

April 13: Lights Up a Room

Did I ever show you Cecelia's light up princess dress on the old blog? It's seriously amazing.

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(Henry loves it, too)
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The pouty princess.
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My mom made Cecelia this dress for Christmas after seeing something similar on Pinterest, and Cecelia's baby doll has a matching frock minus the electricity. There is a battery pack under Cecelia's skirt and it's seriously the most beautiful princess dress on our most beautiful girl. Biased times two, yes.

Mom has made a dress like this a few times since Christmas, for friends who loved it as much as we do. One dress takes mom ten hours to make but I still think she could totally sell these on Etsy and make a fair amount because they are so unique. She's not totally sure she *wants* to make these over and over again but she's considering it. But Cecelia is one lucky granddaughter to have such a talented seamstress grandma, right?

Tonight I was starting the bedtime routine with Porter when Cecelia randomly requested to wear her light up dress. We were about 10 minutes away from laying Porter down and moving on to the bigger kids' bedtime, but how could I deny little lady a bit of electricity and tulle? I love how she is rough and tough and a total tomboy but she can rock a princess dress with freshly washed curls and an innocent smile like none other, too.

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Ah, this child and this dress are both entirely too much. (Too much fun, too much sass, too much sparkle).


  1. So, so adorable! I love it. I am newly back to BlogHer and am having a great time exploring and finding other happy moms to chat with and read through your blogs.

  2. Your mom is talented! I wish I knew how to sew!

  3. Oh that dress is not only beautiful, it is magical too! She did an AMAZING job!

  4. That dress is amazing! And yes she would make a killing on etsy, they are so cute!


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