

Cecelia at Eighteen Months

Happy 1.5, little girl! Our Memorial Day baby turned one-and-a-half on Thanksgiving Day and I'm a bit behind on this update.

I'm going to make this one short and sweet if possible;)

(cue the annoyed faces)

Your sleep has become something bigger and better than anyone could have predicted a few months ago. You request to go 'nigh-nigh' at bedtime, we read 3 books, and you want to get into your crib after that. I review the day with you and when I ask, 'Did you have a good day today?' you always respond with: "cookie." I think you really like your sweets.


I lay you in your crib, turn off the light, turn on the white noise and you continuously say 'too' as I say 'I love you!'. It's seriously the cutest. This all happens between 7-7:30 or so and you are now sleeping until at LEAST 7:00 a lot of the time. Unheard of in this family! There have been a few weekends when you slept well past 8 and almost reached the 9 am mark. I don't know who this new child is but I love her. Naps are also great--easily totaling 2-3 hours starting around noon. Sleep is the best, Cecelia. I'm so glad you finally got the memo.


Something else kind of wild this month: you request to sit on the potty. In fact, you will start ripping off your pants and attempt to remove your diaper, say 'pee pee' and you want me to put you on the toilet. I mean, you are 18 months old so obviously this means nothing but I oblige you at times just to see the look of shock on your face when the cold seat touches your buns. Hilarious. I guess I could get out the froggy potty for you but I know you aren't really serious about this yet. But still really cool to think about you showing interest in ditching the dipes at some point.

First decent snow of the year---you were obsessed!

You believe yourself to be about thirteen years old, Cecelia. All of a sudden you demand to walk into Lori's front room instead of me handing you off to her. You don't want to be held much at all and the first time I set you down and you marched away from me, my heart melted. My big girl! You were smiling and so proud of yourself and Lori and I were both stunned. Apparently you are a grown up and I love it/hate it. You pretty much only run at this point, walking is not allowed, and you like to practice your jumps every day, too. You seem quite athletic already, you little bruiser girl, you.

Loves to read. Loves to be naked.



Your favorite new words are 'no' and 'mine'. You have very strong opinions about who should be playing with each toy at any given time. For the most part you adore your big brother but you are showing your spunky side with him, too. Pulling his hair and running away laughing is a new favorite hobby of yours. Sometimes you will come running at him with your mouth open like you are going to bite him, too. I attempted a half-hearted time out the other day with you because I didn't know how else to deal with the constant tormenting of your brother. You laughed and said you did want to be in time out. So there's that. But seeing the two of you together is one of my biggest joys in life overall. You two are amazing.





There is a new 'cheese' face in our lives. And it is awesome.

It might be time for a haircut soon but ponytails and pigtails are looking mighty adorable lately. It's just hard to leave your hair down anymore because it's so wild. And you don't mind since you still love to pick out your hair bows each day. And your outfits. You really love to undo zippers and snaps so wearing hoodies is becoming a challenge. Which reminds me that my absolute favorite words of yours are 'snap' and 'snow'. Both are super nasally and kind of have a -th sound in there somehow. We routinely ask you to tell us what the white stuff is outside just to hear you say 'thnoooooow'. Absolutely adorable.

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You still love to have a task and are a big helper when it comes to throwing things in the garbage, handing drinks to your brother, and giving us our phones if we set them down in a different room. You still love to eat and we recently discovered a new favorite food: pickles! Good call, Cecelia. Anything requires a dipping condiment, like your tangerines dipped in ketchup or your apples dipped in tomato soup. Totally grosses me out but apparently you like to dip. I love watching you try new foods because you usually love it. Hope that stays the same for a long time.

Cecelia, you are just the sweetest, happiest little girl. You are full of sass and spunk but you're a happy child 90% of the time. I just can't get enough of you and your little personality, and can't wait to watch you grow up even more.

You're the best, CC.
Love, mama


  1. Hooray for the sleep CC!!! Way to go! She is so stinking cute... I love her hair and trimmed or not - fabulous.

  2. Ahh CC you are adorable. And so glad that she has figured out sleep is amazing!! Luke has been rocking the same sleep schedule and I can barely believe it. 3 hour naps!! Seriously amazing. He's never slept past 8 but whatever, I'll take what I can get :)

  3. Happy 18 months, Cece girl!! She's cute beyond words, Julia. SUCH a doll and such a character!!!

    Also, amazing that she's figured out sleep finally! Jealous of the sleeping in, that is awesome!!

  4. She is such a cutie and with such personality! I love it. The pictures of them together are the best. I hope our two can become friends like that as the baby grows up. Our oldest started talking about going on the potty and the like around 18 months like CeCe and we went with it. He was fully potty trained by his 2nd bday!


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