

Giveaway + Review | Itsy Ritzy Nursing Happens Infinity Scarf

August is National Breastfeeding Month and although Porter weaned in January, you know I'm still down to celebrate nursing. Truman nursed for a year, Cecelia for sixteen months, and Porter for six months so I'm sitting just under three years of nursing my children. Ah, I miss it, I really do. But what a privilege it was.

It goes without saying (I hope) that I support all moms no matter which method they use for feeding their babies. I've done it all at this point: nursing exclusively, pumping until my boobs nearly fell off, fighting a child to take a bottle (ahem, Cecelia), fighting a child to continue nursing when I wasn't nearly ready to let it go (ahem, Porter). I'm also a formula-feeding mama and this part of my journey has certainly taught me the most about humility and perspective. Because it's all good, ladies. And eventually (if they are anything like my children), babies grow into kids who like to eat stale Cheerios they find under the couch instead of the healthy lunch lovingly provided by mom.

Who me?


I didn't always use covers when breastfeeding in public, although I was a lot more self-conscious about that the first time around compared to the third. But now breastfeeding mamas have an awesome option for staying covered while looking fashionable. The Nursing Happens: Infinity Breastfeeding Scarf by Itzy Ritzy had me at 'infinity scarf' and completely sold me when I got my hands on it. It's super soft and breathable and looks like a regular old infinity scarf at first glance. I mean, I'm not even a nursing mom anymore and I will totally rock this scarf because it's adorable.



But it's actually very sneaky in that it doubles as a nursing cover for those that need a dual purpose of fashion and functional. I love that you could wear this to feel put together and cute then just adjust it to hide your goods when nursing the babe. No need to pack yet another baby item to leave the house. YES. Great invention, Itzy Ritzy! I think I just found my new go-to gift for my new mommy friends, too.

My favorite part:

See how huge it gets? Totally roomy enough to put a squirmy baby under there.
IMG_9695 has launched this nursing scarf chain wide just in time for National Breastfeeding Month, and you can order any of the patterns of the nursing scarf online or get the gray chevron in stores.
What about the giveaway, right? Up for grabs is one Itzy Ritzy Nursing Happens Infinity Scarf + one $50 gift card from Target. Anyone can enter the Rafflecopter drawing below and I will keep this one up for just a few days, since I'm a little late to the game. Darn postal service held my scarf hostage for many weeks it seems, and now August is almost over. Wahhh, slacker blogger, but not on purpose, I swear!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the idea of a basic grey chevron scarf! Just for style points and bonus for cute nursing! I would love this as a cover up and think this is a brilliant idea.

  2. I'm due next month - so I really really hope to use this as a nursing cover!! I can see myself wearing this on a Saturday when I'm out and about running errands - still looking put together but functional and comfortable - my trademark. I would get the red scarf I think! And as far as the $50 gift card - I would probably buy something needed for the baby (pacifier, bottle, you know....). Gah I'm always so practical!

  3. This is so cute! I'm almost done nursing my first (I think? maybe one of these days...), but I would wear it anyway. :)

  4. I'm due in 3 weeks so I would use it as a nursing cover.

  5. That is really cute! I wish I had it when I was nursing Kai because I hated the cover I had. I would totally wear it just as a scarf now though. Or maybe save it in case of a next time... :)

  6. That scarf is darling. Great idea to have something that still works after the nursing phase is over.

  7. Cute scarf!! I don't cover when I breastfeed (none of my kids tolerate it!) but I'm always down for a good accessory. ;)

  8. I would love to win this!! I'm a nursing Momma of a 6 month old girl and love how fashionable and easy this would be to use while still being able to keep track of my 2.5 year old. Plus kess gear to carry is always a win!!!

  9. I am not even pregnant yet with #2, lol, but looking forward to needing this in the future

  10. I love that scarf and would totally wear it even when not breastfeeding!

  11. Love the scarf. I am due with my second next week and would definitely use it as a cover. Target is my fave so there are multiple ways I would use the gift card....diapers for one!

  12. Would love this cute nursing scarf! I'm four months into nursing my first, and other covers seem to be more trouble than they're worth! This one looks great though!

  13. Would love to be able to gift this to one of the new momma's in my life!

  14. I think I found my new go-to baby shower gift. These are awesome!

  15. I would use this scarf as a nursing cover for baby number 2, who is due in November.

  16. I'd probably use this as a scarf since my baby hates to be covered! It's cute :)

  17. This is super cute. I'm breastfeeding my 10 month old and she loves to pull of my current cover but it's the traditional type with a strap around my neck. Maybe this one will be better? Regardless I would wear it without breastfeeding. So happy that Target is carrying stuff like this!

