas' as well.

She is still not a big fan of independent play and prefers to be held and carried around in the mornings and also around dinner time. At least whenever I’m home---because she is not clingy at all when it’s just Nate or Lori instead of good old mom. If Nate is watching her he says she is totally chill and happy until she sees me come in. Then she gets really flustered until I am holding her and refuses to let me put her down. It’s sweet but the mommy-phase thing is also a lot to take sometimes. Luckily she does have her moments when she is fine to play and interact with people other than me. Such a mama’s girl, this one.





C does great at daycare but lately she has been ‘punishing’ me for leaving her. She will happily go to Lori when we walk in but then she refuses to look at me and chooses to turn her head to avoid eye contact with me. If I try to kiss her and talk to her she will let me but appears mostly apathetic, as if to say, ‘I really don’t want to see you right now, just leave already!’. She’s always happy to see me at the end of the day, though, so I try not to let her antics bother me in the mornings. At least she isn’t crying!


Cecelia is a creature of routine like the rest of us in this family and she has decided that whenever I pick her up from daycare she needs water (ahhhhhh) and crackers (gra-gra). Lori usually obliges but is often perplexed by this sudden thirst and hunger since they usually have a snack right before I arrive anyway. Girlfriend can still pound some food and does not discriminate. Taco meat, chili, pork, fish--she loves it all. Even really tart things like cranberry sauce seem to be acceptable for her and we joke that she has a refined palate at sixteen months. I'm just happy to have one child that will eat pretty much anything I place in front of her and am excited for the time when she can cook for me as I lay on the couch (after she does my housework). Do you sense a theme to this post yet? L-a-z-y.


The biggest accomplishment of this month? Sleep. I don't even want to say it, for fear of angering the blogging gods, but the past few weeks have been glorious with both naps and nighttime sleep. She goes down around 8 and sleeps until 6 or later which is basically 10000x better than the previous month. She naps from 1-3 or even later some days. And dare I say it? She wakes up content now, instead of being whiny and fussy and overtired. Sleep is a great thing, my love.


Why now, you ask? Well one thing that has changed is that I no longer nurse her down for naps and bedtime. I'm going to write an entire post about nursing so I'll stop here, but dropping those sessions definitely did help her to sleep. Cue the waterworks for the topic of weaning.


This month has been so much fun, although I majorly lacked in taking any ‘real’ pictures of our girl. She is just the sweetest, most hilarious, beautiful little girl ever in my (biased) opinion. 






I love you, sweet girl. This month and every month.



  1. Aww she's such a cutie. Love all her outfits, especially the orange vest. Oh and Luke is also totally chill until I'm there. So fun!!!

  2. J, she looks identical to Truman in the bathtub pics. And in that first pic, i totally see you in that! and lastly, thank you for reminding me of the skeleton jammies. must dig those out. . .question will be--do they still fit Skelly C or chunky Ali?

  3. She is SO beautiful. She's such a character and so smart and sweet! Love her.

  4. Maybe I just don't have enough experience with littles, or little girls specifically, but if I didn't know any better I would SWEAR you were writing about my little Bean. Seriously. The personality traits, the words, the helping, even some of the facial expressions. Maybe they will meet one day in college or something and become BFFs :) I'm curious to hear about weaning. We haven't walked that road yet ...

  5. Oh, the clinging. This is SO Miriam. And it is a lot to handle sometimes.

    I love hearing about all she's learning. So much fun!!

  6. She is such a little doll! She totally has her own look, but sometimes I see soooo much of her brother in pictures of her!
    I think it's a girl thing (although I'm only 5 months into life with a boy) but they seem to be more vocal, much earlier on than boys. My girls were both chatterboxes as well! And something about the second child, it's like we expect them to stay babies for longer and yet they grow up faster because they have an older sibling to emulate.
    Yay for finally getting some solid sleep!!! You are the third person this week to tell me that their child finally started sleeping through the night when they weaned them - sooo hard to hear when I know I have many, many, many more months of nursing ahead with this little guy. And probably many, many, many months of no sleep too :/

  7. I could have written 90% of this post about Ashlynn... actually I just finished a post going up tomorrow with a lot of similar things (mainly just sayings/words that I want documented)...

    The helping is def us, with the dishwasher and clothes. She unloads the silverware one by one for me and moves the clothes from our washer to dryer (frontloaders). "Shoe" is her daddy's favorite so he asks her multiple times a day to say it, and she loves her "cheese". Glad she's sleeping for you and the independent play might come soon. A just really got into this week. She used to have spurts, but I always had to stay near by. Now she'll occupy herself at lengths (for a 17m old).

    And the CC video killed me when you posted the other day. SO cute!!

  8. You have some really wonderful photos to remember this sweet period of time by. Those pictures of CC and Truman together make me ache for a second child when most days I'm convinced my daughter is going to be an only! CC is one pretty little girl, I'm dying over the little pinky action she has going on in the car dealer photo. She has such cute little personality quirks!

  9. Love all her outfits, especially the skinny jeans, those are adorable! As a mom of a boy now, I'm quickly realizing that while boy clothes are cute, girl clothes really are so much more fun to shop for - skirts, hairbows, shoes, etc. it is all so cute! Also, I LOVE the stage when they want to be your little helpers and have so much fun doing it - we are right in that stage as well, Jake just loves his little chores!

  10. That pic in the middle of big brother and little sister with the measuring board is so sweet. Plus, the cute jammies.

  11. Ohmyword SHE SAYS HER NAME? I die from the cuteness.


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