

Playing dress up.

Back in my day, I was quite the little shopaholic. I would regularly splurge on myself and my closet size reflected my addiction.

But alas, how things have changed. Since we got engaged, and especially since we got married, I stopped splurging on clothes. I am now somewhat addicted to saving money and I've downsized my closet to the bare necessities. It's actually quite cleansing to rid my closet of outdated clothes.

I can only think of one major splurge in the recent past, which was over a year ago: my beloved Kooba bag (cue the angels singing, please).

This bag was ridiculously expensive, and by "ridiculous" I mean $650. I broke out in a hot flash when I bought it last year, but it was a gift to myself for saving so much money before the wedding. And I honestly have not changed purses since because I wear it every single day.

Funny story: When the Cards won the World Series last year, we were out at a bar and of course, I had my purse. Everyone starting throwing beer around and screaming, but what did I do? I ducked and pounced on top of my purse to protect it from the booze, like a mother hen with her eggs. That is how deep my love is for this bag:)

Nowadays I am sticking to online stalking of my favorite stores. I don't allow myself to actually step foot into malls, unless it's absolutely necessary. J.Crew has gotten quite sure of themselves lately, and their prices are suddenly out of control. But I still love that store. Here are some of my faves right now:

Then there's Banana Republic. Sometimes they cater to the "business" crowd with tons of suits and corporate junk (just kidding, I'm only jealous). But I can still find some good options for us common healthcare folk as well.
Now this last one is something that I've really been lusting after lately. Tall boots, tights, and a long-sleeved wrap dress. Totally me!

Sigh. Does anyone else "window shop" online with no intention of buying anything? It's kind of a dangerous game to play, but whatever.


  1. I actually trust myself window shopping online because it's so much harder to actually buy something - especially if I've never bought anything from that particular place before. I love your style though!

  2. Those pink shoes are TO DIE FOR!

  3. I tell you what's dangerous...reading your blog! Now I want to go shopping! I'm a big fan of those two tops from JCrew. I'd say my biggest weakness when it comes to shopping is jeans. I'm getting closer and closer to being completely fine with paying $150 - $200 for a pair of jeans and for me, that's dangerous!


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