  18. I'll definitely be in the market for a nursing cover come November - and this one is too cute! Thanks for the giveaway! :-)

  19. LOVE this! I just finished nursing my 2.5 year old in June but I WANT this scarf, ha. Between 2 kids, I nursed for 43 months (and I hope for 1 more baby to nurse) and am a huge proponent of nursing and especially nursing however you are comfortable. I am pretty comfortable nursing uncovered but it would be nice to have something that is functional AND cute when I need it in the future (fingers crossed).

  20. BF my second child now and a cover that stays would be wonderful! My husband always want me to cover up in public which I never do because I hate the cover I have! And what to buy at Target-well the world is my oyster there!

  21. I'm nursing baby #4 and need some serious style help, so the scarf/cover is perfect. Also, building a house now, so Target GC = new house decor!

  22. What a great giveaway! Thanks!

  23. What an awesome idea! This scarf looks much easier to manage than those other "tent-like" cover ups. I love the Nantucket Navy Stripe and Steely Nights options. Baby #2 due next week, so this would be super timely! I also like that it doubles as a scarf. Great Idea! And that Target Gift Card...lots of baby stuff to buy. Diapers, name it, we will probably need it. Thanks for the chance at a give-away!

  24. My best friend is getting ready to start working on Baby #2, and I would love to give her this scarf! As for Target...well, probably it will get used for a whole bunch of stuff that I never even knew I needed until I got there :)

  25. I LOVE the seaside striped turquoise!!! Things that have a dual purpose and are easy are qualities I look for in products and this one certainly has it! AS you mentioned it would be a great go-to gift for new Mom's or even something you can share among your close friends!

  26. That would be adorable to wear just as a scarf! And who doesn't love Target?!?!?

  27. Adorable! Expecting #2 and can't wait to nurse again.

  28. I would use it as a scarf! The pink is cute but so is the gray chevron. My nursing days are done at the moment but might come back around later. The $50 giftcard would be for diapers and formula.

  29. My best friend just told me she is pregnant with her first child! So I would definitely give this scarf to her if I won. :)

  30. I would love this to have the option to cover up while nursing

  31. That is cute! I gave away all my nursing covers and I think we will be flying this fall so it would be good to have a cover for the plane.

  32. Super cute! My neighbor is pregnant with her first (remember those days!?) and this would be an amazing gift!

  33. I love the pink stripes! I hope to be in the market for baby supplies soon...

  34. I would gift the scarf and gift card to my sister following the birth of her new baby! What a cute idea.

  35. I had such a horrible time with breastfeeding the first time around but I'm hoping for more luck with #2 in the next week or two! I'd love to win this. :)

  36. So I'm awful and read your blog all the time, but only ever comment on giveaways! Lol need to work on that! But I'm expecting number 2 in Dec. and this looks awesome, cute and functional!

  37. I would use it as a breastfeeding accessory! Breastfeeding my 14 month old :) Thank you for the giveaway!

  38. I love Itzy Ritzy! I've seen this scarf online, but not in person. It looks like it would totally be a great option! Especially with baby #2 on the way :)

  39. Baby #2 is due in 16 days! Hoping to breastfeed again.

  40. Baby #2 due in 16 days! Hoping to breastfeed again.

  41. I would use it for both! So cute!

  42. I'm not sure if my squirmy 13 month old would tolerate a cover anymore (haven't even tried using one in months), but you're right in that this is an adorable scarf alone! Also, hoping to someday have more of a need for a cover if there's a baby #3 down the road ; )

  43. OMGosh... this is so cute & I so need one of these!! We have a babe # 2 a girl coming soon & I was literally just thinking how I would love to have something like this... and then I saw your rad review! Thank you bunches for the sweet chance, I would not only use this for a cute breast feeding scarf, but for in the mornings when I walk my little man to school... I can use this to cover sisters stroller. Thanks again! xx

  44. I'm about to to have my first baby and I'm actually registered for this scarf. It would be awesome to test it out =)

  45. I love the scarf! So cute!

  46. I'm currently nursing my six month old baby girl so this would definitely come in handy!

  47. For breastfeeding and fashion.

  48. I think our nursing time only has a couple more months, but I'd definitely keep using it as a scarf after! I'd try to save the target card for something fun instead of diapers :)

  49. I'd give it as a gift! The target gift card--for the shower.

  50. I'm having baby #2 TOMORROW (not freaking out or anything). With a 22-month old, I'm sure I will be much more out and about this time and will need to nurse in public. This would be awesome! And a $50 Target card...can you say diapers?!

