

35 weeks | Baby #4

Grand old milestone: 35/35! Thirty-five weeks down, thirty-five more days to go. Since it's now June, I can officially say that I'm having a baby next month. Holy.Moly.


Let me just tell you, I'm feeling every bit of 35 weeks all of a sudden. Baby boy has had a growth spurt, I gained almost 6 pounds in two weeks, my belly feels like it might actually explode, and the temps have risen from the 60s to 88 degrees as a high today. No, Gracias. Just no. Too hot. My toes are currently swollen and I was worried I couldn't get my ring off tonight. I'm tired because of all that plus solo parenting both days this weekend, while Nate was at a continuing education course.

Heat + 35 weeks pregnant + 3 existing children + absence of parenting partner = rather cranky mom, but proud to make it through in one piece!



My belly is huge and heavy by the evening hours, it feels pretty light and airy in the mornings though. The top of my stomach where it meets with my ribs is still REALLY sensitive and feels stretched to capacity. The amount of veins on my stomach are astonishing and I keep looking for stretch marks, so far no dice but there's plenty of time! I also feel like he's really low all of a sudden, like my bladder is his favorite pillow that he constantly rams his head into over and over again. Peeing all of the time. Not comfortable to sit for very long, or stand for very long. Most comfortable laying on my side which is not the best daytime activity. ;)

Biggest boy, littlest boy :)

I had an OB appointment on Friday where baby measured on track, my eyes bulged at the weight gain (but my doctor didn't even mention it), BP still good, and baby's heart rate was 149. I go every Friday until he is here which is seriously cray. She said she might check me next time at 36 weeks and I told her that I've been having a lot more Braxton Hicks (non painful) contractions. She said as long as there aren't more than six in an hour, it's probably okay but I still need to 'chill out' a little bit. I haven't timed anything but I'm pretty sure the tightening of my entire uterus does happen at least 4-5 times in an hour, regardless of what I'm doing (sitting at my desk!). She said after 37 weeks, it's not a big deal but I don't want to ignore signs of possible early labor when he'd be premature right now.

All Photos-107

So in two more weeks, I can let 'er rip? ;) My OB is very 'by the books' as you can see. I do NOT think I'm going to have the kid early, and these practice contractions happened with Porter even earlier than now and meant nothing. I'm still in the mindset of making it to the bitter end with this pregnancy but the summer heat wave does have me feeling a little more deflated, like OMG...can I really do this without passing out at 7pm every night?

I think I can, I think I can...

This weekend felt rather productive in the 'prepare for this baby' front. I finally went up into the attic, pulled down all of the NB and 0-3 month clothes, plus the swaddles, more crib sheets, Boppy pillow and covers and washed it allllllll. I folded it and put it in Porter's dresser, nicely arranged. Also, I went through the other dressers and closets in our bedrooms and did a huge purge. Officially putting sweaters away and paring down my own wardrobe into what truly works for this belly makes me very happy. And now I have a solid list of what baby boy actually NEEDS before he is born.



Newborn diapers, new bottles, new pump parts, a few pacifiers, some velcro swaddles, a few NB and 0-3 zip up sleepers and we should really be set. That's not too bad, right? It was really fun to see what I kept for sentimental value with the boy baby clothes, and it seems like I did hold onto several key pieces. Like this 'favorite' sleeper of Truman's, which we bought when I was pregnant with him over seven years ago. HOW!!??


Non-pregnancy news: we might break ground on the addition this week! Also, last week of school for our bigs, fastest school year ever. Hard to believe that I'm going to be at home, with a new baby and the three kids, during a big home renovation in a matter of WEEKS. But we are so excited for it all, this summer is going to be a memorable one!

I can't wait to sit outside (in the shade), with the baby on my chest, while watching the 3 big kids run around in the backyard (sidestepping nails and construction, but whatever).

Headed into the final stretch, still in disbelief but I suppose it's feeling a little more real at the same time.


  1. Being pregnant during a midwestern summer is no fun! Haha! I'll hope for a speedy month for you and with cooler than usual temperatures. ;)

  2. You look AMAZING. Glowing, content, just beautiful. Never cut your hair and always wear your glasses, ha. I am so excited for y'all and can't wait to see this new precious love and learn his name! And I am so excited to see the house renovations. Your summer is going to be HUGE! I go back to work in 2 days womp, womp but I can't complain (too much) over 24 weeks off, ha.


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