

Six Questions: results

Well, the results are in at the Six Questions site. There were 20 total questions submitted and over 100 votes on those questions, which is pretty cool! I answered six questions through video and all together the entire interview is 12 minutes long. I like to talk, you know.

Six Questions broke up my lengthy video into separate questions, thankfully. So each video is my response to a question and about 2 minutes long. I know you are dying to know my thoughts on these burning questions!

Notable: the still shots of me at the beginning of each video are hilarious. Apparently I am very animated when I talk. But the whole experience was a fun one, and the questions weren't too difficult/scary to answer at all. Thank you for that, dear readers!

Thanks for submitting your votes! I will do a blog post to answer the fourteen questions (in writing, without facial expressions) over here someday, too. ;)


  1. These were great! It's fun seeing videos of people on their blogs…they always seem a little different than I pictured in my head from just reading.
    I especially like your list of advice for your pre-mom self. I was just saying to my husband the other day that life really does just get better and better (albeit crazier and crazier as well) but its more fun and fulfilling. Even our marriage has become stronger over the years.
    Also, off topic, but since you got your hair cut have a lot people been telling you that you look like Hilary Swank? I think she is stunning and you really do resemble her with your cute new cut and your big, pretty smile :)

    1. You are too kind, girl! I will take being a Hilary look a like. She is awesome!

  2. totally agree about talking your blog in real life, its so weird. I barely mention it to my friends or family, since I assume they all think its weird.

    and you do sound so midwestern, lol... coming fron the east coaster raised by west coasters. you can only imagine my fast talking valley girl sound!

    1. You need to do a video ASAP. Can't picture you fast talking at all!

    2. This made me LOL, because my first thought on these videos is that you sound SO Northern. I can't believe you were even raised in MO, you sound like a true Wisconsonite now. :)

    3. Kristal--this is funny to me because I have patients routinely ask me where I'm from. They can tell I'm not from around these parts and say I sound 'southern'. HA! I guess I don't fit in anywhere.

  3. Loved all your house ideas! :) Our house is really old too, so we have a list just as long. I was amazed you don't have central AC, but it makes sense...I just can't imagine not needing it!
    Also, I don't even know if I could fit in 2 minutes what all I would say to my "pre-mommy" self...but I agree that sleeping and travelling more would be WAY up there in importance.

    1. Oh, don't worry. The actual list is WAY longer than that (forgot about the roof and siding…whoops!). Old houses are fun to have and fun to dream about, that's for sure.

  4. This is great! I've been following you for about 4 years now and it's pretty cool to see you in video form talking as yourself. I always find it interesting how when you don't know someone personally as a blogger, they're photographic self and their in person self can be different than what you expect as a reader. (For the record, both of your "selfs" are absolutely amazing.) If you're taking questions, I have a question regarding the evolution of your blog. When did it become just a side blog that a few people read to a blog that garnered lots of followers? When did product testing come into play? So you think you'd ever want to become a full-time blogger?

    1. Aw, thanks, Marta! Good question---I will add it to the list for my post. Something I have been thinking a lot about recently!

  5. This was so fun! First, since I've finally made it off my phone and on a computer, a belated congratulations!!! Can't wait to follow the details! Second, you totally sound like a northerner. Love it.

  6. You're cute, I miss you! That was fun, good job. Love the "best is yet to come" line - so agree. ;)

  7. Finally catching up.
    I think it's totally awkward to talk about My blog in person. People I know mention they read it and I cringe knowing I get personal and crazy on there.
    Love your accent!

  8. I didn't read in time to enter my question, but if you ever get around to it, I'd love to hear how you are dealing with your student loans My husband and I are both medical professionals as well, and I work part time, and student loans stress me out so much. I know some day they will be paid off, but I'd love to hear how you budget/timeline for paying them works.

    1. Hi, Jenni! Oh yes, student loans. Blech. I will add this question to one of the upcoming posts about money/finances. But yes, we have loans and they suck but aside from winning the lottery there isn't a lot we can do!


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