  51. Love it! I'm not nursing anymore, but I love a beautiful scarf. As for the Target GC, it would be all too easy to spend $50 at Target. I'd most likely update some of our bathroom décor.

  52. I'm currently nursing our fourth. Like literally right now! Lol! None of her brothers would stand for a cover but I'm all for giving it a try again. I don't feel the need to cover sometimes it would be nice.

  53. Such a cute way to stay covered! As a breastfeeding mama of a beautiful 4 month old, I'd get plenty of use out of this!

  54. Super cute scarf! Would love to have this when it's time for baby #2!

  55. Love it as I am always forgetting my cover

  56. $50 at many things!!!

  57. I like the Seaside Stripe Turquoise, and I would give this to my good friend who is due this fall. At Target, I would buy clothes for my kids.

  58. I would use this as exactly what it is, a scarf and nursing cover, especially now that the weather is due to change and its more in between warm/cool it would be perfect as opposed to trying to fumble in diaper bag looking for a blanket or other cover to use, I'd just unravel and feed my currently 8 week old little guy. i love that its actually quite stylish and can be used to compliment an outfit, my favorite color/pattern after going to the site has to be the Nantucket Navy Stripe one but I also love the Charcoal Haze Chevron one. For the gift card, I would definitely use it towards some baby clothes since we are in a bit of a crunch and little guy will soon grow out of the clothes he does have.

  59. I would use target gift card for my husband because he hardly ever gets new clothing

  60. I'm due with Baby #2 in February and I never tried a nursing cover with #1. I'd love to try this one with the second baby because it doesn't look an art smock!! It's really cute, especially the pattern you got!

  61. I would be thrilled to win a cover because I'm currently nursing my little guy! And $50 to Target sounds amazing - i could buy something from the home decor department guilt-free!

  62. This scarf is perfect for my 11 month old baby that still refuses the bottle. Perhaps her and Cecelia would be buddies? :) I love your approach to cheering on mother's however the feed their babies. We're all in this together and it is hard no matter what route you take. Mama's of the world unite!

  63. This is definitely large enough to cover my nearly 10 month olds acrobatic moves. Love it!

  64. I am still completely flipped out at the idea of nursing two babies, so I'll take all the help I can get!

  65. My breastfeeding days ended last year...but I would love to give this scarf as a gift to one of my friends who is a new mama! and who wouldn't love a target gift card. I pretty much live there ;)

  66. I'd definitely use the scarf as a fashion accessory and for breastfeeding. And what wouldn't I use the Target gift card for?! :) Cosmetics, clothes, snacks, baby items, etc....

  67. I love it!! I would use it as a cover!

  68. Love this giveaway Julia!! Can't wait to nurse this babe and definitely am looking for accessories like this to keep me covered and possibly pulled together!

  69. I'm due next month with #3 and would definitely use this!

  70. I will use it as a scarf, the gift card is great for back to school shopping, thank you!

  71. the grey chevrons are cute... i'd use it as a multi-purpose scarf + feeding cover! As for the target gc... new sheets !

  72. Love this! I'm still nursing my 1 year old daughter.

  73. Having my first in just a couple of months - this seems great

  74. Baby #2 is due soon, so I'd use it for a nursing cover!

  75. Would love it for my sister who is getting ready to have her 4th! The Target gift card? I would probably use it on wine and pull ups #momlife

  76. I would use it both as a cover and a scarf in the fall

  77. Right now I would use it just because it was cute, but would definitely use it for baby #2.

  78. I love that scarf. And since Helena still won't take a sippy or a bottle... 😆

  79. I would use this a nursing cover and also to drape over the infant seat to keep the sun off when out. I really like the PINK PEONY STRIPE cover.

  80. I would love to use this with my 4 month old daughter!

  81. Very cute scarf! My 8-month-old is super squirmy, so we could use the extra coverage!

  82. My sister would love to the cover for nursing her 1 month old, Leo :)

  83. Would love the grey chevron. Thanks for offering such a great giveaway!

  84. I woudl give this to my sister

  85. Stylish and very useful! I would definitely use one of these.

  86. I would use it to breastfeed my baby and use the Target gift card for cloth diapers or a high chair for my baby :)

  87. That's really cute. I love scarves and I love breastfeeding so I'd wear it just for fun and to cover up when I'm feeding my son in public. And target... probably for more diapers or a new car seat, since we're almost ready to move onto a bigger one.

  88. Looks nice, I would like to have it though I already have one with black and white stripes


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